
Discord ID: 598761542200197120

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2019-07-11 12:47:17 UTC

homos fuck and dont say **no homo**

2019-07-11 12:47:33 UTC

I’ve always said no homo after being with a girl an I straight then?

2019-07-11 12:47:35 UTC

I will remove your skull

2019-07-11 12:47:42 UTC


2019-07-11 12:47:51 UTC


2019-07-11 12:47:55 UTC

the boney head

2019-07-11 12:47:56 UTC

lune how big is your cock

2019-07-11 12:48:00 UTC

asking for a frend

2019-07-11 12:48:01 UTC

I will remove

2019-07-11 12:48:16 UTC

it’s -8.5 inches @2K

2019-07-11 12:48:16 UTC

what is that test.. gimme link I wanna see these questions 😛

2019-07-11 12:48:24 UTC

thas deep

2019-07-11 12:48:24 UTC

STFu nigger

2019-07-11 12:48:40 UTC

You mean centimeters.

2019-07-11 12:48:45 UTC

look 5 or above is too criminal for me

2019-07-11 12:49:07 UTC

I said negative @retxirT

2019-07-11 12:49:16 UTC

wait how big is 5" in real units?

2019-07-11 12:49:33 UTC

12 NIGGERwatts

2019-07-11 12:49:33 UTC

goyz n europe is particularly good

2019-07-11 12:49:34 UTC

6” is 15cm

2019-07-11 12:49:46 UTC

so the 5 is 13?

2019-07-11 12:49:49 UTC

or 12

2019-07-11 12:50:00 UTC

no 13 is 50

2019-07-11 12:50:06 UTC

And this is contrary to what I said how, @lunemarie?

2019-07-11 12:50:09 UTC

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

2019-07-11 12:50:12 UTC

that's not how it works

2019-07-11 12:50:13 UTC

"Real units"

2019-07-11 12:50:15 UTC


2019-07-11 12:50:16 UTC

you retard

2019-07-11 12:50:26 UTC

It's called the "Imperial" system for a reason

2019-07-11 12:50:30 UTC

We own all ur shit

2019-07-11 12:50:31 UTC

tfw discord and my internet suddenly crashed

2019-07-11 12:50:35 UTC

1 inch is 2.54 cm

2019-07-11 12:50:36 UTC

Ours is the "real" system

2019-07-11 12:50:43 UTC

because it's for imperially retarded niggers

2019-07-11 12:51:10 UTC

Have u guys tried dmt

2019-07-11 12:51:10 UTC

yo americans use SI units if you're smart

2019-07-11 12:51:14 UTC

aka scientists

2019-07-11 12:51:18 UTC

the real brained niggas

2019-07-11 12:51:23 UTC

@Polekov no but I might

2019-07-11 12:51:27 UTC

i gave dmt to monkey yesterday

2019-07-11 12:51:32 UTC

What kind of shitty browsers/OSs do you have that it crushes from *this?*

2019-07-11 12:51:36 UTC

@lunemarie u should

2019-07-11 12:51:39 UTC

only low IQ normie americans, (lower IQ than most other people) us "imperial"

2019-07-11 12:51:41 UTC

it's not real

2019-07-11 12:51:44 UTC

i would 😢

2019-07-11 12:51:47 UTC

because only retards use it

2019-07-11 12:51:52 UTC

SI units

2019-07-11 12:51:53 UTC

2019-07-11 12:51:56 UTC

are the real units

2019-07-11 12:51:57 UTC

2019-07-11 12:52:02 UTC

We own all ur shit

2019-07-11 12:52:05 UTC

how is it @Polekov

2019-07-11 12:52:07 UTC

@lunemarie i cant guarantee that it will be a good time but i can guarantee that it will be an experience u never forget

2019-07-11 12:52:08 UTC

We are the *Imperials*

2019-07-11 12:52:15 UTC

Our system therefore dominates

2019-07-11 12:52:16 UTC

where’s my daddy gone

2019-07-11 12:52:18 UTC

@lunemarie i had it 3 times

2019-07-11 12:52:24 UTC

1st time was awesome

2019-07-11 12:52:27 UTC

smoked or ayahuasca'd?

2019-07-11 12:52:31 UTC

@Coolitic then why do your scientists use SI units?

2019-07-11 12:52:37 UTC


2019-07-11 12:52:38 UTC
2019-07-11 12:52:38 UTC

any of you guys for vc?

2019-07-11 12:52:40 UTC

2nd time I literally saw my own death and my own personal hell

2019-07-11 12:52:40 UTC

Daddy Gone sounds like a name of pedo villain.

2019-07-11 12:52:44 UTC

instead of imperial?

2019-07-11 12:52:47 UTC


2019-07-11 12:52:56 UTC

3rd time i was crying for 6 hours

2019-07-11 12:53:02 UTC


2019-07-11 12:53:07 UTC

@Coolitic suck my left tit

2019-07-11 12:53:09 UTC

that doesn't sound too different from salvia @Polekov

2019-07-11 12:53:14 UTC

No1 cares

2019-07-11 12:53:16 UTC

you are just ashamed of your low IQ and are over compensating

2019-07-11 12:53:21 UTC

except that crying but i take it as your personal retardation

2019-07-11 12:53:27 UTC

And it's "such mai lfet nawt u tahool"

2019-07-11 12:53:30 UTC

@svarozhyc yes but salvia lasts 15 minutes

2019-07-11 12:53:30 UTC

Not "tit"

2019-07-11 12:53:36 UTC


2019-07-11 12:53:39 UTC

I wanna try salvia tbh

2019-07-11 12:53:49 UTC

Oh when i say i did dmt

2019-07-11 12:53:53 UTC

It's technically true

2019-07-11 12:53:54 UTC

vc faggotd

2019-07-11 12:53:55 UTC

@Coolitic suck my left tit while I get fucked by another guy

2019-07-11 12:53:57 UTC


2019-07-11 12:53:57 UTC

But i should clarify

2019-07-11 12:53:59 UTC

ayahuasca then?

2019-07-11 12:54:04 UTC

I did ayahuasca

2019-07-11 12:54:06 UTC

@Dark Magician VC is for cucks

2019-07-11 12:54:12 UTC

Which has dmt in it

2019-07-11 12:54:12 UTC

I'll drop a chain axe on ur face

2019-07-11 12:54:16 UTC

How bou da?

2019-07-11 12:54:16 UTC

roger that @Polekov

2019-07-11 12:54:18 UTC

I didnt do pure dmt

2019-07-11 12:54:24 UTC

Drugs - just say "sometimes".

2019-07-11 12:54:24 UTC

no its just so you can hear me fuck your wife

2019-07-11 12:54:28 UTC

@Coolitic I’ll remove your penis

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