Message from @dd✳555

Discord ID: 326078605635616768

2017-06-18 17:16:42 UTC  

I dont know anyone in the TRS community that likes Milo

2017-06-18 17:16:49 UTC  

And Wyatt, Grindr & co whining about purity

2017-06-18 17:16:50 UTC  

Dude that's so clearly bullshit

2017-06-18 17:17:02 UTC  

There's no "fashy faggot" group

2017-06-18 17:17:02 UTC  

I absolutely can and love to back that up, a min.

2017-06-18 17:19:26 UTC  

t. TRS

2017-06-18 17:20:36 UTC  

If you aren't interested in arguing in good faith we don't have to do this

2017-06-18 17:20:52 UTC  

Thats an article about using the Orlando shooting to wedge two groups on the left

2017-06-18 17:21:32 UTC  

Check the comments, I get that that article is trying to be epik 1488D chess

2017-06-18 17:21:37 UTC  

I'll be back on later

2017-06-18 17:21:37 UTC  

Wyattmann also promoted Miloism, I remember vividly. Sven as well and he even shilled for Vox Day. I know he doesn't anyone, he denounced them in Svenergy a few months ago. Although it was aimed at TRS to get them to stop defending Milo. And bunch of other pro-Milos, its hard to remember all the identical gay WNs with anime avatars.

2017-06-18 17:27:54 UTC  

Although I'll give it to TRS, most dropped the Milo support once he turned out to be pedo. I haven't checked the forums since Enochcaust, if they genuinely have gotten rid of the homoes then good for you. I have some trouble accessing the forums (what's new lol) but early 2016/late 2015 and virtually everything before that was at worst ambivalent towards fags. Natt made a ton of podcasts covering the forum faggotry even before JIMPACT, but they're TL;DW for me, I'm too ADD for podcasts.

2017-06-18 17:35:49 UTC  

Threads mentioning Donovan's faggotry were closed and people who brought it up called jews at least until late 2015.

2017-06-18 17:39:00 UTC

Top comments all hugboxing fags, less than a year old, in response to Zeiger's BASED anti fag posts, who later had to leave TRS due to his views: *Lesbians and gay men really aren't in the same category. For one thing, fluid bisexuality is a norm among women, so declaring oneself an exclusive lesbian is almost certain to be more of a political decision than anything else, and one that often does go with emotional pathology.

*If there are people who can't help being that way to the point that you believe they should be killed because they are defective and definitively not normal, then it follows from that that whatever they do with each other, it isn't going to cause normal people to "turn gay."

*Whatever relationship/interpersonal difficulties homosexual relationships tend to have are their own concern and not anyone else's unless particular gay individuals try to make it that way. There is no need to police what you and many other people here believe to be a small, dysfunctional minority of exclusively homosexual people for its peculiar internecine problems when you have already stated that normal people are not disposed to those same hazards in that same way

2017-06-18 17:40:07 UTC  

In addition to Zeiger, Hyperborean and bunch others got b& for their antifaggotry.

2017-06-18 17:58:42 UTC

Sven talks about past and current Milo support, in Anno Domini 2017. If you can access this, mass banning of anti-fags and nazis:

But yeah. If this is no longer the case, good for you guys. I'mma brb as well, got stuff.

2017-06-18 18:02:48 UTC  

Happy Father's Day to dads and all men living the 14 words. 🙋🏼. 💚

2017-06-18 19:12:05 UTC  

✋🏻 14W, work in progress @dd✳555 By the way, met like 6 people who had been to Steelfest during the weekend, like 10 guys had either Der Sturmer, Moloth or Goatmoon hoodie or shirt, looked funny while we were playing beach ball at the sunny beach : D Spent like 1.5 hours just sperging about music.

2017-06-18 19:19:57 UTC  

Nice! This is the first time in years I missed Steelfest. Too much other stuff going on. I'll be in Finland later this year, though, if life stays the same. Likely when summer is over , and no shows going on. 😶

2017-06-18 19:40:05 UTC

Missed this even though it was playing basically next door during Easter. I won't live long enough to forgive myself.

2017-06-18 19:44:34 UTC  

Would have XIII Amphi Fest coming up in exactly a month from now, I got some friends going, would have a demo in Norway the same weekend. Might be doable, always wanted to see Nachtmahr and Suicide Commando live

2017-06-18 19:49:35 UTC  

That's pretty gay to miss Perturbator, yeah. I'm not big into that genre but would definitely go if I had the chance. Amphi Fest hasn't been on my radar. Looks like multiple genres?

2017-06-18 19:50:54 UTC  

I'm going to Munich in November to see WASP. They don't tour the US anymore.

2017-06-18 19:55:39 UTC

This sort of stuff. I heard they're having Nachtmahr guys as DJs. Heavier electro. But we'll see, we're having similar gigs over here, and if I pop by another country would like to spend some time checking the places in no hurry.

2017-06-18 19:55:45 UTC  

Yeah? Not really familiar with them.

2017-06-18 19:57:47 UTC  

Talking of Norway, we're having an anti-pride demo there, cops are trying to block it, good luck.

2017-06-18 20:05:31 UTC  

It's an old, old, American metal band. It's more an obligation to see them, as a metalhead. Kind of like kikes going to Jerusalem or whatever.

2017-06-18 20:05:53 UTC  

Good luck in Norway. Can't wait to see footage.

2017-06-18 20:08:42 UTC  

👍🏻 In addition to electro/noise, the NSBM gigs, we have another RAC gig with Sniper. So glad to see the Mistreat and Sniper guys still playing. Literally some at least passable gig every weekend during summer.

2017-06-18 20:10:22 UTC  

The Norwegian fagcops argued that there could be violent counterprotesters. Hilarious excuse. They could just as well ban all the faggot prides as we always oppose them. In any case, we'll challenge the cops, and we'll march one way or the other.

2017-06-18 20:15:20 UTC  

Wow! Sniper. I should start promoting NS shows in the US. Can they legally cancel because of violent counter protesters? I mean, it happens here all the time... I gotta go. On a long drive today--just stopped for coffee.

2017-06-18 20:17:40 UTC  

You really should, TWP Paddy was talking about the need to revive the US music scene and get bands throwing gigs there. I know so many that would attend.

It would be unbeforeseen. It's totally political. I think EDL had a demo in Norway with like 10 people attending and 100x more counterprotesters but it's no problem because they're kosher. But we're these international neo nazi terrorists, p much white ISIS. But it's not a surprise by any means, cops try to fuck with us at any given chance.

2017-06-18 20:17:45 UTC  

👍🏻 bye

2017-06-18 20:19:15 UTC  

In addition to promoting shows, I want to revive the term "Neo-Nazi". Bye. 🙋🏼

2017-06-18 21:57:26 UTC  

race is real
gender is binary
sperm is cheap
eggs are expensive
reality ain't pretty
and evolution doesn't give a fuck about you
Now get off your knees white man and save your race!

2017-06-19 00:54:16 UTC  

I'll never be able to keep a FB it seems. They have me on lockdown somehow. I make a new one and it's disabled in no time at all. It was holding up in a browser format, but the app seems to trigger something to get me a fast "upload a photo of you" then always is disabled.

2017-06-19 00:55:22 UTC  
2017-06-19 00:57:07 UTC  
