Message from @AltCelt(IL)

Discord ID: 343845090978168834

2017-08-06 19:32:46 UTC  

You linked the article yourself I think.

2017-08-06 19:33:32 UTC  

It may have been in the NS one but i dont recall

2017-08-06 19:33:40 UTC  

Yeah, that one.

2017-08-06 19:34:07 UTC  

"And it is all completely disingenuous. They will continually make claims like “the Alt-Right accepts homosexuals.” If pressed to give examples, they will say MILO, who was the opposite of the Alt-Right – he was an enemy of the movement who came in and tried to destroy it by stealing our brand and making it a vehicle for his own edgy fame-mongering."

2017-08-06 19:34:08 UTC  

Regardless.. Due to the public nature of his platform.. If i were him, I would put the face on also haha

2017-08-06 19:34:58 UTC  

Also.. Who knows who lets who do what on Discord. I dont believe its any big names maintaining it

2017-08-06 19:36:54 UTC  

We will purge as we go. Things continuously fall in line regardless.

2017-08-06 19:37:19 UTC  

Spencer lets him run it because he doesn't care. As I said, I don't particulary care, as I don't consider myself alt right, but if I did, I'd have a problem with it. The main problem with alt right is that it is defined by being **not** being National Socialism, which gives more leeway to all the degenerates and misfits. That's why I always simply identify as a nazi. Doesn't leave anything unambiguous, what I think of kikes or fags or whatever.

2017-08-06 19:37:22 UTC  

Wer on an upward path stronger than any other time.. As far as the US

2017-08-06 19:37:51 UTC  

I'm old fashioned, like that.

2017-08-06 19:42:00 UTC  

True. Then again as we both know from our histories in this movement.. Its can be hard due to the degenerate druggies and faggots that have been found throughout "Neo-Nazi" movements. Because of that being the normal environment for so many of us who dont partake and who want to stay righteous human beings.. Its pushed so many away and made them question the entire ideology. Luckily Im not an idiot or it would have pushed me away long ago lol

2017-08-06 19:43:22 UTC  

Its an ongoing problem. I dont like Spencer doing it though.

2017-08-06 19:47:40 UTC  

I dunno, your experience might be different than mine, Nazism, or organized nazism made me quit drugs.

2017-08-06 19:50:55 UTC  

Mine reinforced my attitude toward never indulging due to the kind of people who initially brought me in. If it werent for the literature or other materials I was provided.. I may have never woken up to any of this

2017-08-06 19:52:02 UTC  

Some see degenerate skinheads then suddenly think NS itself can be easily dismissed. Ive never been that narrow-minded or needful of a comfort level

2017-08-06 19:53:22 UTC  

I was a total degenerate, used hard drugs every day for a few years, but it started feeling like complete bullshits for numerous reasons you can imagine, I had a few nazi friends who had been pushing me to the right direction. But I still cleaned myself up before I joined, because if I had been a nazi and a druggie, I would have just been a massive hypocrite and of no use to anyone.

2017-08-06 19:53:48 UTC  

Basically.. The people wont always be what locks other people in. It will always come down to the Truth being told by Der Führer and his top messengers. And not all can be receptive. I was

2017-08-06 19:55:25 UTC  

I'm glad the organization has very harsh rules regarding this stuff, forces each one of us to hold ourselves to higher standards. If everyone was just shooting up the experience would be entirely different.

2017-08-06 19:55:27 UTC  

But.. Im glad those who brought you on were the Right Goys

2017-08-06 19:55:44 UTC  

Well, my point was that we need higher standards, and we agree about that.

2017-08-06 19:57:38 UTC  

Indeed. Wer getting there. It will take baby steps with this global Weimarism. Some of it is surgery. Which i admit i have a hard time doing most of the time

2017-08-06 20:01:26 UTC  

I went to take a look at the guy. Yea thats just odd. Its like.. Is there absolutely no one else who could have handled the Discord?..

2017-08-07 04:00:27 UTC  

This guys got a real hard-on for me.
Guy says he lived in Chine for over 10 years and said they were the more racist people hes ever met. lol he wears a hat with a red star on it. go figure. Interestingly enough he wears a necklace with the Exodus Americanus boar on it. lol i told him to check it out. Hes been boar-posting and not realizing!

Not sure what to make of him. he basically printed everything I said verbatim. Through in a "nazi" here and "white supreeemicy" there but other than that it was kinda fair coverage... I don't know what do you guys think?
I think he'd appreciate if we all sent him TY messages.
Hes following my DS account. lolz
“We should fight rhetoric with rhetoric,” Tefft said in a Facebook post. “The ‘refugee’ resettlement program is anti-white policy. Multiculturalism to this degree will never work unless draconian laws are passed. Policies that hinder birth rate[s] of one group (the major ethnic group), and strengthen another is the definitely [definition] of genocide.”

On the Daily Stormer website, Tefft, who also goes by the name Chad Radkersburg, said Hensley did nothing wrong, and that he is planning on speaking out.

“Rally to support her is planned. Working on meeting organizer. She is no Chad, so she cucked and apologized.”

2017-08-07 04:11:44 UTC  

Anyone who hasn't received the email, please contact Cesar at [email protected] ASAP

2017-08-07 09:31:55 UTC  

Work was called off today. I guess I'm the male version of a chick at home watching her soaps. I'll be home all day catching up on my pods haha.

2017-08-07 09:34:20 UTC  

Im looking into making homemade Ice Cream for the neighbors.

2017-08-07 12:51:25 UTC  

Official TWP song

2017-08-07 12:52:07 UTC  

We wear the Black for the poor and and beaten down

Livin in the hopeless, hungry side of town..

2017-08-07 15:26:12 UTC  

It definitely ought to be an offficial TWP song

2017-08-07 17:27:46 UTC  

Hey I made a call into the local right-wing radio station this morning to plug the unite the right rally they finally played it over lunch break here. I said quote everyone should be paying attention to the unite the right rally this weekend somebody's got to stand up for free speech and I'm glad I'll be there with these guys to do that un quote

2017-08-07 17:29:52 UTC  

ND media is pretty based tbh fam

2017-08-07 19:03:22 UTC  

What you *actually* need to know about UtR, @everyone: I have been informed that anyone open-carrying longarms will be refused entry by event security, this having been relayed by Daily Stormer's Azzmador.

2017-08-07 19:05:32 UTC

2017-08-07 19:14:14 UTC  

@AltCelt(IL) whomever wrote that article is a special kind of stupid since they call confirmed Jüden (((Enoch))) a NatSoc..

2017-08-07 19:21:05 UTC  

@Japzzi Im kind of a big guy to attempt balancing while living life on that sort of of Edge

2017-08-07 19:33:31 UTC  

@Japzzi Mike isn't a Jew man, I wouldn't be throwing around accusations like that.

2017-08-07 20:25:51 UTC  

Mike isn't a Jew

2017-08-07 20:26:14 UTC  

I'll go to bat on that

2017-08-07 20:38:13 UTC  

I got behind the paywall