
Discord ID: 598763932194177024

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2019-07-15 14:41:14 UTC

It's not locked actually

2019-07-15 14:41:22 UTC

You can buy every ship in-game eventually

2019-07-15 14:41:44 UTC

But the rest seems more understandable

2019-07-15 22:39:22 UTC

>star marine

2019-07-15 22:39:33 UTC

Games Workshop sweating profusely, aren't they?

2019-07-15 23:14:11 UTC


2019-07-15 23:14:31 UTC

If they didnt sue the ass out of StarCraft, which was a total copy-paste

2019-07-15 23:14:41 UTC

They certainly aint gonna do it for Star Citizen

2019-07-15 23:27:45 UTC

StarCraft ain't even remotely a copypasta

2019-07-15 23:29:15 UTC

The zerg and 'nid similarities came because each informed the other's design
And Terran Marines are mostly convicts, not genetically engineered supersoldiers.

2019-07-15 23:32:09 UTC

Protoss/Eldar have a ton of similarities, will say, but are also drastically different as well

2019-07-15 23:32:45 UTC

For one the Protoss aren't space elves that fucked a chaos god into existence, forcing them to all become pseudo-liches.

2019-07-15 23:33:06 UTC

I mean star citizen looks freaking awesome but they need to move along my brother got into it way back but there's nothing much to do they added planets with a bunch of bugs it'll be great in time just not to buy right now even though I want some of the ships just not yeah that price!

2019-07-15 23:36:26 UTC


2019-07-15 23:36:29 UTC

total copy-paste

2019-07-15 23:36:36 UTC

any1 who was there at the time knew it

2019-07-15 23:36:55 UTC

protoss are the only ones with slight originality

2019-07-15 23:37:13 UTC

Warcraft was also a copy-paste

2019-07-15 23:43:48 UTC

So many drastic differences though. Like, I can definitely accept that there was a lot of inspiration from one to the other, but they seriously weren't even close to the same

2019-07-15 23:44:09 UTC

And this is just with lore from 1 and Brood War, not even touching the new stuff

2019-07-15 23:46:33 UTC

You might be able to argue that Starcraft progresses similar to how 40K might have if the Warp and Big E both didn't exist at all, but that's about it.

2019-07-16 00:05:34 UTC


2019-07-16 00:05:37 UTC

you know

2019-07-16 00:05:38 UTC

space marines

2019-07-16 00:05:39 UTC

didnt exist

2019-07-16 00:05:43 UTC

till GW made em

2019-07-16 00:06:00 UTC

and the design for the space marines is incredibly similar

2019-07-16 00:06:09 UTC

the zerg are basically copy-paste

2019-07-16 00:06:22 UTC

and protoss are the only one that can reasonably said to just be inspired and not copied

2019-07-16 00:07:27 UTC

I dont consider StarCraft 2 because that does take a somewhat new direction

2019-07-16 00:07:33 UTC

we're talking about the origins anyways

2019-07-16 00:07:51 UTC

also because HotS and LotV kind of butcher the lore

2019-07-16 00:09:22 UTC

Zerg are not copies of tyranids.
Protoss are not copies of eldar.

There are aesthetic similarities, sure.
And similarities in abilities, Zerg/tyranid hive mind, Protoss/Eldar psychic abilities. Sure.

But thatโ€™s about it. โ€œInspired byโ€ sure. โ€œCopies ofโ€. Not at all.

And โ€œGW Marines are SC marinesโ€ no. Other than the name and a general appraisal of โ€œOh sure, theyโ€™re both buff guys in armorโ€. No. Theyโ€™re completely different. In origin, ideology, ability. Hell, even in a simple cost/power comparison, they are *complete opposites*.

2019-07-16 00:10:40 UTC

Just about any person can don a suit of Terran power armor. Space Marines need so much more, implants and biological changes, to use their suits.

2019-07-16 00:11:18 UTC

@Goodwood of Dankโ„ข Exactly.

Itโ€™s obvious that the blizzard guys responsible for SC lore played some 40k, thereโ€™s inspiration there, but to imply that they simply copy pasted one universe to another and changed the names is absolutely wrong.

2019-07-16 00:11:25 UTC

they are both aesthetically and mechanically copies of tyranids

2019-07-16 00:11:29 UTC

If you're going to make comparisons between the two, you may as well compare them to the progenator of them both: the Marauder suit from Starship Troopers.

2019-07-16 00:11:39 UTC

are you fucking stupid?

2019-07-16 00:12:18 UTC


2019-07-16 00:12:24 UTC

the Marauder suit doesnt look like it at all

2019-07-16 00:12:58 UTC

@Scale_e because they're more like regular IG in StarCraft

2019-07-16 00:13:06 UTC

but with Space Marine power armor

2019-07-16 00:15:16 UTC

and considering that Warcraft was provably a copy-paste of Warhammer:

2019-07-16 00:16:00 UTC

had it not been for the fact that Blizzard had pulled this shit before, I might've been more forgiving, but it is in fact the case so I'm not

2019-07-16 00:18:36 UTC

and bear in mind that this is the level that Blizzard themselves are willing to admit to

2019-07-16 00:20:41 UTC

โ€œAt one time we wanted to make a warhammer gameโ€

Thatโ€™s it.

Thatโ€™s your, And this articles, โ€œproofโ€ that itโ€™s a copy.

Weaksauce dude.

They wanted to make a warhammer game. They couldnโ€™t. So they made a *different* fantasy game. That draws on the same Tolkienesque source material as every other fantasy setting.

2019-07-16 00:21:57 UTC

GW doesnโ€™t own the rights to โ€œMen in armor and green orcsโ€ or โ€œElves that shoot arrows and evil undeadโ€.
Shits been everywhere for ages.

2019-07-16 00:22:22 UTC

2019-07-16 00:22:27 UTC

2019-07-16 00:22:28 UTC

experimenting with roof designs

2019-07-16 00:22:40 UTC

looks cool

2019-07-16 00:25:44 UTC

I made a church in MC

2019-07-16 00:25:59 UTC

It was in survival so I don't have any good pics

2019-07-16 00:26:24 UTC

I could post them if you want

2019-07-16 01:16:33 UTC

2019-07-16 01:16:43 UTC

2019-07-16 01:17:26 UTC

tried making identical houses, second image has the top floor extended out, which is better?

2019-07-16 01:29:29 UTC

the extended

2019-07-16 01:36:04 UTC

yo how come none of the villagers have jobs?

2019-07-16 02:51:50 UTC

@Muten dont have a work station for them

2019-07-16 02:54:20 UTC

I do

2019-07-16 02:54:24 UTC

they don't fuking work

2019-07-16 02:54:34 UTC

I have a cartographor

2019-07-16 03:08:47 UTC

2019-07-16 03:10:33 UTC

That's not the stronghold

2019-07-16 03:10:36 UTC

that's my house

2019-07-16 03:10:42 UTC

which is linked to the stronghold

2019-07-16 03:10:57 UTC

@Gespa are you using optifine with that?

2019-07-16 03:11:20 UTC

or are you just using the latest forge with some map mods?

2019-07-16 03:11:30 UTC

(btw, is it xaero's or voxel?)

2019-07-16 03:11:47 UTC

it says "Voxelmap" at the top

2019-07-16 03:12:47 UTC

2019-07-16 03:13:28 UTC

I put Bounty on Bobby for 10 Diamonds anyone who can give me Bobby Coords

2019-07-16 03:13:47 UTC

Afaik both Al and Cherno know bobby's local

2019-07-16 03:16:26 UTC

I offered peace t oget his coords but they refused

2019-07-16 03:16:34 UTC

I wasn't going to do no harm

2019-07-16 03:16:36 UTC


2019-07-16 03:56:55 UTC

2019-07-16 03:59:28 UTC

america will submit or die to the commonwealth

2019-07-16 04:05:19 UTC

Who the fuck just fucking killed me

2019-07-16 04:05:22 UTC


2019-07-16 04:05:24 UTC


2019-07-16 04:05:25 UTC


2019-07-16 04:05:30 UTC

You fucking animals

2019-07-16 04:05:31 UTC

My god

2019-07-16 04:07:29 UTC

all my shit is in the fucking laval

2019-07-16 04:07:34 UTC

"can't tp in pvp

2019-07-16 04:07:38 UTC


2019-07-16 04:09:29 UTC
2019-07-16 04:17:37 UTC
2019-07-16 04:18:50 UTC

2019-07-16 06:36:32 UTC

>tfw you can't remember your old MC account

2019-07-16 06:41:55 UTC


2019-07-16 06:45:23 UTC

its been too long, eh I'll just buy it again

2019-07-16 06:56:33 UTC

Yall can fucking @ me when you're doing the end

2019-07-16 06:56:54 UTC

cuz I'm not fucking going back unless I get some shit out of it

2019-07-16 06:57:01 UTC

fuck you all

2019-07-16 08:37:34 UTC

Lol salty

2019-07-16 09:11:18 UTC

who the fuck punched me into the lava

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