
Discord ID: 399334050478817281

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Aaaaaand now the YouTube fiasco is coming full circle. We fucking warned you.
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Tell me again how #communism isn't genocidal.
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@ThomperAnderson >when all oppression is destroyed
It's like trying to remove all racism everywhere. Completely unrealistic. You can't do that without the state anal probing everyone
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@MaloCringe @ThomperAnderson It will be genocide. When it's us vs them mentality it's easy to do the math and see that a bullet costs less than prison.
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@manhoodlessons She sperged out for like 10 straight minutes
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@KekNewsNetwork @nbc @CillizzaCNN @DonaldJTrumpJr @EricTrump That's like saying reporters don't breathe
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@mundanematt @gogreen18 That's usually b/c they haven't expressed too much about policy. Just you wait these celeb hopefuls will find their popularity drop once they start opening their mouths
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@CrippledDon @CountDankulaTV Yeah but what happens when science can replace all the Y's with X's in an adult? IS THE TRAP GAY!?!?!?!?
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@WhichDoctah @sjDubbbzTV Never heard that one

Well I get to steal your meme at least :D
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@WickedSoulYT @CommanderAMB @Ladi0fmisrule @opalsmoonchild Wait so Opal and @themadmetalman haven't gotten married yet? Or is Opal doing a whole polyandry thing xD
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When the spergery goes too far for even Hollywood...
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@CrippledDon @CountDankulaTV Tis the real questions in life
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RT @CrippledDon: @BrokeHrtLiberal @CountDankulaTV Naw the real question is how many rounds will it take.
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Thoughts on the AndyWarski Ethnostate Discussion/Debate: via @YouTube
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I added a video to a @YouTube playlist Thoughts on the AndyWarski Ethnostate Discussion/Debate
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@Moj_kobe @trueholygoat The shop job on this is kinda disturbing tbh
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@FaustianBurgle Included?

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