Phillip MA

@PF-188861 RocketChat ID: szSxmW4fgCyFhh2xu

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Want to meet up tonight?


I’m back to society

Would you be willing to pick me up?

I need to install new brakes on my truck so I want to save whatever I have left on my pads

Solid plan brother

see you later on

I have a slightly better idea on how we should go into Boston. Pick me up and drive to Braintree station and take the T in. That way we won’t have to spend time to try and find any parking. And also avoid rush hour traffic into Boston

Tbh I might have to meet up with you guys because I’m still working

Will do

Off work now

What’s the deal

Damn alright

I definitely need to see you soon about promat

I can do tomorrow around 7

I’m on my way home now

about 30 minutes away

meet at my house

Thank you

I’m home now

@all please pray for my grandfather he is very sick and in the hospital.

I’m sorry to hear that. She will be in my prayers

If anyone needs their brakes done lmk. I just did mine

Hey guys, I apologize for my lack of communication lately, I’ve had some unforeseen circumstances pop up lately and needed to back off until December. One of the good things is that I have to cook for my diabetic grandfather, so I’ve been eating the same as him. Low carb, high protein and fat. I’m only eating in the morning and at night. Usually 1 egg and black coffee for breakfast and most of the time it’s chicken and greens for dinner. Sometimes fish. I’ve been doing this for about a week but haven’t seen any major results. Next step is to buy a scale to keep track of weekly weigh in. I weighed myself at my dads yesterday and I’m still at 235. Another goal is to do 25 push-ups, 25 sit-ups, 25 squats and a 2.5 minute plank in the mornings before my shower. The first 3 exercises should be the easy part, I need to work on the plank the most.

Thank you, king, for the kind words

I will try and make it happen probably won’t be until later on that night

Thursday is better, but is he going to be around because of the holiday?

Stickered Bridgewater Center, Bridgewater, MA (1/1)

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Bridgewater Center, Bridgewater, MA

Am I supposed to be a driver for December?

Henry I definitely trust. How long is the drive? I can do 5 hours solid

You’re welcome

Ok good enough for me

I appreciate it. It was a little short notice, but shit happens. I’m just happy to help




Legion Parkway, Brockton, MA



It is a potential high risk area but with a bunch of guys we should be able to pull it off

It is a potential high risk area but with a bunch of guys we should be able to pull it off

I’m thinking a simple”Reclaim America” should do the trick

I would definitely help make those up.

Tyler had a great idea. Because of the high risk, we should premake the full words. I was thinking “Reclaim America”

and then the URL of course

Will be there

Truck is in running order

Of course

on my way now. I’ll see you tomorrow

You good

Ok just was checking to see if my truck got destroyed

Need to get gas. Will be back a little later than 6:30

You busy tonight? I want to put up some promat in your area

Everything looks solid. When do we plan on doing this?

Well, is there anyway I can meet up with you guys?

it would make sense for me to be involved

Can we meet up tonight?

We can meet up at Reid’s if you’d like

ill see you there

Dropped 2 banners in Boston, as well, and placed posters in Bridgewater and Marshfield with @NQ - Henry MA and @Victor MA

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I’m good for both

Are we still on for today to promat?

Tomorrow for sure

No I just bought some. I wanted to do a run with you

If you can’t then no big deal

Friday I’m not around. I’ll see you Sunday early morning then


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I can’t make it tonight for the meeting. I had a family emergency and didn’t make my commitment. I stickered 1 town. My commitment for next week is 3 towns. Sorry bro

Lol no. I don’t eat pop tarts

I would advise against the lightbulbs. I’m balloon gang

but Saturday morning I’m fair game

i will help you fill balloons

Either that or pesticide sprayer full of paint

Could possibly be an actual animal

like a squirrel or some shit

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Stickered Plympton, MA (1/3)

Stickered Carver Marketplace, Carver, MA (2/3)

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Plympton, MA

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