
Discord ID: 612546470033489920

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2019-08-21 06:02:00 UTC

- All military positions

The LCUโ€™s position on all military positions is to end the American war state, and to turn our military into a stronger, more consolidated, protectorate force to cut cost, and grow in strength.
We no longer need to police the world, we need to handle our own business, and take care of us and those willing to accept the generosity of others.
We need to make sure, that we lead by example, and not by force, violence, and terror; and ending the war state were in, bringing the troops home, and making our military a protectorate force, will be an example that people will see around the world.

2019-08-21 06:12:27 UTC

- On Climate Change

The LCUโ€™s position on climate change is to advocate for an ethical based law, where the individual can sue the polluter/ polluters, for damage to health and/or property.
Taking the power away from these businesses who pollute to lobby and continue their actions, and giving it to the people to protect themselves.
This will break businesses who continue this practice.
- The LCU also advocates a push for alternatives along with a push for natural gas and carbon capture technology.
We can then export more natural gas along with using more ourselves, this will start to make a change worldwide, instead of the opposing ideas, that only effect the US and very little of the actual problem.

2019-08-21 07:20:49 UTC

- The Border and Immigration

1. When it comes to the border, we at minimal, need to do four things:

- Increase the amount of allowed immigrants per year
- Increase the amount of safe passage ways.
- Make citizenship easier to obtain.
- Have a probationary term to prove adherence to the platform.

2. When it comes to the border, we do need to protect our borders from those who wish to use the people of this country, at the same time, we are doing it all wrong, the LCU advocates an at minimal, more open border, no victim in freedom of movement and association, but our system is for those who support it and therefore have joined into it.

2019-08-21 07:35:22 UTC

- Womenโ€™s Rights and Health

On both accounts, the LCU takes an egalitarian approach; at the same time we believe in true equality of opportunity, we donโ€™t believe in forcing equal outcome.
We believe that a person, like a king owns their kingdom, a persons body is their kingdom, and therefore, the own their own body, and can make what decisions they wish with their body, as long as it does not make or cause a victim of your actions.
Also, within the transition plan the LCU platform is pushing, automation would be brought into the medical field, government sanctioned monopolies will have their protection under law removed, and more, all of which creates jobs and decreases the cost of medical procedures, visits, medicine, and more, across the board, allowing for greater access to medical attention to all, and especially women, who sometimes have extremely high cost for certain procedures due to their biology .

2019-08-21 07:58:52 UTC

- Criminal Justice and Prison Systems

1. Victimless Crimes should no longer exist, reasons follow:

- It is illogical to believe that from a single action, an individual can be the criminal and the victim at the same time.
- Victimless Crimes only affect others in a emotional way, not a coercive or violent way.
- Bodily autonomy, self ownership, and other concepts of the right to do with your body as you will.

2. The police force would undergo drastic changes:

- The police would then become a protectorate force, same as the military.
- Police would not receive special treatment under the law any more, effectively ending police violence, and making it a thing of the past.

3. The prison system would undergo changes too:

- Since victimless crimes are no longer crimes, the size and amount of the prisons and jails would decrease by magnitudes, dropping the cost of it to a fraction and ending the prison complex, and leaving the #1 spot in number of incarcerated citizens.
- The remaining ones would be come actually rehabilitation centers, instead of the system we have now, one that actual helps people inside, and on the way back into society.

2019-08-21 18:55:05 UTC

- Equal Rights and Racism

1. The LCU takes an Ethical position when it comes to rights; the LCU uses <#612544114965348404> as a basis for law, rights, and liberties.
The point is to say that rights are things that you innately have, for example, when you are born, you can express yourself verbally, as you mature and gain better vocal control over it, it becomes speech, speech is something that has to be hindered, policed, but not given. This is why they are rights, because they can only be taken, not bestowed.

2. When it comes to racism, I denounce it, I denounce all forms of prejudice, bigotry, hate, pointless violence, etc.
Which is why I stand for freedom of speech, press, and association. People need to have the right to speak, write, and assemble against these forms of bigotry and prejudice, at the same time, this gives them the same freedom, but with that prejudice; I say let them have the right to express who they are, for all to see, how else are we to see their true colors without being able to see their actions, if we force them to only express themselves in secret, they will get away with what we are wanting to prevent with these laws.
In short, let the prejudice and bigoted of the world speak their mind, and out themselves, then make good use of the right of freedom of association, to not associate with them.

2019-08-22 02:29:28 UTC

- Housing

1. The way housing is handled by the government is borderline cruel and unusual, we have price floors ( Regulations that limit the minimal price of a good or service) on housing and rental properties, that artificially control the price ranges housing is within.
We need to do away with those, and any similar price control on not just housing and rental, but across the board, we need to stop allowing the rich and greedy to manipulate the market in their favor while the people suffer as a result.

2. We need to make increasing the total housing available a priority within the transition plan of the LCU, there are 3-5 homes per homeless individual in America, with those kind of numbers, surely, we can come together as a nation, make the hard decisions, and make this a problem of the past.

3. People need more control over their own homes, today, people can get in legal and financial trouble, trying to fix a problem a professional would charge more than they can afford.
This, amongst other things, is one of the many changes that need to be done, to empower the people to be able to do more for themselves, so that we can do more as a whole.

2019-08-22 02:47:54 UTC

- Education System

1. We havenโ€™t really changed our classrooms in over 150 years, and itโ€™s about time we do it, we need an education system that matches the ever changing and adapting market and technology that we have.
The LCUโ€™s plan is to set up a self driven education system that would cost around $200,000 to set up, and $20,000-$40,000 to maintain, repair, and update per year.
This is compared to the public school system as it is now costing over $1 Trillion to maintain.
That amount of money saved is what the LCU is about, more effective programs through better decisions, and more effective spending.
This type of education system would provide free access to education from pre-k to college level, it would provide it to any citizen who has internet access, and it would do all of this, for cheaper than ever before.

2. A private competition model to compete with the above listed idea, would be an video archive with subscription access, upon subscription, one would have access to the educators community and direct access through text, audio, and video chats.
This would keep the personal connection between student and educators, but in a way that would pay teachers more than ever before, for less cost per student than ever before.
Example, if you wanted five courses, $5/month, that $60/year, but think about how much per month teachers now make with a few hundred students.
This is the direction of education the LCU platform will bring to America and beyond through example, not force.

2019-08-22 02:58:04 UTC

- Subsidies and Bailouts

1. Subsidies have been and are used to harm other countries economies (specialty markets more specifically), squeeze out competition, and other ways of levying the market one way or the other.
We need to take this power away, without that power, the corrupt and greedy can no longer lobby for it.

2. Bailouts are worse, Subsidies help deal with competition and hard times for businesses, but bailouts are given to businesses that government decides ( by who lobbies with the most money) who gets the Bailouts.
The threat of failure is how businesses benefit the worker and the consumer, but as long as the government has the law abilities, the government will continued to levy the market in the lobbyists direction, which is not in favor of the worker and the consumer.

2019-08-22 05:27:52 UTC

- The Debt

1. The debt is already ridiculously high, and growing faster and faster, we have to make quick and effective actions to turn this around and fix it; we are not going to do this by cutting pennies per dollar, we will only get there by making large cuts across the board.

2. One thing we need to do is decrease inflation by getting rid of a lot of physical dollars to decrease the amount of dollars in the formula, and make sure to gain actual relevant value back again.

3. Apart of the yearly budget should be going towards paying the debt off, we have to stop treating the country like itโ€™s not a group of individuals, and we need to start making adult decisions on spending and budgeting.

2019-08-22 08:41:50 UTC

- Infrastructure

1. We used to lead the world in infrastructure, and now we have fallen far behind.
Under the LCUโ€™s transition plan, the infrastructure of America would be repaired, updated, and expanded, and from our airports, to our waterways.

2. The plan would be a slight alteration of the national core of engineers plan.
5-7 years, to do it, and it would be about .75 trillion/ year of the budget.

3. By doing this, as over half of the last 10 presidents have promised to do, we will finally get back on our feet, faster than ever before, places like flint Michigan will have clean water, etc.

2019-08-22 08:48:27 UTC

- Automation

1. Part of the transition plan is to reboot the great lakes area industry, and make it into the driving force of automation, creating thousands of jobs, and jobs that will last.

2. Bringing automation into the medical field will cut down on medical cost across the board, benefiting the consumer, who canโ€™t always afford it.

3. Bringing automation into delivery will cut down on the cost to ship anything, which will end up dropping the cost of all goods within food and retail markets, along with electronic products, vehicles, etc.

4. Jobs will go away, but they will be replaced with better paying jobs, and ones that are only going to grow in value and demand, all due to automation.

5. Automation also isnโ€™t an if, itโ€™s a how long, and not period, automations all around us, itโ€™s only a matter of time before automation is a daily experience, and a cultural norm.

2019-08-22 08:56:42 UTC

-The Homeless, and the restriction placed on them.

1. As the homeless problem grows, some issues get worse, and affect more the bigger it grows.
Example- If you are homeless, and donโ€™t have a shelter because they are all at max capacity, then you canโ€™t get a job to get out of the situation youโ€™re in.

2. In some places in the USA, yes, even today, it is illegal to be homeless, and in some places, illegal to give them food.
They are treated as if they are animals and the problem, acting as if the current government isnโ€™t the problem that created an atmosphere of divisive, class based ostracizing.

3. The LCUโ€™s welfare system would give them the solid ground they need to stand on, to rise up off of these systems and rise into prosperity.

4. The LCU would get rid of all restrictions against the homeless, especially ones that prevent advancement of any kind, especially it being illegal to not have a home.

2019-08-22 09:08:12 UTC


1. The LCUโ€™s position on the LGBTQ+ society, is that people have the right to pursue happiness, in any form it exists, as long as it does not mess with the rights, equality, and liberties of others.

2. I, stand with the LGBTQ+ society, and with the equality they deserve, and say that we all need to denounce bad behavior, no matter what side of the debate they reside on.

2019-08-22 09:14:05 UTC

- Trade

1. Trade wars and the tools of them are a vile thing when you get to it, the idea is to use trade to hurt a foreign country, problem is you hurt the people to do so, the workers and the consumers.
If we are to do something about a tyrannical government, we must not harm the people, the people are already suffering under the rule of a tyrannical government.

2. The LCUโ€™s position on trade, is full unhindered free trade, nationally and internationally.

2019-08-22 09:21:13 UTC

- Prostitution and Gambling

1. The LCUโ€™s position on Prostitution comes down to its a victimless crime, and where there is no victim, there is no crime, also itโ€™s bodily autonomy, a person should have the right to sell sexual favors because of self ownership.

2. The LCUโ€™s position on gambling is simple also, itโ€™s a victimless crime, and people should have the right to do with their money as they will.

2019-08-22 09:24:29 UTC

-Inebriating Substances

1. As long as their is no victim outside of emotions, there is no crime.

2. All people in jail or prison for the transport, ownership, sales, growing, or ingesting of a mind altering substance, would be free to go.

2019-08-22 09:40:29 UTC

- Vaccination Requirements

1. The LCUโ€™s position on vaccinations is that you shouldnโ€™t be forced to get them, but people and businesses should have the right to not associate with unvaccinated individuals.

2. As much as I believe vaccines are important, I donโ€™t wish to advocate a society where we force people to do things against their will, Iโ€™m just not for that kind of society or individual.

2019-08-23 07:13:33 UTC

- Military Budget

1. The budget can go down, we need to make sure we have justification for the necessity of each base, and deployment, every r&d project, and every purchase, or itโ€™s canceled.

2. The military could have ways of making money, for example- The military when off duty could reach seminars on self defense.

- Foreign Affaires

1. The LCUโ€™s position on foreign affairs is pretty simple, if its not trade, education, or a world project, we should mind our own business.

- Alliances

1. The LCUโ€™s position on alliances is that of Washingtonโ€™s, โ€œ Alliances are a thing of necessityโ€.

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