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2018-05-31 03:40:07 UTC


2018-05-31 03:40:13 UTC


2018-05-31 03:40:18 UTC

no wonder you're a pussy.

2018-05-31 03:40:20 UTC

Im meming you fucking nigger

2018-05-31 03:40:22 UTC

Che Guevara was a Chad.

2018-05-31 03:40:26 UTC
2018-05-31 03:40:42 UTC

2018-05-31 03:41:08 UTC

see, the historical commies of the 20th century actually engaged in violence and revolution. you all are a disappointment.

2018-05-31 03:41:10 UTC

He was a pretty badass leader during the revolution so...

2018-05-31 03:41:22 UTC

they did when necessary

2018-05-31 03:41:23 UTC

2018-05-31 03:41:46 UTC

The bloodlust warmongering is what leads to these gay ass Fascists

2018-05-31 03:41:52 UTC

shut up, faggot. how are you expected to defeat the bourgeois if you aren't willing to get your hands dirty.

2018-05-31 03:42:09 UTC

all the commies won through violent revolution.

2018-05-31 03:42:27 UTC

2018-05-31 03:42:39 UTC

Diplomacy should be the first method.

2018-05-31 03:42:47 UTC

man, you're a beta.

2018-05-31 03:42:51 UTC

diplomacy failed lol

2018-05-31 03:42:58 UTC

all commies are beta

2018-05-31 03:43:21 UTC

Revolution is necessary to achieve true Communism like how Marx envisioned it

2018-05-31 03:43:25 UTC

the Jewish Marxists in Germany during the November Revolution actually fought to overthrow the Kaiser.

2018-05-31 03:43:30 UTC
2018-05-31 03:43:37 UTC

yes, I do not have an extreme bloodlust that convinces me that the people who appose me are unhuman.

2018-05-31 03:43:52 UTC

the fuck? why you such a pussy?

2018-05-31 03:44:05 UTC

the commies of the 20th century literally hanged the bourgeois from streetlamps.

2018-05-31 03:44:05 UTC

I believe in revolution, but there is a diplomatic option still. Until there isn't, there is no reason to become violent.

2018-05-31 03:44:39 UTC

bro, you're fucking weak. no wonder Marxism is failing today.

2018-05-31 03:44:47 UTC

well the commies are not going to acheive power anyway so thats a nice approach

2018-05-31 03:44:47 UTC

there was no other option for the Bolsheviks of the 20th century.

2018-05-31 03:45:00 UTC

it was time for violence, today in the US is not time for violence.

2018-05-31 03:45:02 UTC

your big tent, inclusive movement is allowing pussies and weaklings.

2018-05-31 03:45:31 UTC

do you believe in ideological purity or not?

2018-05-31 03:45:41 UTC

i understand what AJ is trying to say but the Bourgeoise will sabotage the system if left alone

2018-05-31 03:45:58 UTC

see, this Red gets it.

2018-05-31 03:46:04 UTC

the System is corrupt.

2018-05-31 03:46:07 UTC

must be toppled.

2018-05-31 03:46:25 UTC

Ideological purity? what exactly do you mean?

2018-05-31 03:47:08 UTC

do you want your movement to consist of purebred Marxists?

2018-05-31 03:47:11 UTC

or are you inclusive?

2018-05-31 03:47:13 UTC

big tent.

2018-05-31 03:47:37 UTC

also, this is what happened to the antifa when they allowed pussies and LARPers into their ranks, instead of maintaining purity.

2018-05-31 03:47:38 UTC

I agree comrade, but the workers in the US are sick of the Bourgeoise, I alone have no ability to control them, if they feel it is time for violence, they will do it without my permission. but I see strength in numbers, and the bourgeoise value their lives more than their money.

2018-05-31 03:47:49 UTC

"Unfortunately, despite some on twitter claiming โ€œvictoryโ€ because a handful of fascist got bloodied by rocks and stones, the fact is this wasnโ€™t
a victory at all. Part of the reason for this is because so many of the antifascists present were not street fighters and were not up for engaging the fascists in hand-to-hand fighting. Playing the big boy behind the police, when the fascists broke through many of them turned tail and fled leaving the few such as myself willing to stand toe-to-toe with them to get outnumbered and take a beating."

2018-05-31 03:47:55 UTC

Quality > Quantity

2018-05-31 03:48:13 UTC

@ajsbeast do you accept the US Government as an evil institution or not.

2018-05-31 03:48:16 UTC

the workers where tired of the ruling class in russia but they didnt try anything till lenin worked them up

2018-05-31 03:48:48 UTC

I believe the US's democratic institution is not inherently or entirely evil, but it is corrupted with greed.

2018-05-31 03:48:57 UTC

why are you encouraging the commies?

2018-05-31 03:49:20 UTC

I don't like pussies. I want them to man the fuck up.

2018-05-31 03:49:45 UTC

@ajsbeast why, bro. wasn't the US founded by old white men.

2018-05-31 03:49:51 UTC

who promoted classical liberal thought.

2018-05-31 03:50:06 UTC

they were also freemasons. they weren't exactly commoners.

2018-05-31 03:50:14 UTC

the founding fathers were slaveowners and aristocrats.

2018-05-31 03:50:28 UTC

and the US government is evil.

2018-05-31 03:50:36 UTC

I wipe my ass using the US Constitution!

2018-05-31 03:51:02 UTC

i understand where @Meta is coming across there are a few pansy communists that won't get too far because of their really peaceful policies and not willing to step up and change the country themselves

2018-05-31 03:51:36 UTC

why can't you communists just do it on another fucking planet

2018-05-31 03:52:03 UTC

this Red has the right attitude. you should be among our ranks. you'd find that many of your fellow Reds are simply cowardly and pussy. @DeadRavagerGames

2018-05-31 03:52:03 UTC

>mars expedition
>send commies
what could go wrong

2018-05-31 03:52:04 UTC


2018-05-31 03:52:04 UTC

just go to fucking mars, we'll fund it certainly

2018-05-31 03:52:32 UTC

your Stalin profile pic. are you some kind of National Bolshevik.

2018-05-31 03:52:34 UTC

Red Mars with Red Sand

2018-05-31 03:52:39 UTC

there is an important ability to know when and when not to resort to violence, acting like an alpha male will only make you blinded by your own ego.

2018-05-31 03:52:55 UTC

we already tried going to other planets but the US beat us to the last step

2018-05-31 03:52:59 UTC

@ajsbeast history is decided by alpha males and conquerors.

2018-05-31 03:53:05 UTC

Lenin waged a violent revolution against the Romanovs.

2018-05-31 03:53:14 UTC

if they do not shoot themselves in their bunker first.

2018-05-31 03:53:15 UTC

the Reds completely destroyed the White Russians using rifles.

2018-05-31 03:53:24 UTC

or else they will never live to see what they've made.

2018-05-31 03:53:35 UTC

do you expect your enemies to show you such mercy? this is a world of struggle.

2018-05-31 03:54:17 UTC

the white Russians wanted compromise with an entirely corrupt system, it was clear that it was time for revolution, they where corrupted with capitalist concepts.

2018-05-31 03:54:21 UTC

every one of the commie champions of the 20th century did not hesitate to use violence and terror.

2018-05-31 03:54:37 UTC

If my comrades mobilize into violent revolution, I may not join them, but never will I resist them ,

2018-05-31 03:54:38 UTC

the German Bolsheviks assassinated political officials.

2018-05-31 03:54:43 UTC

and seized government buildings.

2018-05-31 03:54:57 UTC

>If my comrades mobilize into violent revolution, I may not join them, but never will I resist them
>I may not join them

2018-05-31 03:55:01 UTC

you're a fucking pussy, bro.

2018-05-31 03:55:07 UTC

you don't even stand alongside your brethren?

2018-05-31 03:55:39 UTC

the Red Army shot any traitors and cowards.

2018-05-31 03:55:46 UTC

this is pathetic!

2018-05-31 03:56:48 UTC

tell me this, Mr. Red. are you willing to give your life for the struggle? are you willing to die for your comrades or not? @ajsbeast

2018-05-31 03:56:57 UTC

And the Iron guard gave the traitors the bullet first as well.

2018-05-31 03:56:59 UTC

I will support the revolution in the ways in which I see reasonable. if the masses have mobilized their reason is likely good, and I as well may mobilize. But if I deem the revolution too soon or too hastily, never will I resist it like the whites, but I may advocate for a better option.

2018-05-31 03:57:14 UTC


2018-05-31 03:57:17 UTC

NO FBI posting

2018-05-31 03:57:34 UTC

what a beta.

2018-05-31 03:57:50 UTC

I thought Marxism was giving your individual self for the sake of the community/group.

2018-05-31 03:58:04 UTC

but this faggot doesn't have the balls to stand with his comrades.

2018-05-31 03:58:14 UTC

you expect to win a revolution this way?

2018-05-31 03:58:27 UTC

@Meta you are an omega tranny, at least he's a beta lol

2018-05-31 03:58:28 UTC

you misinterpret what I say through your bullheadedness.

2018-05-31 03:58:29 UTC

what are you exactly @Meta ?

2018-05-31 03:58:36 UTC

ideology wise

2018-05-31 03:58:38 UTC
2018-05-31 03:58:40 UTC

I'm a Nazi.

2018-05-31 03:58:49 UTC


2018-05-31 03:58:50 UTC

@DeadRavagerGames your a beta

2018-05-31 03:58:55 UTC

and how many african americans and jews have you killed?

2018-05-31 03:58:56 UTC

oof no

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