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2018-09-05 03:07:11 UTC

its fucked

2018-09-05 03:07:20 UTC

I wouldn't go that far.

2018-09-05 03:07:27 UTC

But they do last longer than is probably healthy.

2018-09-05 03:07:39 UTC

oh def

2018-09-05 03:09:58 UTC

now despite all this the power still ultimately lies with the voter, the issue with them is lack of information, and even manipulation, although not to the degree of other Countries.

2018-09-05 03:10:15 UTC

I'm not sure I necessarily blame the voters.

2018-09-05 03:10:25 UTC

I think apathy actually saves us from alot of the problems.

2018-09-05 03:10:42 UTC

If more voters were properly informed they could put some of the more corrupt out of power

2018-09-05 03:10:44 UTC

I think voters are frequently in an awkward position.

2018-09-05 03:10:52 UTC

I mean, here's the thing.

2018-09-05 03:10:56 UTC

I want good policy.

2018-09-05 03:11:03 UTC


2018-09-05 03:11:06 UTC

If I have to choose between good policy and corruption...

2018-09-05 03:11:25 UTC

Do I give up all the stuff I value because my preferred candidate did some unsavory things?

2018-09-05 03:12:42 UTC

I mean, you can spin lots of innocuous activities into scandals. Add in the Three Felonies a Day factor.

Depending on the nature of the scandals and the quality of the policies (or other factors) and I very well might choose a corrupt candidate.

2018-09-05 03:12:56 UTC

It's an ugly calculus, but it's a thing.

2018-09-05 03:13:12 UTC

Now, the proper solution would probably be to primary the sucker, but that doesn't always happen.

2018-09-05 03:13:48 UTC

Suppose I fundamentally don't want to be listed as part of a party because I'd get harassed (this is true in my case)

2018-09-05 03:14:06 UTC

What are the options?

2018-09-05 03:14:36 UTC

Frequently, you have political machines that are themselves corrupt or the alternatives are just as corrupt on their own.

2018-09-05 03:15:37 UTC

yea tbh its often a moral dilemma. I just think if more were informed then the standards might be raised idk

2018-09-05 03:16:26 UTC

perhaps, but I think you have to factor in stuff like information manipulation. Activists on Reddit. Reddit itself. Partisans controlling and manipulating the media, etc.

2018-09-05 03:17:02 UTC

This is why stuff like ideological or partisan diversity and balance is so important in stuff like Unis and Media companies.

2018-09-05 03:17:15 UTC

If you don't have good balance you can fundamentally lie and get away with it.

2018-09-05 03:17:27 UTC

Or deluge people to where they no longer know what to trust.

2018-09-05 03:19:04 UTC

yea thats def an issue and ive got nothing against it to some degree but if it gets into censorship territory it becomes and issue, which is essentially what we are dealing with right now. People are ultimately free to believe whatever they want but they should be able to access as much information as possible and not just what is "authoritative sources".

2018-09-05 03:20:03 UTC

Education is also an issue

2018-09-05 03:20:25 UTC

Yeah. I do think the real issue is that the "authoritative sources" are not very good though. There shouldn't have been an outcry over hiring, e.g. Kevin Williamson at the Atlantic.

2018-09-05 03:20:49 UTC

because when it becomes to one sided then people wont event question anything

2018-09-05 03:20:50 UTC

They actually block hired to try and get a balance of views and then only kicked Williamson and kept his left wing counterparts.

2018-09-05 03:21:08 UTC

Yeah, and you can see it on this board, even.

2018-09-05 03:21:28 UTC

CNN, The Atlantic, and so on *should* be better.

2018-09-05 03:21:41 UTC

If they were better then there would't be room for The Gateway Pundit.

2018-09-05 03:21:44 UTC

def and they have the potential imo

2018-09-05 03:21:53 UTC

But they refuse to do so is the issue.

2018-09-05 03:21:56 UTC

It's the same in academia.

2018-09-05 03:22:16 UTC

its more profitable in the short term to do what they are doing atm

2018-09-05 03:22:24 UTC

Where Heterodox Academy was attacked as a "right wing entry-ism attempt to seize the academies"

2018-09-05 03:22:31 UTC

I'm not so sure.

2018-09-05 03:22:44 UTC

I think there's a strong group think and intolerance in these places. I've seen it.

2018-09-05 03:22:47 UTC

like with politics, people seek short term solutions over long, or in this case profits

2018-09-05 03:23:24 UTC

the thing is they THINK its profitable

2018-09-05 03:23:29 UTC

I really don't think it's a short or long term thing. I think there's a strong intolerance in these circles and they harass out and fire anyone they don't like.

2018-09-05 03:23:34 UTC

but its actively backfiring on them

2018-09-05 03:23:40 UTC

You would have to sit at a dinner and raise a counter point to see it.

2018-09-05 03:24:13 UTC

But there is a very, very strong aversion to any kind of dissent. People talk of the "good boy's club"

It's the "good boy's club"

2018-09-05 03:24:47 UTC

Some things are more important to people than pure profit

2018-09-05 03:24:55 UTC

Like good standing among the friend circle.

2018-09-05 03:24:58 UTC

My alma mater has started to show signs of being infested with "progressives" more so than while i was there

2018-09-05 03:25:17 UTC

I guarantee you it has been fully infested at this point.

2018-09-05 03:25:24 UTC

They usually hide it from the alumni

2018-09-05 03:25:42 UTC

You have to really dig or act like a social justice warrior to see it.

2018-09-05 03:26:08 UTC

The other thing is that the social justice types actively fire and recruit people to think like them.

2018-09-05 03:26:16 UTC


2018-09-05 03:26:34 UTC

And they're pretty open about it if you can understand the codewords.

2018-09-05 03:26:52 UTC

But they also are smart enough to know the alumni often aren't interested.

2018-09-05 03:27:46 UTC

I was reading a recent article chronicling the social justice brigades at my alma mater (which has been completely infested for years despite being a state school in a deep red state)

No mention of any of their new social justice programs or requirements in any alumni communications.

2018-09-05 03:28:14 UTC

Interestingly during college i was told not to talk politics within my friend group, but i was just blunt and said "nope, im gonna talk about it and while i respect that you dont want to talk about it, you cant stop me" (essentially)

2018-09-05 03:28:19 UTC

Looked at the job board. They want diversity statements.

2018-09-05 03:28:58 UTC

Safe spaces were a thing by the time i left but they werent rampant

2018-09-05 03:29:26 UTC

I had a mandatory diversity training session during orientation.

I'm sure the humanities had safe spaces but I wasn't looking.

2018-09-05 03:29:39 UTC

Things have gotten infinitely worse since I was there though.

2018-09-05 03:29:44 UTC

last time i talked to a still attending student they said that there was a bigger push for them but it failed

2018-09-05 03:30:26 UTC

As a history and poly-sci major I never had to deal with it all much

2018-09-05 03:30:35 UTC

Poly-sci encouraged debate

2018-09-05 03:30:54 UTC

I was engineering. We couldn't care less about any of this stuff.

2018-09-05 03:31:01 UTC

History didnt try to be revisionist or judge the past on todays standards

2018-09-05 03:31:14 UTC

I wouldn't be too sure of that. But I wouldn't know.

2018-09-05 03:31:30 UTC

You don't know unless you talked to someone on the other side.

2018-09-05 03:31:48 UTC

Friend of mine had to take a genders studies class for something and said that it was typical sjwisms

2018-09-05 03:31:52 UTC

I'm not sure when you went, but the canon wars were a thing in the 90s.

2018-09-05 03:32:10 UTC

That's all it is. And it's mandatory now.

2018-09-05 03:32:11 UTC

he passed but did not enjoy it

2018-09-05 03:32:23 UTC

Even at the state schools in red states.

2018-09-05 03:32:39 UTC

canon for history?

2018-09-05 03:32:49 UTC

I'm sure there was one.

2018-09-05 03:32:59 UTC

How much Rome did you cover for example?

2018-09-05 03:33:01 UTC

most of my work was research

2018-09-05 03:33:08 UTC

The canon wars extended to most of the humanities.

2018-09-05 03:33:17 UTC

so i had to gather the sources myself more often than not

2018-09-05 03:33:36 UTC

If you were doing research it might have been different. Aside, maybe from the choice of topic.

2018-09-05 03:36:01 UTC

Some of these were for Poly-Sci and the ones more to the right of the shelf were not class related.

2018-09-05 03:36:50 UTC

A couple of the more political ones are not class related either

2018-09-05 03:37:06 UTC

Yeah, canon wars. No plutarch from what I can see.

2018-09-05 03:37:21 UTC

i rented some books but more for classes outside my majors

2018-09-05 03:37:37 UTC

Rome was for class or personal edification?

2018-09-05 03:37:51 UTC


2018-09-05 03:37:56 UTC

Had a hunch.

2018-09-05 03:38:02 UTC

same with Empires and Barbarians

2018-09-05 03:38:12 UTC

Rome is on the legions mostly

2018-09-05 03:38:15 UTC

In the 60s Plutarch would have been required along with The Federalist Papers.

2018-09-05 03:38:24 UTC

And several others.

2018-09-05 03:38:29 UTC

I did read the Federalists

2018-09-05 03:38:39 UTC

I'd figure you would.

2018-09-05 03:38:42 UTC

like even in HS iirc

2018-09-05 03:38:51 UTC

But in the 50s and 60s, it would have been mandatory for everyone.

2018-09-05 03:39:00 UTC

So it would be assumed without saying.

2018-09-05 03:39:09 UTC

Plutarch MAY be in that big book but i dont think we covered him

2018-09-05 03:40:05 UTC

I know of him though

2018-09-05 03:40:13 UTC

just dont remember when lel

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