Message from @9NotAnArgument

Discord ID: 322588438211854338

2017-06-06 19:58:06 UTC  

whats the last 10?

2017-06-06 19:58:38 UTC  

Pax dindu Nuffin he's a good organizer

2017-06-06 19:59:50 UTC  

I should add that the Tea Party organizations are all ripe for takeover and can't possibly be any less effective than they are now. Great opp. to get boomers on board with lighter versions of the Cause.

2017-06-06 20:00:37 UTC  

are you positive your acquaintance isn't jewish jw for suggestions

2017-06-06 20:03:03 UTC  

@northern_confederate it's a pernicious stereotype that all bankers are Jews. My friend is a bindi.

@vendetta There are dozens of Tea Party Orgs in VA alone.

2017-06-06 20:04:35 UTC  

I wouldn't even know how to begin to appeal to a bindi other than basketball and mass produced rap music sorry I'll bow out now. I recommend you find him a Hindu nationalist blog that supports him making his money and taking it back home to help his own people

2017-06-06 20:06:21 UTC  

Anything run by boomers is ripe for infiltration and takeover

2017-06-06 20:12:52 UTC  

@Vendetta Vidame yes, and to be frank it will be us or kikeservatives who smell $$ when the proprietors of these orgs become incapacitated (v. soon).

2017-06-06 20:13:59 UTC  

Imagine 100 midwestern Ben Shapiros showing up one day to Tea Party meetings talking about achievement gaps and " the Constitution" (lol).

2017-06-06 20:14:17 UTC  

That is the next five years if we do nothing.

2017-06-06 20:15:34 UTC  

my nightmare

2017-06-06 22:13:54 UTC  

The prophesy of the monk Hilarion from the 15th century:
“The people of the peninsula of Europe will suffer by needless wars until the Holy Man comes. The Lion will come from a high mountain in the enlightened nation. Then will the people of the half-moon of the tribe of Agar overrun many nations towards midnight and commit many atrocities. They will stay three years destroying everything. Yet, in the third year, will one of the unconquerable Eagles who reigns over the enlightened nation between the Rhine and the North sea, with a great army meet them by the mouth of the River Rhine and, in a fearful battle, almost entirely annihilate them.”

2017-06-07 03:21:15 UTC  

I had a conversation at work with an insufferable woman. She just got back from a mission trip to Haiti.

She is obviously not very self-aware, because she was totally honest about how she only went to feel sanctimonious. She said "To be honest, I do it more for myself than anything. It makes me feel really great. Most people tell me I'm crazy for doing that instead of taking a vacation, but it makes me feel like I did something good."

I asked her where they stayed. She told me they stayed in a compound with armed guards, and were escorted by armed guards everywhere they went because, "I dunno, I guess because we aren't from there, they just assume we have money or something."

She didn't have anything to say about any actual work she did there. The conversation got derailed before I could ask what she knows about the revolution there.

The whole thing was just profoundly selfish and stupid.

2017-06-07 22:43:35 UTC  

Help me out here goys

I'm at a crossroads I feel like everything I've do in my normie space helps ZOG and it makes me sick. So sick that I just want to check out and go innawoods for a while. Obviously that would involve giving up my normie life and starting anew. What do?

2017-06-08 01:17:27 UTC  

@☇Unlimited Power☇ , helping the ZOG is inevitable, as grim and blackpilling as that may sound. Do not force yourself to live uncomfortably because you are attempting to avoid it. In that way the ZOG wins as well. Limiting your intake of degeneracy and living through a righteous life of spreading the good word to others about why degeneracy is something that should be avoided will be fulfilling but remember; "if I'm truly so enlightened *why'd I waste your time on it?*" is always going to be prevalent and important. Never fret over those you can't save. The best thing you can do is to focus on building yourself as a person, building your community with your peers who you deem worthy, and making yourself fit to become a father to children who will spread your knowledge wider than you could just as one man. A good, wholesome, rich life lies in self dedication, and dedication to those you love. The ZOG will not be toppled by someone who goes innawoods and fucks off from everything, becoming increasingly separated from the civilization their ancestors built on the sweat and blood of their backs.

2017-06-08 03:56:26 UTC  

@Wall Buildionaire self dedication is calling me to innawoods though.

2017-06-08 03:56:34 UTC  

I can't do it a ZOGed city

2017-06-08 13:13:08 UTC  

@☇Unlimited Power☇ live in the suburbs or a rural area then. Going innawoods is letting the ZOG win.

2017-06-08 13:34:49 UTC  

Just put your ZOG bux into causes you care about. I donate $10 to Trump's 2020 campaign every time he does something fashy. If he fires Kushner I'm probably going to throw in $100.

2017-06-09 04:11:08 UTC  

Alright new propaganda Idea, take every dollar that passes through your hands and do this, if we get enough people doing it the reach will be far and wide...

2017-06-09 04:11:17 UTC

2017-06-09 04:11:21 UTC

2017-06-09 07:23:59 UTC  

Grand idea.

2017-06-09 07:27:38 UTC  

How human is God? If man is created in the image of God, then God is Man. If God is viewed as beyond that which man can achieve, then God is perfection. So, if God is perfection, and in that perfection resides the desire of Want, want of worship and servitude, then God is as man and imperfect. But, if imperfection can reside in the image of the perfect, then man cannot view perfection from an objective perspective, thusly, rendering perfection in the subjective in totality. If God, the human notion of the Ideal, is subjected to the follies of man even in his most benevolent moments, then imperfection is ideal. Man can only envision the perceived perfect as imperfect for his Ideal is that of the imperfect. Though, how does one define imperfection? Surely the idea is just as subjective as the idealistic antithesis.
Now that we have established that anything idealized is subjective, how does a thing coming-into-being affect that status? When a thing is created; it is. Now, in the physical, objectivity of nature, it simply is. No amount of subjective thought will alter this state of being. Once something is created, it ceases to be subjective and becomes objective. It simply is just that, and nothing else pertaining to the subjective. It now resides in the purest sense of objectivity; being without thinking. The thoughts of man regarding this ‘something’ are, unquestionably, subjective. Which, causes the ‘something’ to be misconstrued as subjective in nature, without having acted outside of the objective. Man, having come-into-being, is, by definition, objective. His actions, being that which defines his individual character, are purely subjective. Being is the essence of Objectivity and Thinking, Subjectivity.

2017-06-09 07:27:55 UTC  

Man cannot create a perfect ideal with an imperfect mind. Perfection cannot be created, it can only exist in a pure form as Idealism, yet, that which is ideal is also an imperfect construct. Truth is rooted in objectivity. A man does not tell the truth, he merely explains his opinion of a perceived, or real, truth. For, the act of telling is subjective in nature and, therefore, cannot bear the objectivity of truth. Thusly, man cannot tell the truth. Action is intent of the free mind. Completely subjective. Man can only act in the subjective.
From the subjective we get perception.
From the objective we get truth.

2017-06-09 07:28:15 UTC  

These forces are in constant symbiosis, though, in a predominantly negative way. They are symbiotic in the sense that one requires the other in order to exist. This is in contrast to the parasite, which requires a host. Perception cannot exist without truth, much like the subjective only exists because of the objective. Where the parasite is a detriment, perception can bring truth to an elevated status. Hence, symbiosis. The negative comes in how the truth is acted upon by that which perceives it. Regardless of whether or not it is subjected to perception, it remains as is. But, it still requires perception to recognize its truthfulness. The objective only has meaning if it is objectified by the subjective. Regardless of how objective man is, physically, theoretically he inhabits the subjective. Though the mind of man can only create subjectively, it can understand that which is objective. Man can understand truth, then, as truth resides in the objective.

2017-06-09 07:28:33 UTC  

Man, though, is doomed to the follies of perception. Perception being that of the subjective in absolute. Truth being that of the objective in absolute. Action can, therefore, make manifest the objective being from subjective thought. It is the bridge between perception and truth. Innate intent to action is a key evolutionary trait of the enlightened mind. Much like the Will to Power of Nietzsche’s Ubermensch. To seek action is to seek the absolute, to seek truth. Inaction is to submit to a subjective paradigm, to abandon the pursuit of truth. Actions divide the subjective and the objective, much in the way they divide progression from stagnation. It could be said that; that which is ideal is the action of obtaining Idealism, not the idealized end in itself. Idealism lies in the obtaining of the subjective Ideal and not the actual end that is idealized. Finding perfection is perfection in itself, as the end goal is objective truth. Seeking the Ideal is moving toward objectivity, making it the objective action of idealism. For the Subjective Ideal cannot be obtained, but the objective actions taken toward the obtaining of this truth, perceived by men in the subjective but understood in the objective, is the very essence of Idealism. And in that, lies perfection, the Will to Truth. The will to seek objectivity. The innate drive to become whole again with the natural order of all things.

2017-06-09 07:28:50 UTC  

One must first find a way to match ones existence with ones desired perception of existence. If the perception is absurd, then it must be changed. For only the perception is subjective in nature and is able to be changed outside of the objective world. Mans perception of what is, and what is not, flawed, must change. Our physical features are those of our ancestors, rooted in genetics and natural occurrence, an objective manifestation of Natures Will. Only through race-mixing, a subjective notion which influences actions to objectivity, do we alter such things for future generations. The example of natural resistance to race-mixing is the rejection by a mother of Negative blood type, of her fetus of Positive blood type. This is prevented by drugs in our modern era, which is directly spitting in natures face, as if races were a disease and forced mixing were the cure. One would think this notion was pulled straight out of Richard Kalergis Practical Idealism, as it denotes subtle genocide. Our perception of this objective reality is created from other subjective perceptions of that, and other, objective realities. The subjective tone in which something is presented, influences how that something is experienced. One must first shed the notion of the flawed objective. For that which is objective is exactly as it is, as it either existed, or was created, and only reflects the subjective flaws of the creator.

2017-06-09 07:29:13 UTC  

Excerpt from a book I'm writing, sorry for the lengthy post.

2017-06-10 04:52:27 UTC  

I like your writing style.

2017-06-10 04:52:38 UTC  

i'm intrigued enough to read more.

2017-06-10 04:53:39 UTC  

Lately, I've been feeling a bit down, like we're all just spinning our wheels here. I want to see more groundbreaking theoretical evolution of our concepts. That's what first attracted me to the alt right. Maybe I'm just getting old and I can't keep up with the shitposting and the memeing.

2017-06-10 05:05:50 UTC  

@gusphase Thank you sir. I'll post more when I get home tomorrow, but I'm still working on the book.

2017-06-10 22:42:48 UTC  
2017-06-12 09:36:02 UTC  

The idea is to lead people to the desired ideology, not to outright give it to them. For an idea given holds no power over an idea gained. You must leave bread crumbs for people to follow through the forest. When Dorothy was sent on the Yellow Brick Road, she already had the means to return home, and Glenda knew this. But, Dorothy did not know that there was a man behind the curtain causing all the oppression. She went upon her quest, not to only find the way home, but to find herself along that way. As with the notion of coming to the understand of racial and cultural identity for the broad masses. The individual (Dorothy) alone possesses the understanding of the self (Ruby Slippers). Identity is with them from the start. But if you tell them that they can simply go home, without the understanding of what home really is, they will return home under the same paradigm as before, and nothing will have been gained. For this purpose, we must be as Glenda, sending Dorothy on her quest to the Emerald City. By explaining along the way what it is that is required to find ones way. The Will to Power (Yellow Brick Road), leads one to the Emerald City (Final Questions/Understanding of Self). Along the path the individual must be brought to understand, through their own experiences, Economics, Agriculture, a Familial Sense of Comradery, Belonging and Purpose. Those things any animal needs most; Food, Sex and Shelter. The common individual cares of their finances to secure such things. You tell them of the turmoil caused by the loss of these things, and they begin to associate the negative impacts of their absence with the controller of these aspects. Now, as Dorothy comes into contact with the hardships of the path, the flying monkeys, the Witch, the Crab Apple Trees, she becomes disheartened, fearful, and contemplates turning back.

2017-06-12 09:36:23 UTC  

But, she is comforted by her new found community along this journey. You must be the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Lion. You must show the individual that you are there to help guide them through the turmoil, not to show them the way, but to be there for them along their journey. Once the individual reaches the Emerald City, and confronts the largest of the base questions, that of Economic Oppression, of Debt Slavery, they see the Floating Head (The Federal Reserve). They will confront this entity, that which causes them sorrow, the supposed end of their Quest to Freedom. Only through their confrontation, only through their Will to Power over their own lives, will they discover the man behind the curtain (the Jew). They will become astounded, perhaps even confused. But you must be there for them, with Knowledge, Compassion and Courage. You have walked a long journey with them, one of hardship, as they discover who they are, not handed to them, but gained through the understanding of ones own ideologies upon the subject matter. Only then does Glenda appear again and explain to Dorothy that she, all along, possessed the ability, possessed the Ruby Slippers of Racial Identity; and only the individual could have brought themselves to the culmination of understanding how valuable returning home truly is.

2017-06-12 11:28:28 UTC  

Ben Garrison the book

2017-06-15 01:53:52 UTC  

As an X-er, I faithfully followed nearly all the advice given by my boomer parents, and it got me diddly-squat. Gradually I came to understand why: Nearly all the advice they gave me would have been terrific advice for someone with a typical boomer life trajectory, when mistakes could easily be erased and every tree looked like it would grow to the sky. Taking on ruinous debt for a fuzzy degree just so you'd have a diploma with your name on it was probably great advice in the 1960s and 70s. Buying more house than you really needed or could reasonably afford would have been a killer investment strategy in 1982. Everything boomers did was a dumb gamble that improbably succeeded, and they never wondered why; they just accepted it as a convenient law of nature. To this day, I still get these kinds of useless tips from my boomer parents, though by now I've learned to ignore them.

This is the great theme of the boomers' life: They could always take a lot of wild, irresponsible chances on everything, because nearly every bet they made seemed to pay off handsomely, at least within their lifetimes. The completely predictable and obvious long-term costs were always way, way over the horizon -- a problem for somebody else. The bill, if it ever came due, would be paid by their posterity, and who cares about those losers? They don't even like the Beatles, and they're too whiny and lazy anyway.

Which leads to the root of their endless narcissism. Many boomers believe the incredible advantages they enjoyed were not hard-won gains of previous generations that could easily be squandered, but the inevitable fruits of their own virtuous awesomeness.

2017-06-15 01:53:59 UTC  

It never occurred to them that they were both the beneficiaries of and the caretakers for a fragile legacy, and that an economy where anyone with a pulse who was willing to bust their ass could enjoy a solid middle-class life was a historic anomaly that had to be carefully safeguarded. No, it was all just a well-deserved reward for boomers because of their own industriousness and moral goodness. Those whiny kids could have the same thing if they'd just work harder, is how boomers see it.