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2019-07-12 08:27:12 UTC

but i bet you can bump it up 10 points EZ

2019-07-12 08:27:21 UTC

but if you genetically don't have the 160 iQ you can't get there from 100

2019-07-12 08:27:21 UTC

so IQ isn't completely natural then, is it

2019-07-12 08:27:30 UTC

If you can bump it up or down

2019-07-12 08:27:35 UTC

I never said it was completely natural, maybe 60-80%

2019-07-12 08:27:46 UTC

no, but if u can train the brain to do certain tasks better

2019-07-12 08:27:51 UTC

and you can bump it up 10 points

2019-07-12 08:27:53 UTC

it's not natural

2019-07-12 08:27:56 UTC

yeh the studies i read estimate it at around 60

2019-07-12 08:27:59 UTC

I never said it was 100% natural

2019-07-12 08:28:04 UTC

it's 60-80% natural

2019-07-12 08:28:10 UTC

no but you seem to be denying that schooling has no effect on IQ

2019-07-12 08:28:12 UTC

whats 10 points between friends tho

2019-07-12 08:28:19 UTC

hello jon

2019-07-12 08:28:19 UTC

@svarozhyc 10 inches ๐Ÿ˜ฉ

2019-07-12 08:28:25 UTC

Hey it's the incel

2019-07-12 08:28:32 UTC

but even if you took a genetically dumb person and coached them like royalty you would never be able to turn them into a 160

2019-07-12 08:28:35 UTC

i mean aint that how flynn effect works?

2019-07-12 08:28:39 UTC


2019-07-12 08:28:44 UTC

Global IQ has been rising

2019-07-12 08:28:44 UTC

@Polekov love you too bbยจ

2019-07-12 08:28:50 UTC

we get better at the tasks the tests employ

2019-07-12 08:28:50 UTC


2019-07-12 08:28:58 UTC

Everyone's IQ everywhere has been rising

2019-07-12 08:29:05 UTC

so the results got to be adjusted to keep 100 as average

2019-07-12 08:29:05 UTC

based on tests

2019-07-12 08:29:08 UTC


2019-07-12 08:29:10 UTC

yep because malnutrition is a thing and gimps your IQ

2019-07-12 08:29:19 UTC

Yeah but it's also been rising in Developed nations

2019-07-12 08:29:24 UTC

like America and Europe

2019-07-12 08:29:30 UTC

And Americans dont suffer from malnutrition

2019-07-12 08:29:32 UTC

also especially for spatial reasoning, the more you see 3d shapes and manipulate them etc you do get better at it

2019-07-12 08:29:37 UTC

Maybe homeless people

2019-07-12 08:29:40 UTC

as you say, brains develop new pathways etc

2019-07-12 08:29:43 UTC

But even most homeless people can still afford some food

2019-07-12 08:29:49 UTC

but only 20-40%

2019-07-12 08:29:49 UTC

2019-07-12 08:29:50 UTC

and most homeless people become homeless as adults

2019-07-12 08:29:53 UTC

2019-07-12 08:30:04 UTC

you cuold give me 1 million years and I would never be as smart as elon musk

2019-07-12 08:30:09 UTC

his brain is better than mine

2019-07-12 08:30:14 UTC

ye and?

2019-07-12 08:30:14 UTC

Everyone's IQ everywhere has been rising

2019-07-12 08:30:41 UTC

star wreck

2019-07-12 08:30:49 UTC

I want a star trek future

2019-07-12 08:30:50 UTC


2019-07-12 08:30:53 UTC

Graph is BS
IQ has been steadily rising over time, almost universally.

2019-07-12 08:31:01 UTC

@robert from kinoplex it's almost like People have babies faster than nations develop

2019-07-12 08:31:03 UTC


2019-07-12 08:31:07 UTC

Star Trek is a dystopian nightmare.

2019-07-12 08:31:08 UTC

liberalism without identitarianism or cultural marxism

2019-07-12 08:31:17 UTC

@robert from kinoplex Do we have a fellow man of culture?

2019-07-12 08:31:25 UTC

The problem is a lot of low IQ people are being born in third world countries that have no real way of educating them.

2019-07-12 08:31:28 UTC


2019-07-12 08:31:31 UTC

2019-07-12 08:31:34 UTC

Also, IQ isnโ€™t definite.

2019-07-12 08:31:38 UTC

>you are here

2019-07-12 08:31:45 UTC

birth rates are a problem

2019-07-12 08:32:00 UTC

If africans have low IQ, even if it's completely artificial

2019-07-12 08:32:04 UTC

like for economic reasons

2019-07-12 08:32:10 UTC

if they have like 7 babies per mom

2019-07-12 08:32:13 UTC

From my own understanding, IQ doesnโ€™t measure all forms of intelligence equally.

2019-07-12 08:32:15 UTC

yeah, the average IQ is gonna go down

2019-07-12 08:32:27 UTC

cuz it's a lot quicker to have 100,000 new people than to educate those 100,000 people

2019-07-12 08:32:27 UTC


2019-07-12 08:32:34 UTC


2019-07-12 08:32:37 UTC

Having babies is free

2019-07-12 08:32:41 UTC

nobody knows what it measures but whatever it is, it helps being successful in the west at least

2019-07-12 08:32:42 UTC

educating kids is expensive as fuck

2019-07-12 08:32:42 UTC

Thatโ€™s always been my point.

2019-07-12 08:32:48 UTC

people gonna fuck

2019-07-12 08:32:48 UTC

yeah, i've been agreeing with you

2019-07-12 08:32:49 UTC

ok so basically

2019-07-12 08:32:49 UTC

People arenโ€™t getting dumber.

2019-07-12 08:32:50 UTC

theyre monkey

2019-07-12 08:32:55 UTC

but we have retards who are legitimately racist

2019-07-12 08:33:00 UTC

like vindi and june

2019-07-12 08:33:05 UTC

The problem is more uneducated people are being born.

2019-07-12 08:33:07 UTC

like actually racist, not meming

2019-07-12 08:33:12 UTC

I'm not racist

2019-07-12 08:33:21 UTC

kek boots

2019-07-12 08:33:22 UTC

@Polekov racism is good

2019-07-12 08:33:26 UTC

to keep the pests away

2019-07-12 08:33:32 UTC

they can stya

2019-07-12 08:33:33 UTC


2019-07-12 08:33:37 UTC

in their shithole

2019-07-12 08:33:43 UTC

gee if only we could control people's education levels to any degree

2019-07-12 08:33:50 UTC

oh wait we can

2019-07-12 08:33:50 UTC

we are not supposed to interfere with less advanced civilizations

2019-07-12 08:33:56 UTC

2019-07-12 08:33:59 UTC

"i'm not racist"

2019-07-12 08:34:04 UTC

"i just discriminate against brown people"

2019-07-12 08:34:08 UTC

nothing to do with their skin color

2019-07-12 08:34:10 UTC


2019-07-12 08:34:13 UTC

2019-07-12 08:34:18 UTC

@Polekov i dont see the bad part

2019-07-12 08:34:20 UTC

then why'd you mention black and brown bodies

2019-07-12 08:34:22 UTC

you wanker

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