Message from @Commodvs Detritvs
Discord ID: 348312605003218954
@Hector pahahahahahaha
I love how they think Spencer is the Antichrist and to most of us he's way too soft
Yes because putting up a sign saying don't use these is definitely going to stop people from using them
Blacks aren't known for their brains but seriously this is worse than stupid
Enoch can now shitpost again!
@Kaiser Wilhelm II is that confirmed real?
''Tis a great day
@☇Unlimited Power☇ no idea
but judging by the followers it checks out
PJW going hard
One minute he's a cuck, then his balls somehow grow back
If he'd just quit sucking popsicles before shooting a video
The super male vitality kicked in
maybe he saw how people are turning on Thernovith and Rebel
.wang will never happen as jews run the porn industry
Oyyyyy veyyyyyy
Dammit confessor
He makes the right noises but it's hard to trust a mischling
just call them communists
Just call them Jews
Baked Alaska has a hearthstone addiction.
im shilling goys,
bunch of tracks here
and more subdued tracks here
Is Baked playing Hearthstone in the hospital? lmfao
big if true
At least he can see well enough to play.