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Hey Zeiger, how are thigns??
Lets get the project back on track.
Somewhat for both questions. The issue is that my laptop screen broke. I can use it at a stationary position, but my apartment does not have internet and I can't afford it. I am currently at the library lol. My time schedule is opening back up again after the pikeville rally is when my schedule will be back to normal.
I know. I've had some shitty expenses come up in the last few weeks which have drained much of my "free" money. Plus the expenses on going to pikeville, which at the moment is my main priority. Yeah. I might order a new screen by the end of the week.
I'm like n4uk rn, busy with IRL activities haha.
Yeah. I'm going to get some work done on the computer tonight. But starting in may we are going to TOTAL WAR. Or we are at least going to start making dents.
My Stormer group is now like 10 people and I've got 3 or 4 other people I know who are just now swallowing the red pill, haha. IRL progress has been huge in the last couple weeks. Alright, I'll message you again later and I'll get my laptop operational again.
Thats absolutely amazing! 30-40 organized guys in a small(ish) area can accomplish a lot. Think of all the flyers you could glue to campus windows. lol.
When writing for the daily stormer, how do I quote other articles with the vertical line on the side?
<a href=""></a>
See how when quoting Tactical News Team Alpha the quote is on the side of the paragraph? I only know how to block quote.
Thanks. I'm working on writing a good article for DS right now.
Also, I have some bad news, fam.
Its good news, but bad news.
<ss type="sad">:(</ss>
I posted it.
Here ill send you the link
<a href=""></a>
Kinda. I got promoted at my work which is great for $ but I won't be living the rahowa life for a while.
I can do all the animation you need, but, for the sake of the project
I don't think I'm your best candidate to do level design.
No it won't be impossible.
Here are our choices...
I can do the animations. I can still do excellent animations on minimal sleep. The problem with this job is that I'm the management and all my shitty wigger employees call in sick every day and I have to take their shifts. Good money but I'm really tired.
lol. No. But it does mean I can send DS some money for legal funds.
Yep. And I can afford more resources for other things. And it looks really good on a resume. No, I could afford internet if I wanted it, but then I'd not have the self discipline to pry myself off of /pol/, DS, and jewtube.
Its a time vacuum. I'm much more productive without it and using it in minimal bursts. Plus the money I would have been spending on internet I can soon buy a really beefy PC to handle higher end video editing software etc... Anyways, yeah don't worry about it. So project wise, I can and will do lots of animation and artwork I just don't think I'll have the time to productively do that AND level designs. Like you said, it shouldn't be too hard to find someone who can do that. And it might be better if they specialized and maybe had more experience.
I'm not interested in becoming a regular contributor but I just think Mormonism is based and I wanted to write an article about it. Idk, seemed fun.
How are things with you, fam? It's been a while.
That's a good feeling.
I've noticed he's seemed a bit low energy. Sad. I can really understand though because when I was working on Angry Goy it was the same thing, time commitment wise. Except it was really only like 6 weeks or less of TOTAL WAR. Andrew's been doing TOTAL WAR for months.
Yeah. that'll get you fried.
good thing Andrew is no goy, according to (((renegade tribune))).
LOL. My favorite memes are the ones where they make Andrew look black. Those get me everytime.
Yeah. I'm skeptical of a lot of "alt right" figures but I am very confident that Andrew is a real goy.
Lol. WE WUZ ENSLAVED. Also Mike Enoch. I was skeptical of him after the whole crisis and even Andrew Anglin's explaining didn't do much to ease my suspicions, but then I met him at Pikeville and am almost positive he is also a real goy. I met Benjamin Garland, one of your writers. He was a really cool guy.
What is Weev doing? What can I do?
Wait Zeiger I had an idea.
So as you probably know, Angry Goy is already programmed to be run from a CD, hence part of the reason why there was the whole run as admin issue. I've been casually, occasionally picking away at updating the glitches and adding some bonus content. (I've got an SPLC DLC pack I'm working on haha, with lots more updated dialogue).
Would there be a way I can make CDs of Angry Goy + Bonus Content, sell them for 14.88 , and give all the money to the site?
See the thing is just that I don't want to sell them because I don't want my name on them obviously. But idk, I'm sure theres (((TAX))) paperwork and sheeit.
Yeah. Worth it. If we make and sell 100 of them for $25 each and there is a 15-20 dollar markup over materials that's 1500 to 2000 dollars which can keep Anglin well fed for a couple weeks haha.
Does Weev use skype?
Yeah that's true,
>tfw to intelligent too use tor
but at least Antifa
And yeah, small time local agencies.
Lol. "Hey friends, give me 1 like for every skype I blast!"
Its funny though because blacks notoriously livestream their crimes on fb.
Like my article already you swine.
I&apos;m back, goys.
I'm back from the dead.
Yeah... TFW IRL stuff is really busy.
But yeah.
Lets do it.
Got any new tunes in the works?
<partlist type="started" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> <duration>2441</duration> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> <duration>2441</duration> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> <duration>1408</duration> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> <duration>1408</duration> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> <duration>1029</duration> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> <duration>1029</duration> </part> </partlist>
can you not hear me?
<partlist type="started" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt=""> <part identity="gabriel_zeiger"> <name>bob sd</name> <duration>104</duration> </part> <part identity="live:nationalistberserker"> <name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name> <duration>104</duration> </part> </partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="b6fce01f-453f-49b6-aa3f-94faf5a41e9f"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="b6fce01f-453f-49b6-aa3f-94faf5a41e9f"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>31.904</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>31.904</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="c606a169-33af-43f8-8f50-c8bd66f44243"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="c606a169-33af-43f8-8f50-c8bd66f44243"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>10.419</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>10.419</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="54583698-de0a-468a-ba9c-64da3ea6baff"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="54583698-de0a-468a-ba9c-64da3ea6baff"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>1676.374</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>1676.374</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="862e390a-76a1-4296-97ad-617b8274737d"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="862e390a-76a1-4296-97ad-617b8274737d"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>1683.18</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>1683.18</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="missed" alt="" callId="947c8a40-44b6-457f-8537-453b20f0faa7"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
its the kikes
His last words were; whats going on big guy
<partlist type="missed" alt="" callId="e2159560-1a0f-4a5f-b28f-aeffe03f67fe"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="missed" alt="" callId="755ad3c2-1c10-4739-9d98-e69d49a3abb2"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="missed" alt="" callId="b33c258a-405e-43be-a1aa-64ee9d0605c2"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="544ef5df-9fd5-4c28-bfb1-a8238cda4551"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="544ef5df-9fd5-4c28-bfb1-a8238cda4551"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>1315.097</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>1315.097</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="missed" alt="" callId="064ad4da-852d-47e1-8d4d-c822b00f717b"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="3daae51a-86df-4994-8f9b-6fb9b31f896c"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="3daae51a-86df-4994-8f9b-6fb9b31f896c"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>54.384</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>54.384</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="4d0536a9-7294-4385-8543-6163c09787b3"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="4d0536a9-7294-4385-8543-6163c09787b3"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>786.211</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>786.211</duration></part></partlist>
<partlist type="started" alt="" callId="db066b4d-a1dc-4f19-aee0-abae230083ae"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name></part></partlist>
<partlist type="ended" alt="" callId="db066b4d-a1dc-4f19-aee0-abae230083ae"><part identity="live:nationalistberserker"><name>Nathaniel Wheelmaker</name><duration>1448.87</duration></part><part identity="gabriel_zeiger"><name>bob sd</name><duration>1448.87</duration></part></partlist>

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