
Discord ID: 671832140157157376

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2020-01-29 17:13:17 UTC

When was the United States glorious?

2020-01-29 17:13:35 UTC

And how is Donald Trump striving for such ''glorious times''

2020-01-29 17:18:43 UTC

Personally, I think it was glorious really. In the late 40s to the 60s, when there were values from what I've seen. And I believe trump wants to make it equally as good as it was then, but that's my opinion. Right now, Libtards want to take ARs from the people, and trump wants to keep them. I support the NRA also. It's crazy how Libtards think guns kill people. No nigga, the PEOPLE who use them are the reason shit happens. I don't what thats gonna solve.

2020-01-29 17:18:48 UTC

Sorry for the rant

2020-01-29 17:21:20 UTC

Lol, its true

2020-01-29 17:26:43 UTC


2020-01-29 17:27:23 UTC

To be fair, he wants to make america great again.

2020-01-29 17:27:49 UTC

But also, I dont agree with war mongering

2020-01-29 17:28:22 UTC

They also need to stay out of everyone elses Business

2020-01-29 17:33:48 UTC

2020-01-29 17:43:02 UTC

2020-01-29 18:29:42 UTC

Wait is their a trumpkin here?

2020-01-29 18:29:54 UTC

FUCK did I miss it?

2020-01-29 18:31:20 UTC

@Glo#3834 Why do you live in the USA?

2020-01-29 18:33:02 UTC

@trey-4 where the fuck are your <#671832099816472640>

2020-01-29 19:24:50 UTC

2020-01-29 19:28:42 UTC

@Kolovrat I see you typing, it better be <#671832099816472640>

2020-01-29 19:28:52 UTC

1. Age: under 20
2. Sex: Male
3. Race: White Slav
3.: Religion: Deist
4. Country: Czech Rep.
5. Political Ideology: Worldview* Fascism
6. Definition of Fascism: Fascism is worldview of truth and natural order
7. Opinions of: Alt-Right, Donald Trump, The USA, Capitalism, Jews, White Nationalism: Fuck all of it
8. What books you've read to shape your views: ST and in progress of reading Next leap
9. Are you physically active:Yes
10. Have you ever had a girlfriend:Yes
11. Where you got the invite: Disboard

2020-01-29 19:29:28 UTC

> deist

2020-01-29 19:29:37 UTC

i am thinking of becoming pagan

2020-01-29 19:29:38 UTC

but first

2020-01-29 19:29:42 UTC

i need read some books

2020-01-29 19:29:50 UTC

to not be some retarded larper

2020-01-29 19:30:33 UTC

what is natural order

2020-01-29 19:31:28 UTC

Natural order is order what controls universe and everything around us

2020-01-29 19:31:57 UTC

how does that apply to fascism

2020-01-29 19:34:20 UTC

fascism is worldview of truth = it is part of natural order

2020-01-29 19:34:33 UTC

Nature is fascism

2020-01-29 19:35:15 UTC

fascism is 2+2=4

2020-01-29 19:35:40 UTC

What does that mean in practice

2020-01-29 19:37:56 UTC

It means that equality doesnt exist

2020-01-29 19:38:13 UTC

and that there is only one truth

2020-01-29 19:38:35 UTC

what is truth

2020-01-29 19:38:35 UTC

Everything what goes against natural order falls

2020-01-29 19:38:49 UTC

truth is thing what you can prove by science

2020-01-29 19:38:54 UTC

or by observing nature

2020-01-29 19:39:02 UTC

it is ethernal

2020-01-29 19:39:30 UTC

So nature is always correct then

2020-01-29 19:39:35 UTC


2020-01-29 19:39:56 UTC

So homosexuality is correct then

2020-01-29 19:40:04 UTC


2020-01-29 19:40:22 UTC

Homosexuality is mental disorder

2020-01-29 19:40:38 UTC

you will find in nature but it is rare

2020-01-29 19:40:57 UTC

if homosexuality would be correct every 2. person or animal would be gay

2020-01-29 19:41:23 UTC

But it is natural then if you find it in nature?

2020-01-29 19:46:50 UTC

No it isnt

2020-01-29 19:49:53 UTC

How can homosexuality not be natural if we can find it in nature?

2020-01-29 19:52:40 UTC

becuase its genetic disorder

2020-01-29 19:53:31 UTC

nature is 100% correct if it is in most of cases

2020-01-29 19:53:40 UTC

homosexuality is rare

2020-01-29 19:55:18 UTC

How is a generic disorder not natural?

2020-01-29 19:55:18 UTC

Ay kolovrat

2020-01-29 19:56:38 UTC

because if everything would have genetic disorder or like mutation then everything would fall apart

2020-01-29 19:57:14 UTC

natural things doesnt give you any consquences

2020-01-29 19:57:27 UTC


2020-01-29 19:57:50 UTC


2020-01-29 19:58:08 UTC

Nature is 100% correct

2020-01-29 19:58:12 UTC

So, gays are ok

2020-01-29 19:58:15 UTC

Cuz they're born naturally

2020-01-29 19:59:55 UTC

Are deathcap mushrooms not natural because eating them will have a pretty shitty consequences

2020-01-29 20:00:50 UTC

Its clear you've read ST because you can copy paste answers but I'm questioning if you understand it

2020-01-29 20:01:14 UTC

by consequenes i was meaning destruction of nature

2020-01-29 20:02:30 UTC

If all animals would become gay then all of animals would die because they werent reproducing

2020-01-29 20:02:57 UTC

But does that mean its unnatural?

2020-01-29 20:03:19 UTC

Let me give you a fucking hint.bc this is like pulling teeth

2020-01-29 20:03:33 UTC

Its natural

2020-01-29 20:03:54 UTC

But if it's natural, what can you conclude about nature?

2020-01-29 20:04:14 UTC

Male dogs fuck male dogs to show dominance in a place

2020-01-29 20:04:14 UTC


2020-01-29 20:17:40 UTC

2020-01-29 22:50:24 UTC

Why do I need to say if I had a girlfriend or not on the vetting?

2020-01-29 23:03:53 UTC

To figure out if you're a fag or not

2020-01-29 23:05:15 UTC


2020-01-29 23:05:32 UTC

most of them lie

2020-01-29 23:38:17 UTC

2020-01-29 23:51:37 UTC

@ghostprototype Hey asshole type something

2020-01-30 00:07:04 UTC

2020-01-30 00:07:40 UTC

@ghostprototype Hey you have until 3 hours from now to say fucking anything

2020-01-30 00:07:47 UTC

Nah 2 hours

2020-01-30 00:17:13 UTC


2020-01-30 00:24:02 UTC

I'll answer later after reading the book in "start here" since I dont have a really clear idea of what facism is. I know more about natsoc tho

2020-01-30 00:38:29 UTC

Fair enough

2020-01-30 00:38:32 UTC

That's a reasonable approach

2020-01-30 00:38:40 UTC

Just try to be done summarily if you can

2020-01-30 00:58:18 UTC

evening niggas, sorry I had to sleep, work, and charge my phone

2020-01-30 01:12:06 UTC

2020-01-30 01:12:26 UTC

2020-01-30 02:07:04 UTC


2020-01-30 02:09:55 UTC

@Levantine warrior Hey asshole

2020-01-30 02:09:58 UTC

Do the <#671832099816472640>

2020-01-30 02:10:05 UTC

I did

2020-01-30 02:10:16 UTC

@Levantine warrior
1. 21
2. Male
3. Caucasian
3.: Islam
4. Lebanese
5. National socialist
6. Preserving your nation from the corrupt filthy Jews
7. Alt right is the best political way to go in the west as it is identical to fascism, Donald Trump is a sell out to USA due to his collaboration with the kikes just like Obama, The USA used to be a beautiful place to live until it became a haven of immigrants and Jews controlling it, Capitalism is one of the worst things to do to a nation as poverty is very likely to occur, Jews are the plague of humanity and any sane person would know they are the enemy after knowing of their previous persecutions and why they happened, White Nationalism is right in every sense because like each race has a right to be patriotic and happy about itself the white race should also be allowed the same
8. Mein Kampf
9. I work out at times during the week. 10. Never had a girlfriend
11. I got the invite from a link on telegram

2020-01-30 02:10:16 UTC

Scroll up

2020-01-30 02:10:19 UTC


2020-01-30 02:10:28 UTC


2020-01-30 02:10:32 UTC

Why are you Muslim

2020-01-30 02:10:41 UTC

You realize Allah = Yhwh = Satan right

2020-01-30 02:10:44 UTC

Because I believe itโ€™s the right religion

2020-01-30 02:10:49 UTC

You literally worship a personification of the material world

2020-01-30 02:10:54 UTC

And reveal the antithesis of a learned master

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