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2017-08-31 06:51:07 UTC


2017-08-31 06:51:08 UTC

Who remember

2017-08-31 06:51:45 UTC

lmfao I do

2017-08-31 06:52:23 UTC

I remember dogging him in comments and shit too about that.

2017-08-31 06:52:45 UTC

But than again when I was about 14 I was a total leftist

2017-08-31 06:54:32 UTC

I remember when he was interviewed by Vice like in 2012 and he said "I hate Hitler" and "I have more against a White Pagan than I would a Black Christian", we used to bully him so much in Ironmarch.

2017-08-31 06:55:19 UTC

From the fucking RNC

2017-08-31 06:55:31 UTC

yea Chrisitan isn't a trap... it really isn't... the jews have infiltrated and corrupted the fuck out of it... but that is different..

2017-08-31 06:55:36 UTC


2017-08-31 06:55:49 UTC

But he got better. Heimbach is an exceedingly nice guy, and I got the sense he felt we could improve society in a nice and easy way *if only the whites knew*. Sadly, you can play nice, but the System won't, and he's come to discover this.

2017-08-31 06:56:07 UTC

like it was made for US... trying to get blacks and all these other non-whites into it is the jewish trap

2017-08-31 06:56:11 UTC

You learn man, we all do.

2017-08-31 06:56:14 UTC

as far as I'm concerned

2017-08-31 06:56:19 UTC

*Ey homes better get yo gringo ass the fuck outta Avalonian turf, comprende?*

2017-08-31 06:56:41 UTC

lmfao I openly support ARYAN GANGISM

2017-08-31 06:57:12 UTC

the jews have done this.. and because of it... God is going to fucking Destroy America like he has every White Empire in history that has turned away from God / Him

2017-08-31 06:57:27 UTC

You a christian?

2017-08-31 06:57:31 UTC


2017-08-31 06:57:53 UTC

for better or worse at this point I guess

2017-08-31 06:57:56 UTC

but I believe

2017-08-31 06:58:06 UTC

I didn't growing up

2017-08-31 06:58:29 UTC

I was a angsty fucking normal teenager that hated everything

2017-08-31 06:58:34 UTC

and thought it was all stupid

2017-08-31 06:58:48 UTC

but lately just seeing the way everything is going down

2017-08-31 06:59:32 UTC

slowly.. like that poem Weev did recently about the Anglo beginning to hate... I slowly started to put it all together and believe and began to hate....

2017-08-31 07:00:23 UTC

these fuckers constantly talk about how they hate Christianity and Jesus.. and that was the whole point behind porm and other shit...

2017-08-31 07:00:37 UTC

he was the original anti-semite

2017-08-31 07:00:47 UTC

he told us who these fuckers were

2017-08-31 07:00:50 UTC


2017-08-31 07:01:40 UTC

Shame all modern christian institutions are shit.

2017-08-31 07:01:48 UTC

no doubt

2017-08-31 07:01:54 UTC

the vatican is the beast

2017-08-31 07:01:58 UTC

it has been corrupted

2017-08-31 07:02:23 UTC

the jesuits and freemasons

2017-08-31 07:02:31 UTC

had their way with that shit

2017-08-31 07:03:03 UTC

pope francis is the top cuck of the world

2017-08-31 07:03:08 UTC

making out with muslim feet

2017-08-31 07:03:48 UTC

they all need the fucking oven with the jews

2017-08-31 07:04:35 UTC

No wonder people aren't seeing Jesus as the "OG antisemite" since there's no one giving them that interpretation, no church or priest, but they have to read some obscure CI blogposts or watch Anderson YT vids to find out about it.

2017-08-31 07:04:59 UTC

Anderson isn't bad

2017-08-31 07:05:16 UTC

but even he isn't 100% correct on everything

2017-08-31 07:05:25 UTC

watching March of Zion fully

2017-08-31 07:05:30 UTC

will tell you that

2017-08-31 07:05:33 UTC

he is almost there

2017-08-31 07:05:37 UTC

but he still cucks a bit

2017-08-31 07:05:42 UTC

he is funny as fuck though

2017-08-31 07:06:19 UTC

guy is awesome non the less

2017-08-31 07:06:23 UTC

good for normies

2017-08-31 07:07:09 UTC

he still thinks jews can be saved

2017-08-31 07:07:11 UTC

if nothing else

2017-08-31 07:07:44 UTC

they have been fucking us for over 2000+ years

2017-08-31 07:08:08 UTC

they are irredeemable at this point IMHO

2017-08-31 07:09:02 UTC

even jesus was done with them and their bullshit, called them the children of satan

2017-08-31 07:09:09 UTC

who was the father of lies

2017-08-31 07:09:16 UTC

was / is

2017-08-31 07:09:22 UTC

fuck them

2017-08-31 07:09:29 UTC

oven / gas for them

2017-08-31 07:09:54 UTC


2017-08-31 07:10:14 UTC

they had their chance

2017-08-31 07:10:36 UTC

we are just fucking ourselves trying to appease them

2017-08-31 07:13:40 UTC

There are so many Pagans and Athiests in this movement, at times I feel like I should just shut up.... but the thing is... we aren't going to win without HIS help.. seriously.. and why is he even going to give a fuck if the majority of people either straight up HATE HIM or don't believe....

2017-08-31 07:14:16 UTC


2017-08-31 07:14:57 UTC

nothing against anyone obviously, don't really think I said anything negatively.. please yell at me If I did.. but yea

2017-08-31 07:16:04 UTC

Honestly thought all this shit was retarded not too long ago... but damn... everything in my path tells me yes at this point

2017-08-31 07:17:25 UTC

I Really think the End Times coming is completely dependant on our ACTIONS!!!!

2017-08-31 07:17:59 UTC

because all the non-whites are going to survive

2017-08-31 07:18:07 UTC


2017-08-31 07:18:14 UTC


2017-08-31 07:18:17 UTC


2017-08-31 07:18:23 UTC

I'm an Esoteric Hitlerite. I haven't ever met a racially aware christian. ยฏ\_(ใƒ„)_/ยฏ

2017-08-31 07:18:56 UTC

this is why non-whites could give a shit less. they are rooting for this

2017-08-31 07:19:11 UTC

this end times shit was always about us, the way I see it now

2017-08-31 07:19:13 UTC

took awhile

2017-08-31 07:19:16 UTC

but damn

2017-08-31 07:19:19 UTC

this is all us

2017-08-31 07:19:55 UTC

we are the only people that ever made anything of this place

2017-08-31 07:20:00 UTC

and after we are gone

2017-08-31 07:20:04 UTC


2017-08-31 07:20:12 UTC

this place will be shit again

2017-08-31 07:20:53 UTC

"If the Jew with the help of his Marxist creed is victorious over the peoples of this world, then his crown will be the funeral wreath of humanity; then this planet will travel through the ether as it did millions of years ago, devoid of men. Eternal Nature inexorably avenges the infringement of her commands." - AH

2017-08-31 07:21:11 UTC

the jews / satan as always hated jesus / christianity.. and always seeked to destroy it.. and here we are

2017-08-31 07:22:00 UTC

at the precipice...

2017-08-31 07:22:08 UTC

between life and death

2017-08-31 07:22:13 UTC

civilization and ruin

2017-08-31 07:22:21 UTC

we either win or lose

2017-08-31 07:22:45 UTC

this is it

2017-08-31 07:22:48 UTC

the way I see it

2017-08-31 07:22:53 UTC

I don't want to be that guy

2017-08-31 07:23:11 UTC

but I love all my peoples (whites) and what to save us from this hell

2017-08-31 07:24:06 UTC

never thought i would be that guy, screaming about god / jesus

2017-08-31 07:24:08 UTC

but here I am

2017-08-31 07:24:50 UTC

it must be for a reason other than I'm crazy

2017-08-31 07:24:53 UTC


2017-08-31 07:25:40 UTC

but the Black Sun / Eclipse was a sign

2017-08-31 07:25:57 UTC

CERN is doing something fucked up that most people aren't even thinking about

2017-08-31 07:26:11 UTC

everything is fucked atm

2017-08-31 07:26:35 UTC

This one of those "CERN is trying to open interdimensional gateway" things?

2017-08-31 07:26:52 UTC

well that is one way to think about it

2017-08-31 07:27:16 UTC

it is trying to open the Abyss, tear the viel... open the bottomless pit..

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