
Discord ID: 532461334533505024

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2019-01-09 18:40:53 UTC

I mean

2019-01-09 18:41:00 UTC

if someone offerrs one for 50 euros

2019-01-09 18:41:05 UTC

@GGPL its turbo boosted to 3.6

2019-01-09 18:41:09 UTC

who am I not to accept

2019-01-09 18:41:16 UTC

@Captain Kirk JT Actually, most people that I know with mining rigs have been undervolting. The 24/7 part is right, but a lot of the cards themselves have only been ran at 80% power

2019-01-09 18:41:29 UTC

3.6 is not even close to stock on desktop

2019-01-09 18:41:29 UTC

2019-01-09 18:41:31 UTC

you can get some really good ones

2019-01-09 18:41:48 UTC

they ship with over 4 and boost to like 4.8 usualy

2019-01-09 18:41:48 UTC

I dont need anything faster

2019-01-09 18:41:49 UTC

that being said, i wouldn't buy from most miners, it's a big ass gamble

2019-01-09 18:42:02 UTC

yeah with 1060 its enough.

2019-01-09 18:42:04 UTC

I play games and use discord

2019-01-09 18:42:14 UTC

And I only have a 1060 g6b

2019-01-09 18:42:29 UTC

i'm using a 970TI atm

2019-01-09 18:42:30 UTC

there's also the chinese 1080s and water cooling that you can buy on aliexpress for like 20 eur

2019-01-09 18:42:35 UTC

When they come out with the 1070 8gb in mobil I might grab it up

2019-01-09 18:42:39 UTC

1030 now and i will buy 580 soon

2019-01-09 18:42:51 UTC


2019-01-09 18:43:02 UTC

there already are 1080ti's and titans V in mobile

2019-01-09 18:43:02 UTC

I almost messed up and got the 1060 3gb

2019-01-09 18:43:10 UTC

Fucking glad I didnt do that

2019-01-09 18:43:14 UTC

for like 2 years

2019-01-09 18:43:20 UTC

The 3gb is shit

2019-01-09 18:43:28 UTC

it is

2019-01-09 18:43:34 UTC

I picked up a Zotac 1050TI that ran really well

2019-01-09 18:43:39 UTC

I dont really need to upgrade yet tho

2019-01-09 18:43:46 UTC

until i got the 970TI for my living room rig

2019-01-09 18:43:48 UTC

I can run every game on max settings

2019-01-09 18:43:51 UTC

No issues

2019-01-09 18:43:58 UTC

At good frames

2019-01-09 18:44:07 UTC

I useually get about 100fps

2019-01-09 18:44:16 UTC

I was having an issue with the 1050TI on games like witcher 3

2019-01-09 18:44:19 UTC

What's your configuration?

2019-01-09 18:44:20 UTC

with screen tearing

2019-01-09 18:44:22 UTC

Sometimes more sometimes less

2019-01-09 18:44:25 UTC


2019-01-09 18:44:26 UTC

1080 son git gud

2019-01-09 18:44:27 UTC


2019-01-09 18:44:40 UTC

does that thing have a battery of more than 3h kirk

2019-01-09 18:44:44 UTC

I also have 32gb ram

2019-01-09 18:44:49 UTC

i was getting 100+ frames, but wherever the feet were swinging on screen, i would get tearing

2019-01-09 18:44:51 UTC

Oh, right. A 1060 6GB. Me too!

2019-01-09 18:44:54 UTC

I dunno I never use it unplugged

2019-01-09 18:45:03 UTC

8GB RAM though.

2019-01-09 18:45:04 UTC

wtf imagine giving me the role that has no images

2019-01-09 18:45:07 UTC

I have another pc I use if I need to take it out the house

2019-01-09 18:45:07 UTC

smh kirk

2019-01-09 18:45:08 UTC

i only have 8 gigs of ram

2019-01-09 18:45:09 UTC


2019-01-09 18:45:14 UTC

That laptop dont leave my house

2019-01-09 18:45:18 UTC

i want to buy another 2x4gb sticks

2019-01-09 18:45:24 UTC

I'm planning on either buying a gaming laptop

2019-01-09 18:45:24 UTC

smh tbh kirk

2019-01-09 18:45:25 UTC

I paid too much to wind up dropping it

2019-01-09 18:45:28 UTC

yeah but you don't pick it up to work at your table/desk etc

2019-01-09 18:45:29 UTC


2019-01-09 18:45:31 UTC

or building a portable rig

2019-01-09 18:45:37 UTC

What's the ram speed?

2019-01-09 18:45:39 UTC

Yeah I move it around my house

2019-01-09 18:45:43 UTC


2019-01-09 18:45:44 UTC

Never outside

2019-01-09 18:45:47 UTC

That's a big deal.

2019-01-09 18:46:00 UTC

2400 is shit tier and I have that.

2019-01-09 18:46:04 UTC

@MrDesu ddr4 I think 3800

2019-01-09 18:46:05 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:07 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:08 UTC

Toddbot should I install fallout 76

2019-01-09 18:46:09 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:14 UTC

toddbot ping mw

2019-01-09 18:46:14 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:14 UTC

get ddr5 ram

2019-01-09 18:46:21 UTC

I'm using 3200

2019-01-09 18:46:23 UTC

Do they even make ddr5?

2019-01-09 18:46:23 UTC

toddbot ping me

2019-01-09 18:46:23 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:23 UTC

!kill toddbot

2019-01-09 18:46:26 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:26 UTC

Woah! 3800 is good. No wonder you get nice fps.

2019-01-09 18:46:29 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:36 UTC

.yt ddr5 ram

2019-01-09 18:46:36 UTC

toddbot ping @Gremlingette

2019-01-09 18:46:37 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:45 UTC

toddbot mention me

2019-01-09 18:46:45 UTC

why are tou autistic

2019-01-09 18:46:45 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:46 UTC

Yeah I had them put the best ram in

2019-01-09 18:46:53 UTC

toddbot hi

2019-01-09 18:46:53 UTC


2019-01-09 18:46:55 UTC

And it has 32 gb

2019-01-09 18:46:56 UTC

toddbot skyrim

2019-01-09 18:46:56 UTC


2019-01-09 18:47:00 UTC

Can have up to 64

2019-01-09 18:47:02 UTC

toddbot help

2019-01-09 18:47:02 UTC

All my commands start with "toddbot."
...what do you do, help valid, cursed, crunchy, gucci, funky is/are [x]
...twunkscale, futchscale, versescale, vorescale, crunchscale, chadcel, bigdickenergy/bde, rate, dndalign [x]
...does [x] fuck
...who would win [x] or [y]
...smash or pass [x], hot or not [x], bug or feature [x]
...fmk [x], [y], [z] (fuck, marry, kill)
...what day is it, what time is it
...tell me lies, sing your song
...dab, say fuck, say gay/trans rights, pay respects
...(this is so sad) play despacito, play country roads
...falloutradio, falloutradio [station] (Galaxy News, Mojave Music, Radio New Vegas, Diamond City Radio, Classical, Nuka World, Mysterious Broadcast)
...seduce me, seduce [user]
...say hi/hello to [someone], welcome [someone], it's [someone]'s birthday
...send pride, send [#] pride, send [user] pride, send [user] [#] pride
...send dagoth ur fanfic, yagrum bagarn amv, dagothwave, skyrim shuffle, jauffre jam many toddcoins do I have, how many skyrims do I have
...can I vote for you, who made you, link me the support server, give me your invite, how old are you
I can also answer questions starting with "toddbot [question word]," and I'd love to sing Country Roads with you.
I also have many other SUPER SECRET features for you to discover.

2019-01-09 18:47:02 UTC

I saw some 4000 ddr4

2019-01-09 18:47:02 UTC

DDR5 will consume less electricity.

2019-01-09 18:47:03 UTC

toddbot say hi to @Captain Kirk JT

2019-01-09 18:47:03 UTC

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