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2019-09-12 22:58:41 UTC


2019-09-12 22:58:43 UTC

Edgy lol

2019-09-12 23:18:02 UTC

He is not donating to the ADL? based

2019-09-12 23:18:08 UTC

this could be a huge 4d chess move

2019-09-12 23:18:23 UTC

now over a million zoomers know of ADL's jewy practices

2019-09-12 23:18:55 UTC

perhaps some have even been redpilled on the JQ in the process

2019-09-13 00:09:57 UTC

I'm big bad 4chan admin

2019-09-13 00:10:03 UTC

Fuck you kirk

2019-09-13 00:56:24 UTC

yo, don't make me, I'll bring actual board owners and mods from the chans in here

2019-09-13 01:46:13 UTC

go have kids you faggots

2019-09-13 01:50:30 UTC

Fuck kids

2019-09-13 01:51:49 UTC

don't fuck kids

2019-09-13 01:53:57 UTC

Tom fucks kids

2019-09-13 01:55:47 UTC

@Punishedx2 Tinker Tom can you confirm

2019-09-13 02:55:28 UTC

@SonicAF wait wait wait so you ought to tell me a people that's been invaded is going to resist occupation?

2019-09-13 02:55:28 UTC


2019-09-13 02:55:39 UTC

how could muslims ever want to inflict violence upon israeli invaders

2019-09-13 02:55:43 UTC

that's horrible man

2019-09-13 02:55:49 UTC

not cool duuuuude

2019-09-13 04:27:59 UTC

Shitting more children is not the solution killling minorities(in minecraft) is

2019-09-13 04:30:41 UTC


2019-09-13 04:34:46 UTC

> wait wait wait so you ought to tell me a people that's been invaded is going to resist occupation?

Yes and it's awesome if you want the ideological conflict going to mask your geopolitical goals.f

2019-09-13 04:41:48 UTC

Remember when this was a conspiracy theory?

2019-09-13 04:45:25 UTC

2019-09-13 04:55:49 UTC


2019-09-13 04:58:29 UTC

Sure, gimme some time.

2019-09-13 05:01:29 UTC

Is this just communist propaganda or what?

2019-09-13 05:05:24 UTC

Seems like a load of bullshit to me tbh

2019-09-13 05:33:00 UTC

Just started. First of all, Russia is *very* conservative. Of course it's good for fighting against progressives.

2019-09-13 05:33:47 UTC

So we are up for a good start.

2019-09-13 05:36:37 UTC

3:17 It's as western of consumerism as it gets. In cities. Rural areas still have the stuff he describes with a woman selling you stuff from behind the glass. Also you can find a shop like that in cities if you are really looking for it.

2019-09-13 05:40:18 UTC

4:00 "They say Russia is just a big gas station with the military but it's much more than that" - yes and no. They had to "burn" stupid amounts of currency just to make sure Ruble doesn't tank even more. It got halved under sanctions and was predicted to drop to 25% of the original value.

2019-09-13 05:41:27 UTC

7:40 Books. Not anymore. And apartments are still pretty small, for the most part.

2019-09-13 05:44:07 UTC

9:30 Trans acceptance in Russia is basically dead. Just like acceptance of everything related to sex. Keep in mind that even in Russia one can legally change sex but only after surgery.

2019-09-13 05:46:46 UTC

10:30 "Just keep children out of The Gay and you are fine" - yes and no. Authorities might overlook a heterosexual couple kissing on the street or charge them $10 if it's a really inappropriate place to do so. There is a history of that in the Moscow underground, for example. Mostly because it was physically dangerous to the kissers(too many moving parts and humans around).

2019-09-13 05:47:04 UTC

But if you are gay you are going to fucking jail. For exposing kids to homo propaganda.

2019-09-13 05:47:57 UTC

So you basically have to hide being gay from the public. And you can't have any gay activism. Anywhere. Because think about the children.

2019-09-13 05:52:04 UTC

11:50 "Russia hates fascism" - WW2 is a country-defining event. So yes, I can safely say that all Russians with very few mentally deficient exceptions hate fascism. You can go to jail for offending religious people, being racist, owning forbidden literature or spewing gay propaganda though. Oh, and you can be fined for disrespecting authorities. This is not, like, FASCISM fascism, but you get the idea.

2019-09-13 05:55:47 UTC

12:55 noone will bash your head in for holding hands with the person of the same sex. But you might get some whispers behind your back. Also, he is talking about big cities. In rural or even just less developed cities your risk of being beaten(men) or raped(women) increases to the point that it becomes a threat. Everythign depends on the exact community of course, but the trend is there.

2019-09-13 05:57:44 UTC

It's a thing that two friends get drunk, one tries to suck the dick of his friend and gets brutally murdered for it. I know, like, two reported cases of that. Both from rural-ish areas. Maybe there are more.

2019-09-13 05:59:43 UTC

13:48 "I think it's reasonable" - I don't think it's reasonable. Current laws do not allow the gay pride parade in suits. Not only do I think it should be allowed, I wanna see it.

2019-09-13 06:02:33 UTC

15:00 "Russi did nuffin" - everyone hacks everyone's elections as much as they can. Russia did its best to not have a sitting Killary, that's a fact. I actually believe that the scope of the issue is blown out of proportion just to investigate Trump for 2 years and undermine him.

2019-09-13 06:07:11 UTC

18:25 "As a journalist you understand that there are certain lines that you probably should not cross" - bwahahahahahahahaha

2019-09-13 06:07:20 UTC

Didn't expect it to be said so openly.

2019-09-13 06:07:27 UTC

This is brilliant.

2019-09-13 06:09:58 UTC

20:00 "Conspiracy theories are fine on TV! EVERY SINGLE ONE" - except for holocaust denial, which is a felony for virtually no reason. Yaaay.

2019-09-13 06:15:23 UTC

23:50 "All sympathy to the US vanished due to Iraq" - 100% true.

2019-09-13 06:18:27 UTC

26:15 "Bad Poland didn't invite Russia" - okay, this is ridiculous. They didn't because Russia obliterated Poland.

2019-09-13 06:25:51 UTC

31:38 "Reemergence of religion is a good thing to see" - it's not. People fight against churches being built. Mostly due to the retarded choice of location to build a church.

2019-09-13 06:26:03 UTC

Also, there are too many.

2019-09-13 06:35:43 UTC

36:47 "Black people directly from Africa" - most black people in Russia are from Africa, btw.

2019-09-13 06:35:59 UTC

They get stared at.

2019-09-13 06:39:01 UTC

37:26 "Racism definitely exists, I am not gonna argue that" - there was a youtube video where the black guy tells that he got picked on by the bus personell, something among the lines "should've stayed in Africa". If you are in a big city there is a big chance that the entire bus is gonna stand up for you. Which is exactly what happened.

2019-09-13 06:43:44 UTC

38:37 "Russia is not gonna debate whether they should close the border".
$300 for the permit to work and to receive it you have to know how to speak Russian. Your minimal monthly tax as a foreigner is $80(or less, depending on the region) with the minimum wage of $240. Foreigners do not paricipate in a NHC system and can not get a morgage. You can work here for 20 years but you can't start the process of getting your citizenship without a place to live. And you **have to** own it.

2019-09-13 06:44:36 UTC

Basically, our immigration system is not something you enjoy dealing with.

2019-09-13 06:44:41 UTC

buncha fuckin commies

2019-09-13 06:45:04 UTC


2019-09-13 06:45:06 UTC

Oh, and you have to rebuy the permit every year.

2019-09-13 06:48:10 UTC

40:40 Women are doing fine. There is a minor hiring discrimination due to the fact that women are worse workers and higher risk on average.

2019-09-13 06:49:53 UTC

The pregnancy leave laws are an ass to deal with. Basically, you have a worker who will return in 3 years, you **must** give them their job back, you can't fire them for no good reason and they will require an occasional leave to take care for their growing larva.

2019-09-13 06:57:59 UTC

43:55 Mortgage. You get 13% of your apartment value back in tax cuts once in your life, but not more than $4,020.90. You get some cuts for having many kids. They don't pay your entire mortgage.

2019-09-13 07:00:41 UTC

46:20 "It's the mirror opposite of the west" - it's not.

2019-09-13 07:06:03 UTC

49:12 "Ten graaand!" It's a cost of a heart surgery in a good(by Russian standards, nothing spectacular) hospital. My granddad had it for "free" due to being a military officer, so we had to pay just around $2000.

2019-09-13 07:08:17 UTC

50:25 "Picking mushrooms" - people do that. Mostly the older generation.

2019-09-13 07:09:46 UTC

Most of the edible mushrooms feel like a boiled slug when you eat them, but that's still food, I guess.

2019-09-13 07:11:04 UTC

Oh, and every single mushroom seems to have a poisonous counterpart.

2019-09-13 07:12:56 UTC

2019-09-13 07:13:39 UTC

The poisonous one on the left(tastes bad and damages the liver if you really insist on eating it), the good one on the right.

2019-09-13 07:16:49 UTC

55:00 "Genetic misfits" .\\_/. No.

2019-09-13 07:18:24 UTC

Russia has those extremes. Just not in Moscow.

2019-09-13 07:19:45 UTC

As for severe cases of obesity, I have one in my family. My grandma is between 150 and 200 kilograms.

2019-09-13 07:19:52 UTC

who are you fucking talking to

2019-09-13 07:20:13 UTC

Udyr Cringe Post God

2019-09-13 07:22:58 UTC

Yeah, overall it's slightly sugarcoated but factually correct.

2019-09-13 07:41:42 UTC

tell me about the vodka pipelines

2019-09-13 07:44:25 UTC

Bro who the fuck are you talking to @SonicAF

2019-09-13 07:58:22 UTC

@SonicAF Whats wrong with building churches, and no there should be no gay parade

2019-09-13 08:09:27 UTC

not the gas pipelines

2019-09-13 08:09:28 UTC

the vodka

2019-09-13 08:09:59 UTC

pumping cheap vodka between russia and estonia or something

2019-09-13 08:10:38 UTC

@Blade They take space reserved for something else. What do you have against gays showing that they exist? Mostly, to each other.

2019-09-13 08:11:05 UTC

@Spicy So young and naive. The gas is just a coverup.

2019-09-13 08:12:01 UTC

Oh I didnt know that, do you know what the space was going to be used for most of the time or do you have an example

2019-09-13 08:12:21 UTC

A parade is showing every one else they exist, no just them selves

2019-09-13 08:13:28 UTC

A quick example. The attempt to build a church instead of the public park people love:

2019-09-13 08:14:10 UTC

English only

2019-09-13 08:14:38 UTC

Fair enough. It's just not big enough to report in English.

2019-09-13 08:16:06 UTC

Ya I translated it, seems pretty stupid

2019-09-13 08:16:27 UTC

> A parade is showing every one else they exist, no just them selves
That's fair. I assume when you have 4% population avaliable for dating this is one of few ways to not feel isolated and be accepted by the rest of the world.

2019-09-13 08:16:38 UTC

Remove the dickwaving and I can't see anything wrong with it.

2019-09-13 08:18:13 UTC

Look I have always isolated my self from the topic so I dont know enough, but what I do know is the statistics I have seen and all I have to say is gay bad, ill look into it some day but its not important enough

2019-09-13 08:18:34 UTC

You answered all the questions <a:ezClap:616658268038889472>

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