
Discord ID: 413932180926889986

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2018-02-18 06:56:51 UTC

It is crazy John Travolta hasn't been outted yet. Or Brad Pitt

2018-02-18 06:57:08 UTC

@MarcusKoch OMG, wrong person in my head.

2018-02-18 06:57:17 UTC

like I said.. he has a particular audience to reach.. if you cannot handle his brashness it does not mean he is an animal

2018-02-18 06:57:42 UTC

Yes, I just heard about her. Awful!
Kinda on the same note. I recently came across someone's research on what the 'red shoes' mean.

2018-02-18 06:57:57 UTC

โš ๏ธSKYKING EAMs being transmitted ...

2018-02-18 06:58:00 UTC

And I never said my service entitled me to anything. I was clarified my point of view

2018-02-18 06:58:03 UTC


2018-02-18 06:58:13 UTC

ive been hearing recent rumblings about some of the people involved in corey feldman's situation..... then maybe 4 weeks ago ...some anaomous post littlerally dropped all the names ive been hearing about

2018-02-18 06:58:23 UTC

Don't put words into my mouth I didn't call him an animal

2018-02-18 06:58:40 UTC

i hope al lthis Q stuff brings pizzagate out in the open.

2018-02-18 06:58:50 UTC

I said I hate him, which is why I don't watch him

2018-02-18 06:58:50 UTC

Don't get me started on Jonny Depp. That sicko can rot.

2018-02-18 06:59:10 UTC

He is super nice to work with, but man, when you kno w someone's secrets. ๐Ÿคข

2018-02-18 06:59:29 UTC

the doctors tried to tell me my son needed that crap.. I told them NO way in HELL they were going to dumb down my son.. I dealt with his hyper activity by giving him challenges for his mind... it works.. kids do not need drugs.. they need direction and parents that wil stop ignoring them and figure it out

2018-02-18 06:59:30 UTC

him and mayrlin manson have matching hearts with spiral tattoos..............

2018-02-18 06:59:39 UTC

You don't say.

2018-02-18 07:00:16 UTC

by hating him, you are the one losing... simply decide you do not like what he promotes.. the venom you have poisons you more than him

2018-02-18 07:01:10 UTC

Oh, I worked for Gary Goddard. None of the allegations about him and Bryan Singer are an exaggeration.

2018-02-18 07:01:26 UTC

ive been on sets and actually saw someone with a triangle spiral ring ( i only look at peoples rings to see if they are masons lol ) but i saw one.... on the same set.. saw a guy with a blue triangle spiral tattoo .. its scary

2018-02-18 07:01:48 UTC

DUDE! I just worked with a Director that had a big ass pizza sticker on her phone

2018-02-18 07:02:41 UTC

"HER" phone ?!!?!?

2018-02-18 07:02:50 UTC

@MarcusKoch Ever keep track of how many Talent have ๐Ÿ‘ tattoos? You can't make this stuff up.

2018-02-18 07:03:07 UTC

Her.... I know. Rare.

2018-02-18 07:03:09 UTC

NO its totally true.. !!!! i

2018-02-18 07:03:56 UTC

What was crazy was the lawsuit against Alex Jones from comet pizza

2018-02-18 07:04:09 UTC

James Alefantis

2018-02-18 07:04:58 UTC

@MarcusKoch You made me realize just now that you really CANNOT talk about these topics while working.

2018-02-18 07:05:13 UTC

i only moved out here last year..... this sort of stuff doesnt happen in the indie side of stuff. becuase no one has money, no one has power, the first second anyone acts like a creep. everyone will call them out on it.. but being out here. and hearing wispers and rumors...this is a whole different world for me.

2018-02-18 07:05:56 UTC

@MarcusKoch Yeah, you become a dot connector real fast.

2018-02-18 07:06:03 UTC

2018-02-18 07:06:05 UTC

absolutely not.. not out here. i keep my mouth shut around everyone ...becuase no one would believe me or or in on it

2018-02-18 07:06:43 UTC

Ok fly, fuck you and your loaded questions into MY opinion and your overlaying what ever personal crap onto my answer. I'm no losing because I can get the same information on my own or other sorces, I believe this was a forum for open discussion and different views. I didn't just come in here screaming Alex Jones is a monster (your words and thoughts NOT MINE). I have the right to like love and hate whom ever I choose and your condemnation over the fact shows who you truely are, as if people couldn't figure it out with YOUR AMBUSE question.

2018-02-18 07:06:45 UTC

If you want work, I highly recommend don't touch the subject.

2018-02-18 07:07:09 UTC

You never know who knows who ๐Ÿฆ‰

2018-02-18 07:07:42 UTC

@Crystal Something I'm not catching?

2018-02-18 07:07:46 UTC

Guys let's not fight

2018-02-18 07:07:54 UTC

I wonder if someone is muted because I don't see why you are upset?

2018-02-18 07:07:57 UTC

We are all here from dustins channel

2018-02-18 07:08:08 UTC

Dustin GOAT

2018-02-18 07:08:41 UTC

Let's unite, we are all on the same side here

2018-02-18 07:08:57 UTC

With or without alex jones lol

2018-02-18 07:09:22 UTC

F* me, really? yah, no venom there at all... guess you just proved my point.

2018-02-18 07:09:34 UTC

You want to slam me and act like I came I here all high and mighty, sleeving my service for credibility, 2hich is the furthest thing from the true.

2018-02-18 07:09:56 UTC


2018-02-18 07:10:29 UTC


2018-02-18 07:10:50 UTC


2018-02-18 07:11:18 UTC

Is it better if I scream like Alex so you get my point?

2018-02-18 07:11:24 UTC

Girl, why are you worked up?!

2018-02-18 07:13:15 UTC

Cuz theyre puttin.chemicals in the water

2018-02-18 07:13:17 UTC

At matty, it's nothing to be concerned with really. I'm not going to let fly upset me

2018-02-18 07:13:22 UTC

Turnin all the frogs gay!!

2018-02-18 07:14:44 UTC

Frogs eat flies. Dun dun daaaaa

2018-02-18 07:15:30 UTC

Not the frogs! I love frogs

2018-02-18 07:15:56 UTC

๐Ÿธ ๐Ÿ‘Œ

2018-02-18 07:16:16 UTC

We all love frogs. And frog art.

2018-02-18 07:16:16 UTC

@A fly on the wall#8263 : You need to back down. It's gone on long enough. Not worth it. This is a positive community. Opposing views are welcome, but not attacking.

2018-02-18 07:17:05 UTC

@Crystal Not all of us want to see the jabs back-and-forth.

2018-02-18 07:17:44 UTC

Let's just enjoy this

2018-02-18 07:18:02 UTC

2018-02-18 07:18:08 UTC

I apologize for being rude I public. I hope you all can forgive me

2018-02-18 07:18:30 UTC

Damn Deepstate pisses everyone off its ok Crystal

2018-02-18 07:18:43 UTC

MAGA everyone. MAGA

2018-02-18 07:19:50 UTC

I like Alex. He gets hyper sometimes but he's not trying to deceive anyone.

2018-02-18 07:20:02 UTC

*got frogs on her feet

2018-02-18 07:20:20 UTC

The Super Male Vitality and X2 is good stuff too. And the Knockout sleep

2018-02-18 07:20:58 UTC

I dont fully trust jones

2018-02-18 07:20:59 UTC


2018-02-18 07:21:04 UTC

Hes part zog

2018-02-18 07:21:19 UTC

Dont trust any media fully

2018-02-18 07:21:33 UTC

He never talks about jews. Never ever.

2018-02-18 07:21:50 UTC can't hate all jews!!

2018-02-18 07:21:57 UTC

I dont hate all jews

2018-02-18 07:22:05 UTC

Blaming Jews is like blaming all Americans for the New World Order

2018-02-18 07:22:08 UTC

Why does he need to talk about jews?

2018-02-18 07:22:43 UTC

Because.. Lol.. somebody take this for me

2018-02-18 07:23:01 UTC

many new world order evil ppl have Jewish descent. Or some maybe say fake jewish descent

2018-02-18 07:23:11 UTC

Yeah khazarians

2018-02-18 07:23:43 UTC

But not all jews are evil lol. Unfortunately the internet likes to make it sound like they blame all Jews

2018-02-18 07:23:44 UTC

M but it's not Jews, it's people. They

2018-02-18 07:23:47 UTC

Jews own all media

2018-02-18 07:23:51 UTC


2018-02-18 07:24:18 UTC

Obviously many jews are innocent

2018-02-18 07:24:20 UTC

Lol. new hastag idea.... #notalljewsareevil

2018-02-18 07:24:33 UTC

Jews also has nazi germany, but not all suffered the holocaust

2018-02-18 07:24:37 UTC


2018-02-18 07:24:41 UTC


2018-02-18 07:25:04 UTC gave that a thumbsdown haha

2018-02-18 07:25:25 UTC

I disagree. But you are allowed to express your view.

2018-02-18 07:25:45 UTC

Seriously though.... you think ALL jews are evil?

2018-02-18 07:25:52 UTC

Ok im done. Cant remember how this even started. But.. Its the jews

2018-02-18 07:25:56 UTC


2018-02-18 07:26:31 UTC

And alex will never talk about it, so, hes a limited hangout

2018-02-18 07:26:36 UTC


2018-02-18 07:26:43 UTC

Ty, zionists

2018-02-18 07:26:51 UTC

I can't say much as I've researched theologies, not the aspect that your discussing

2018-02-18 07:26:53 UTC

tell me though...... i see in youtube comments ppl ((((( do this ))))) .... Does that mean whatever is in the (( )) means Jews?

2018-02-18 07:26:59 UTC


2018-02-18 07:27:05 UTC

lol I thought so

2018-02-18 07:27:13 UTC

Although I must say Kushner is shady AF lol

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