Message from @Jakob

Discord ID: 1016350552126398556

2021-01-10 23:31:56 UTC  


2021-01-10 23:31:58 UTC  

10 years ago? Yeah I would have said the American people are fucking push overs and would spread their asscheeks

2021-01-10 23:32:20 UTC  

We might have to start getting used to this place, but even discord aint safe in the long run.

2021-01-10 23:32:37 UTC  

Like I am 100% sure we will see actual violence this decade. I'm not going to pretend to know when but 2020s are gonna be rough

2021-01-10 23:32:52 UTC  

Without a doubt.

2021-01-10 23:32:56 UTC  

2020 was just the preview.

2021-01-10 23:32:58 UTC  

Yeah Im going to do up an IRC server, I think. Some of my friends want to gtfo Discord

2021-01-10 23:33:43 UTC  

If you guys are down with an IRC server Ill do one tonight or tomorrow.

2021-01-10 23:36:04 UTC  

Post a link here if you wannt

2021-01-10 23:36:27 UTC  

Wilco. I'll include instructions on masking IPs when I do

2021-01-10 23:37:26 UTC  

I know other people would prob suggest using the federated matrix server/client but honestly that thing fucking sucks

2021-01-10 23:37:31 UTC  

Its not user friendly at all imo

2021-01-11 19:32:00 UTC  

Sorry I didn't get a chance to look into servers. I'll have something this week. Mandatory OT at work right now.

2021-01-12 02:44:36 UTC

2021-03-10 20:45:11 UTC

2021-03-11 19:53:14 UTC  

Is it possible to learn this power?

2022-09-05 10:42:12 UTC  

This discord still dead?

2022-09-05 10:50:53 UTC  

Figure it might be a good idea to resurrect it

2022-09-05 10:51:15 UTC

2022-09-05 14:14:14 UTC  

I guess it is dead. Is Kiwi Farms still up?

2022-09-05 15:21:28 UTC  

The onion link is, but based on what happened this morning, who knows?

2022-09-05 15:31:13 UTC  

What happened? I quit Kiwi Farms at the start of this year

2022-09-05 15:35:20 UTC  

Cloudflare and DDOS guard kicked the farms

2022-09-05 15:35:50 UTC  

Big pressure campaign from some troon with a large social media following

2022-09-05 15:36:21 UTC  

Well, there we go

2022-09-05 15:36:26 UTC  

Question is, will it return

2022-09-05 15:36:41 UTC  

I remember way back in 2017, KF went down for a month or so but came back

2022-09-05 15:39:32 UTC  

Here's what Josh said

2022-09-05 15:40:38 UTC  

In my life, there is a family emergency. It has absolutely nothing to do with the forum drama. I cannot and will not elaborate further. There will be a week or more where I am completely unavailable and it is likely the site will go down during this time where I will not be able to bring it up.

I want to appraise our situation frankly.

Domain Registrar
Cloudflare was both our application-level DDoS mitigation and our domain registrar. They have given me a way to transfer my domains to another registrar. I do not know what registrar to send it to because I do not have faith in any company.

DDoS Mitigation
DDoS-Guard will drop us dropped us while I was writing this post. This meme about Russia being a free country is a joke. The US is a free country, but with no stewards to protect it. Without the US, there is no second best. I did not expect Cloudflare to crumple so quickly and I don't have a Plan C for DDoS mitigation.

Resource Allocation
I own IP addresses. Our IP allocation is from APNIC. APNIC is one of the 5 private companies which allocate Internet resources around the world. APNIC happens to be based out of Australia, which recently passed draconian censorship laws. There is an effort to get our RIR to revoke our allocation. This would be unprecedented in the history of the Internet, and considering China is in APNIC's region, an absolutely horrific standard which will echo throughout the upcoming decades. There is a non-zero chance of this happening.

2022-09-05 15:41:04 UTC  

We have one host and I am looking at two more. It is likely that the host will give up too. The two hosts confident they can handle the Kiwi Farms are probably wrong. DDoS-Guard was confident they could handle the Kiwi Farms and said "bring it on" for less than 24 hours.

This is an organized attack. There is a coalition of criminals trying to frame the forum for their behavior. These criminals provide opportunities for professional victims to amplify their message. Journalists canonize the crimes as the behavior of the forum itself, which becomes the effective truth for the general public.

This is a machine that was built up formerly against 8chan and activates any time the cathedral wants to test the new fronts of its censorship. It is a massive amalgamation of various interests. I am one person. The financial limitations aren't even the real problem - the problem is, I am powerless alone. There is no amount of money I can throw to convince people to be brave and be free. This is just the reality of our country.

And what this machine will not accept is compromise. If I censored specific kinds of behavior, it would not matter. They don't want a specific thing censored. They want the average person to be able to speak in channels where only specific thoughts are acceptable.

More importantly, they want to make it so that no small organization can host a service which threatens the cathedral. It used to be that one guy with a good idea could open a platform and be a Tom Anderson, Mark Zuckerberg, Tom Fulp, Christopher Poole, or Richard Kyanka. Take note these names are all from 10+ years ago. There are no new groundbreakers online anymore because breaking ground in the new Internet's corporate parking lot is not allowed.

I do not see a situation where the Kiwi Farms is simply allowed to operate. It will either become a fractured shell of itself, like 8chan, or jump between hosts and domain names like Daily Stormer.

2022-09-05 15:41:16 UTC  


2022-09-05 15:42:14 UTC  

Got it

2022-09-05 15:52:57 UTC  

And there was also that anonymous faggot who swatted some politician and then blamed kiwifarms for it.

2022-09-05 21:51:07 UTC  

Eh, it'll probably come back.

2022-09-05 21:51:13 UTC  

If not just use tor.

2022-09-05 21:51:31 UTC  

I'm not really in the mood to listen about ifs when you can just enjoy things.

2022-09-05 21:51:45 UTC  

It's why I mostly just dance now to Star War's repeated fuck ups.

2022-09-05 21:51:57 UTC  

Why care about what they do when they don't?

2022-09-05 21:52:18 UTC  

Celebrate their absolute incompetence and hope that finances crash the entertainment industry.

2022-09-05 21:52:37 UTC  

Since they won't make good product if they only need to sell services and rely on investment, not product sold.