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2018-11-02 19:25:30 UTC

modern italians have dark brown and brown eyes

2018-11-02 19:25:40 UTC


2018-11-02 19:26:02 UTC

must be all that moor cum

2018-11-02 19:26:10 UTC

staining the gene pool

2018-11-02 19:26:25 UTC

The Consumation is actually my chromebook's wallpaper

2018-11-02 19:26:33 UTC

beautiful piece of art by Thomas Cole

2018-11-02 19:26:46 UTC

2018-11-02 19:28:17 UTC

2018-11-02 19:28:49 UTC

who's being consumed in that painting

2018-11-02 19:31:44 UTC

make this the oh icon @Captain Kirk JT

2018-11-02 19:31:50 UTC

2018-11-02 19:32:06 UTC


2018-11-02 19:32:06 UTC


2018-11-02 19:32:36 UTC


2018-11-02 19:32:36 UTC

check this out

2018-11-02 19:33:00 UTC

it's like this before you hover over it

2018-11-02 19:33:13 UTC

and then when you hover over it

2018-11-02 19:33:17 UTC

that's epic

2018-11-02 19:34:12 UTC

makes server seem special

2018-11-02 19:34:55 UTC

looks too gimmicky

2018-11-02 19:35:05 UTC

like some retard is trying too hard

2018-11-02 19:35:11 UTC


2018-11-02 19:35:17 UTC


2018-11-02 19:35:28 UTC


2018-11-02 19:35:41 UTC

Men of Shad

2018-11-02 19:35:45 UTC

This cycle reflects Cole's pessimism, and is often seen as a commentary on Andrew Jackson and the Democratic Party. (Note, for instance, the military hero at the centre of "Consummation.") However, some Democrats had a different theory of the course of empire. They saw not a spiral or cycle but a continuing upward trajectory. Levi Woodbury, a Democrat and a justice of the United States Supreme Court, for instance, responded to Cole by saying that there would be no destruction in the United States

2018-11-02 19:38:14 UTC


2018-11-02 19:38:26 UTC

I-I-It won't happen!!!!!

2018-11-02 19:39:07 UTC

yeah thomas cole was an artistic genius

2018-11-02 19:39:26 UTC

if you note the small details in each image

2018-11-02 19:39:31 UTC


2018-11-02 19:39:35 UTC

you can see the beginning of decadence

2018-11-02 19:39:44 UTC

in consumation

2018-11-02 19:39:51 UTC

very strange how profoundly aware of history the founders were and how ignorance had already penetrated the supreme court only a generation later

2018-11-02 19:39:52 UTC

it's real fuckin good

2018-11-02 19:39:55 UTC

im hurt

2018-11-02 19:41:00 UTC

seems like america has been declining since around 1800

2018-11-02 19:41:53 UTC

but i doubt americans will be able to compute that until at least 200 years from now

2018-11-02 19:42:07 UTC

@F-Star did you know the founders actually thought that the constitution wouldnt last long

2018-11-02 19:42:14 UTC

they knew

2018-11-02 19:42:21 UTC

no they didn't

2018-11-02 19:42:35 UTC

learned about this when i took AP government

2018-11-02 19:42:38 UTC

i think it was ben franklin who answered the question of what kind of country are you leaving for us

2018-11-02 19:42:45 UTC

saying "a republic, if you can keep it"

2018-11-02 19:44:05 UTC

the idea for the american government has always been to be a republic

2018-11-02 19:44:17 UTC

ehh idk

2018-11-02 19:44:17 UTC

but they thought that the constitution would end up like the Articles of Confederation at some point

2018-11-02 19:44:28 UTC

would be replaced and thrown out

2018-11-02 19:44:34 UTC

there were the federalists and the antifederalists

2018-11-02 19:44:57 UTC

some people think america should have stopped at the articles of confederation

2018-11-02 19:45:13 UTC


2018-11-02 19:45:19 UTC

and seeing constitution as it is today, i think they were right

2018-11-02 19:45:43 UTC

the officials of the states were actually tricked into writing a new constitution

2018-11-02 19:45:50 UTC

they didn't call for a constitutional assembly at first

2018-11-02 19:46:12 UTC

and fucking george washington

2018-11-02 19:46:26 UTC

imagine being such a chad that people gathered together just bc you were involved

2018-11-02 19:46:30 UTC

the guy was a complete badass

2018-11-02 19:46:55 UTC

2018-11-02 19:46:56 UTC

he was a popular politician

2018-11-02 19:47:42 UTC

What's nebuliac

2018-11-02 19:47:43 UTC

wasnt washington super insecure about his upbringing

2018-11-02 19:47:50 UTC

washington was gay

2018-11-02 19:47:52 UTC

and a mediocre general who seemed better than he was due to circumstances out of his control

2018-11-02 19:48:02 UTC

Yeah bc he was a freemason

2018-11-02 19:48:03 UTC

the american people needed a hero

2018-11-02 19:48:13 UTC

even if the hero wasnt that great at his job

2018-11-02 19:48:22 UTC

yeah i wouldnt be surprised if the drafting of the constitution was surrounded by occult shit

2018-11-02 19:48:23 UTC

as far as im conerned, washington just went with the flow and was indifferent

2018-11-02 19:48:40 UTC

washington was a freemason after all

2018-11-02 19:48:52 UTC

(((American))) (((people))) needed a (((hero)))

2018-11-02 19:48:54 UTC

the original constitution was fine and dandy, but later changes really made a difference

2018-11-02 19:48:59 UTC

from freedom to slavery

2018-11-02 19:49:13 UTC

slavery to the crown, apparently

2018-11-02 19:49:22 UTC

14th amendment is overpowered

2018-11-02 19:49:26 UTC

needs a nerf

2018-11-02 19:49:26 UTC

come to think of it

2018-11-02 19:49:31 UTC

has too many clauses

2018-11-02 19:49:46 UTC

What's the 14th

2018-11-02 19:49:49 UTC

repeal everything after the bill of rights <:dabler:401044511809077249>

2018-11-02 19:49:49 UTC
2018-11-02 19:49:49 UTC

it wont ever happen though

2018-11-02 19:49:59 UTC

stop legalized slavery

2018-11-02 19:50:02 UTC

No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

2018-11-02 19:50:03 UTC

explains how citizenship works and abolished slavery

2018-11-02 19:50:06 UTC

14th amendment

2018-11-02 19:50:15 UTC

didnt abolish slavery

2018-11-02 19:50:19 UTC

imo The point of foreigners babies born in america being citizens was Mostly for immigration FOR THE TIME rather than "freedoms" ????

2018-11-02 19:50:21 UTC

it made slavery constitutional

2018-11-02 19:50:36 UTC

isnt it old fashion now

2018-11-02 19:50:43 UTC

to have that in

2018-11-02 19:50:43 UTC

pretty sure it forced blacks to be treated the same as whites

2018-11-02 19:50:44 UTC

if you in jail you're constitutionally a slave

2018-11-02 19:50:46 UTC

under the eye of the law

2018-11-02 19:50:56 UTC

14th actually has a fuck ton of shit in it

2018-11-02 19:51:13 UTC

they could put all the shit they wanted in it

2018-11-02 19:51:36 UTC

weren't the southern states forced to support the 14th as a condition of their re-entry into the union

2018-11-02 19:52:11 UTC

even though lincoln allegedly fought a civil war to keep the union, at the last minute he could take it or leave it like it was no big deal

2018-11-02 19:53:32 UTC

All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.

2018-11-02 19:53:43 UTC

this has cucked the U.S to a great degree

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