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2019-06-22 18:25:04 UTC

Thatโ€™s a title of Christโ€™s. What of it?

2019-06-22 18:25:10 UTC

Numbers 23:19

2019-06-22 18:25:11 UTC

**Numbers 23:19 - King James Version (KJV)**


<19> God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? ```

2019-06-22 18:25:29 UTC

No capitol S.

2019-06-22 18:25:35 UTC

God is NOT a man, nor the Son of man

2019-06-22 18:25:43 UTC

God is not a man.

2019-06-22 18:25:47 UTC

It says son of man.

2019-06-22 18:25:52 UTC

Not Son of Man.

2019-06-22 18:25:54 UTC

it says God isn't either

2019-06-22 18:26:02 UTC

Jesus is a man.

2019-06-22 18:26:11 UTC

he calls himself Son of man

2019-06-22 18:26:13 UTC


2019-06-22 18:26:52 UTC

he was born of a virgin, making him a Son of man, we know his Father is God.

2019-06-22 18:27:02 UTC

Son of man, Son of God, and Son of David.

2019-06-22 18:27:17 UTC

God is not Son of David.

2019-06-22 18:27:25 UTC

God is not Son of Adam

2019-06-22 18:27:32 UTC

God is not Son of God.

2019-06-22 18:27:42 UTC

OF does not mean IS

2019-06-22 18:28:27 UTC

One is not Three

2019-06-22 18:28:43 UTC

these are fundamental things God wants us to know in the Bible

2019-06-22 18:28:51 UTC


2019-06-22 18:29:17 UTC

If you want lets talk in <#484514023698726912>

2019-06-22 18:29:46 UTC

Isaiah 53:1

2019-06-22 18:29:46 UTC

**Isaiah 53:1 - King James Version (KJV)**


<1> Who hath believed our report? and to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? ```

2019-06-22 18:30:06 UTC

that entire chapter is about a man dying

2019-06-22 18:30:09 UTC

can God die?

2019-06-22 18:30:19 UTC

No dumbarse

2019-06-22 18:30:23 UTC

Hes god

2019-06-22 18:30:25 UTC

this guy gets it

2019-06-22 18:30:25 UTC

He couldnโ€™t until he made it possible in Christ.

2019-06-22 18:30:50 UTC

Christ is the LAST ADAM

2019-06-22 18:30:56 UTC

I have an idea

2019-06-22 18:31:00 UTC

Lemme type

2019-06-22 18:31:10 UTC

1 Corinthians 15:45

2019-06-22 18:31:12 UTC

**1 Corinthians 15:45 - King James Version (KJV)**


<45> And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit. ```

2019-06-22 18:31:30 UTC

@Bibleman last I checked man cant have his body vanish in 3 days either

2019-06-22 18:31:39 UTC

Maybe it was a modern art statement

2019-06-22 18:31:49 UTC

1 Corinthians 15:22

2019-06-22 18:31:50 UTC

**1 Corinthians 15:22 - King James Version (KJV)**


<22> For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. ```

2019-06-22 18:32:06 UTC

Jesus spent 40 days with his Disciples after he raised.

2019-06-22 18:33:41 UTC


2019-06-22 18:33:46 UTC

does God pray?

2019-06-22 18:33:55 UTC


2019-06-22 18:34:02 UTC

He was praying to his father

2019-06-22 18:34:07 UTC

Whatโ€™s wrong with Jesus praying?

2019-06-22 18:34:13 UTC

1 Peter 1:3 his God and Father

2019-06-22 18:34:14 UTC

**1 Peter 1:3 - King James Version (KJV)**


<3> Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, ```

2019-06-22 18:34:16 UTC

Are you for real?

2019-06-22 18:34:23 UTC

The father is not the son but they are both God as far as I know

2019-06-22 18:34:27 UTC

nothing is wrong with Jesus praying, he has a God to pray to.

2019-06-22 18:34:54 UTC

God doesn't have a God

2019-06-22 18:35:02 UTC

Maybe he does

2019-06-22 18:35:06 UTC


2019-06-22 18:35:06 UTC

that's one too many Gods

2019-06-22 18:35:17 UTC

1 Peter 2:21

2019-06-22 18:35:18 UTC

**1 Peter 2:21 - King James Version (KJV)**


<21> For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: ```

2019-06-22 18:35:30 UTC

what is with having this conversation over and over and over and over and over and over and over and oever

2019-06-22 18:35:33 UTC

we are to live as Jesus did.

2019-06-22 18:35:40 UTC

how are we supposed to be God

2019-06-22 18:35:42 UTC

it's boring

2019-06-22 18:35:43 UTC

My priest also says that Jesus is crucified everyday

2019-06-22 18:36:23 UTC

Jesus says many times, even in REVELATION that his Father is his God

2019-06-22 18:36:30 UTC

so you've said

2019-06-22 18:36:36 UTC

Revelation 3:12

2019-06-22 18:36:37 UTC

**Revelation 3:12 - King James Version (KJV)**


<12> Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name. ```

2019-06-22 18:36:40 UTC

@RidleyChozo it's fun to watch them argue over contradictions in the Bible rather than forgoing it altogether

2019-06-22 18:36:41 UTC


2019-06-22 18:36:55 UTC

**from my God**

2019-06-22 18:37:22 UTC

God isn't his own high priest

2019-06-22 18:37:24 UTC

Sola Fide is a more interesting argument imo

2019-06-22 18:37:25 UTC

Iโ€™m personally a round earther myself, and a firm believer in everything the bible says. I believe that even though our governments are corrupt, they wouldnt hide something as obscure as the earth being flat.

But wait, dont ban me yet, i have a proposition

I will choose one person to debate against me, and i will have as open of a mind as possible, but i also ask the same from you.

If you convince me, i will openly accept and help convert people to the flat earth theory, but if i convince YOU, then you have to help me convert more people to the round earth theory again

No bias, just pure science and fact

2019-06-22 18:37:30 UTC

Read this

2019-06-22 18:37:42 UTC

Calling my God just a man, even though he humbled himself as a man, is rather immature.

2019-06-22 18:37:51 UTC


2019-06-22 18:37:58 UTC

You heard me.

2019-06-22 18:38:02 UTC

Jesus isn't God though, he was sent by God

2019-06-22 18:38:11 UTC

John 17:3

2019-06-22 18:38:13 UTC

**John 17:3 - King James Version (KJV)**


<3> And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent. ```

2019-06-22 18:38:13 UTC

He is his spiritual son

2019-06-22 18:38:16 UTC

Donโ€™t make me repeat myself.

2019-06-22 18:38:26 UTC

this whole conversation is a repeat

2019-06-22 18:38:27 UTC

Jesus Christ is the word.

2019-06-22 18:38:29 UTC

Where does the Holy Spirit fall into this

2019-06-22 18:38:31 UTC

you guys are ignoring Jesus

2019-06-22 18:38:39 UTC

and ignoring God

2019-06-22 18:38:40 UTC

Let's change gears to Holy Spirit

2019-06-22 18:38:42 UTC

That would be you.

2019-06-22 18:38:46 UTC

we've all heard the arguments

2019-06-22 18:38:47 UTC

John 16:12

2019-06-22 18:38:48 UTC

God says Jesus is his Son.

2019-06-22 18:38:48 UTC

**John 16:12 - King James Version (KJV)**


<12> I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. ```

2019-06-22 18:38:54 UTC

the debate is pointless

2019-06-22 18:39:08 UTC

yeah, some people just can't handle the truth

2019-06-22 18:39:10 UTC

Best talking point I heard all day

2019-06-22 18:39:30 UTC

Hebrews 13:17

2019-06-22 18:39:31 UTC

**Hebrews 13:17 - King James Version (KJV)**


<17> Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you. ```

2019-06-22 18:39:35 UTC

obvious clear as day verses i have.

2019-06-22 18:39:41 UTC

yet im ignored

2019-06-22 18:39:54 UTC

Stop grieving me.

2019-06-22 18:40:10 UTC

trinitarians accept all your arguments and include them in their understanding of God

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