Message from @Billy Ray Jenkins
Discord ID: 387780386756886529
Oh they're reinviting people lul I gotta ban
Who did this
@Billy Ray Jenkins Lynette is bae
Don't doxxx yourself nigga
@Dr.Cocopuff | KY Eating again?
Getcherselves on, Goyz
Maybe we should have it set to where not everyone can fucking invite people @Fevs that shit is ridiculous
Squeaky DINDU Nuffin
>that europe simulator pic just then
I'm already doxxed fam
Oh ok
Can we calm this shit.
It's a good meme @Haupstürmfuhrer Pepe but that guy was a fuckin autist
So to put a end to the shitposting is the TWP planning anything else anytime soon or is it being played by ear atm
Everyone stop have low functioning autism for a minute.
Yeah guys, lets just all love each other
stop the brother wars
@VasilistheGreek it cold outside nigga
I love you white brothers
@goygicy love you too, fellow slav
@goygicy is there seriously another IL Goy here finally?
@Fevs Sville was cold
All planning, if any, until spring is going to be on the local level
That leftist Jew slag from the Weather Underground Bernadine Dohrn praised Manson
@goygicy Slovak reporting, what's your slav type?
till Charlie began telling Truth
@VasilistheGreek my ass
about the Kikes
I'm not a slav
Sville wasn't too cold
We need to do something in NC
Telll the truth on the Kikes
watch how fast u get thrown overboard
they're gay
@Shoah Shekelstein I tried but Matt said it had to be Anti-Capitalist instead of Anti-Communist 😦