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2017-10-05 14:11:05 UTC

"hurr dur kike on a stick"

2017-10-05 14:11:09 UTC

fuck off idiot

2017-10-05 14:11:09 UTC

Yes but its for a completely different Covenant

2017-10-05 14:11:28 UTC

Swearing is verboten

2017-10-05 14:11:29 UTC

He was wasting his time then the Pharisees were morons

2017-10-05 14:11:36 UTC

he BTFOed them by doing it

2017-10-05 14:11:44 UTC

His religion is like 100 times bigger than the Pharisees' now

2017-10-05 14:11:48 UTC

@Rocktomato im sorry brother, ive been trying to limit my swearing

2017-10-05 14:11:58 UTC

One explanation for life, (the cell theory I think) comes up with explanations that just seem too impossible. I mean i don't think basic proteins can just create life so ๐Ÿค”๐Ÿค”

2017-10-05 14:11:59 UTC

i struggle with it a lot tbh

2017-10-05 14:12:02 UTC

well you aren't as condescending as I

2017-10-05 14:12:06 UTC

And yet none of them agree on how he feels about them

2017-10-05 14:12:06 UTC

so we all have our struggles

2017-10-05 14:12:31 UTC

Eh Baptists don't like Pharisaism

2017-10-05 14:12:43 UTC

In fact Christians generally don't like the Pharisees

2017-10-05 14:12:48 UTC

because there are so many verses condemning them

2017-10-05 14:13:08 UTC

Baptists r crazy

2017-10-05 14:13:15 UTC

Even if you dont believe in god theres no reason to not live a godly life, its been proven to make you happier, healthier, and a better person

2017-10-05 14:13:18 UTC


2017-10-05 14:13:22 UTC

I was suicidal

2017-10-05 14:13:52 UTC

but tbh there is good evidence for Christianity

2017-10-05 14:13:57 UTC

if you're willing to hear it

2017-10-05 14:13:58 UTC

Christian morals are pretty good to live by

2017-10-05 14:14:17 UTC

They argue on what the book itself means. Every religion has the " one true path". I believe in a god but I won't do it on the organized faiths of the worlds terms

2017-10-05 14:14:30 UTC

Christian morals without faith in God will get you nowhere in the long run but its still best for everyone around you

2017-10-05 14:14:31 UTC

Fair enough

2017-10-05 14:14:39 UTC

begum orgodoxx :DDD

2017-10-05 14:14:47 UTC

anti degen, I'll show you the evidence from prophecy some time

2017-10-05 14:14:53 UTC

you don't have to be part of an organised religion

2017-10-05 14:14:56 UTC

you can just be a Christian on your own

2017-10-05 14:15:01 UTC

you can even not go to church and still be saved

2017-10-05 14:15:06 UTC

although that would be a sin

2017-10-05 14:15:11 UTC

In my opinion, self practice and prayer is better than being part of the church

2017-10-05 14:15:12 UTC

No thanks rock. Appreciate the offer but I have heard it before

2017-10-05 14:15:22 UTC

Christian morals in a nutshell:

2017-10-05 14:15:33 UTC

is this Nietzschean stuff?

2017-10-05 14:15:38 UTC


2017-10-05 14:15:39 UTC

the "Christianity is a slave morality!" thing

2017-10-05 14:15:39 UTC


2017-10-05 14:15:41 UTC

I dont go to church because none of my denomination, and because i dont trust prots

2017-10-05 14:15:56 UTC

Lmao dis nigga actually thinks nietzche was a nihilist

2017-10-05 14:16:05 UTC

No I don't you downie

2017-10-05 14:16:25 UTC

No need for ad hominems

2017-10-05 14:16:37 UTC

There wasnt an argument so its not ad hominem

2017-10-05 14:16:40 UTC

i wish there was an orthodox church nearby for me to check out. they may be more correct than catholics

2017-10-05 14:16:49 UTC

Fair enough

2017-10-05 14:16:54 UTC

Baptists are correct

2017-10-05 14:17:11 UTC

let me see..

2017-10-05 14:17:17 UTC

i believe in God but dont go to church loL

2017-10-05 14:17:20 UTC

One thing we can all agree on: Religion and politics don't mix well

2017-10-05 14:17:23 UTC

im of the orthodox inclination myself

2017-10-05 14:17:33 UTC

nah, theocracy now

2017-10-05 14:17:33 UTC

@WrasslinMan i dont agree

2017-10-05 14:17:41 UTC

That is never the case for right wing servers

2017-10-05 14:17:49 UTC

religion should dictate politics to some extent

2017-10-05 14:17:51 UTC


2017-10-05 14:17:53 UTC

There is ALWAYS religion mixed in

2017-10-05 14:18:11 UTC

the pope isnt infallible, which is why you should

2017-10-05 14:18:13 UTC

No. Our founding fathers wanted religion removed from politics

2017-10-05 14:18:17 UTC


2017-10-05 14:18:19 UTC

there's some Catholic document that says Jews are saved too

2017-10-05 14:18:20 UTC


2017-10-05 14:18:22 UTC

the Pope's words are his personal opinion 95% of the time

2017-10-05 14:18:26 UTC

The idea is that Christian morals are a result of ressentiment, where people are jealous of those who are successful and so they invert morality so that rather than being strong and proud, being humble is virtuous

2017-10-05 14:18:43 UTC

It never should under any circumstance. Religion dictating a country gives us islamic theocracy and wacky Christian kooks hating gays

2017-10-05 14:18:44 UTC


2017-10-05 14:18:50 UTC

Some people who argue against Christianity and it's morals use old values, but don't acknowledge it's reformation.

2017-10-05 14:19:01 UTC

the "wacky Christian kooks" are right thougj

2017-10-05 14:19:07 UTC

This is New Testament stuff

2017-10-05 14:19:16 UTC

you tolerated queers, and now look at your country

2017-10-05 14:19:18 UTC

"That the Jews are participants in Godโ€™s salvation is theologically unquestionable, but how that can be possible without confessing Christ explicitly, is and remains an unfathomable divine mystery."

2017-10-05 14:19:23 UTC


2017-10-05 14:19:30 UTC

that's from a Catholic doctrinal document

2017-10-05 14:19:31 UTC

Gay people I don't care. Just keep the agenda to yourselves

2017-10-05 14:19:44 UTC

Anti Degen, do you know the rate of promiscuity and disease in the "gay community"

2017-10-05 14:19:45 UTC

it's HUGE

2017-10-05 14:19:46 UTC


2017-10-05 14:19:46 UTC

Queers aren't the problem. At least they know what gender they are and can call you a faggot because they have a good sense of humor

2017-10-05 14:19:50 UTC

religion shouldn't rly be involved in politics imo

2017-10-05 14:19:50 UTC

Jews: directly defy christ and murder him
Catholics: nah nah g its good

2017-10-05 14:19:56 UTC

your veins look the same as the rivers carved into the earth, YOU CAN NOT DENY THAT THIS UNIVERSE HAS A UNIQUE DESIGN

2017-10-05 14:20:19 UTC

that's why the LHC was made

2017-10-05 14:20:20 UTC

"From the Christian confession that there can be only one path to salvation, however, it does not in any way follow that the Jews are excluded from Godโ€™s salvation because they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the Messiah of Israel and the Son of God."

2017-10-05 14:20:25 UTC


2017-10-05 14:20:25 UTC

we live inside a simulation u dumbys

2017-10-05 14:20:25 UTC

I'm aware but I'm not gonna hate gays cause a book told me to. That's like saying I need to hate bread because it's white therefore evil

2017-10-05 14:20:25 UTC


2017-10-05 14:20:31 UTC

literally the sims irl

2017-10-05 14:20:53 UTC


2017-10-05 14:20:54 UTC

Anti Degen

2017-10-05 14:20:56 UTC

We live inside the Wii channel

2017-10-05 14:20:58 UTC

it doesn't tell you to hate homos

2017-10-05 14:21:08 UTC

I disagree with people like Pastor Anderson who actually hate homos

2017-10-05 14:21:12 UTC

but the sin is condemned yes

2017-10-05 14:21:15 UTC

you shouldnt hate them

2017-10-05 14:21:22 UTC


2017-10-05 14:21:23 UTC

pray for them and pray they turn to God

2017-10-05 14:21:27 UTC

i hate when people can go on and on about how we are in a simulation, but as soon as you suggest god its "oh uhh, no its not like that, its the uhh, advanced aliens"

2017-10-05 14:21:34 UTC

im gay<:FeelsBadMan:356316589689405440>

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