Message from @Kombat-Unit

Discord ID: 374531162950860811

2017-10-30 04:03:29 UTC  

When you wake up and do vocal warmups to Cattle Decapitation:

2017-10-30 04:09:14 UTC  

Paddy Tarleton is fucking magic.

2017-10-30 04:09:58 UTC  

Heyyy thats my bro chris

2017-10-30 04:10:22 UTC  

Whats up you texan fuck

2017-10-30 09:51:12 UTC  

@parrott Your article in response to Anglin was great, man. ( article in question)

2017-10-30 11:43:56 UTC  

" We need to be very careful going into 2018 that some Skokie style stuff doesn’t hurt our ability to primary a lot of cucks and create a good environment to score at least some victories...We need to take the victories we can garner in the Trump era while acknowledging its limitations in stride. There has to be at least a hint of realism and pragmatism...I don’t know about you, but I hail victory alone. I do not want to hail suicidal, self-gratifying hedonism."

I only care about victory so let's try to stop nazism and elect cucks t. Andrew Anglin🤔

2017-10-30 11:53:07 UTC

2017-10-30 11:53:20 UTC  

Boer farmer protests

2017-10-30 11:55:12 UTC  

I got a friend there. I hope she gets out of there unscathed

2017-10-30 11:55:44 UTC  

"Guys, let's redefine 'victory' until we can call ourselves victors"

2017-10-30 11:59:13 UTC  

Why the hell are people cucking so hard? The media turned a white polo into Nazi regalia. They're gonna do it whatever we do. Best bet is parallel institutions and wait for the feds to collapse or go postal.

2017-10-30 12:05:38 UTC  

Who ever that guy is, he knows his shit

2017-10-30 12:09:28 UTC  

Anglin is essentially so blackpilled he believes a radically different NS future is impossible, so the best we can hope for is fooling a bunch of gullible trumptards into voting a crypto racist into office, and ACTUAL literal nazis not hiding the fact that yes, white people in fact do have the right to live are ruining his ruse. He never was a nazi, so no one should be surprised. But if that's the sum of his aspirations, I feel bad for him.

2017-10-30 12:11:04 UTC  

he wants the packaging to become the package

2017-10-30 12:11:10 UTC  

It's the old "be racist but don't let anyone know" trick that has been tried since the days of Rockwell. And he's got the chutzpah to say anyone else is just trying old failed tricks again.

2017-10-30 12:13:07 UTC  

It's really mindboggling how you see the Alt-Right try like 60 years tactics and call you out when you don't see their tactical brilliance.

2017-10-30 12:13:56 UTC  

I was pretty entertained when Anglin told people should instead follow NRM's optics that is even more openly nazi and militant than TWP.

2017-10-30 12:14:26 UTC  

But wearing a white shirt once a year = peak aesthetic breh

2017-10-30 12:18:33 UTC  

NRM puts posters on lampposts that say "this space reserved for traitors"

2017-10-30 12:18:36 UTC  

peak optics

2017-10-30 12:19:04 UTC  

@Kombat-Unit didn't you guys successfully stave off a police charge at your last rally?

2017-10-30 12:30:25 UTC  

@The Inquisitor [☧] Nah, but we did destroy a couple of commies. Cops didn't do shit in last demo, but the one before that was mace and baton left and right the second we started.

2017-10-30 12:30:43 UTC  

Some pig broke his arm or something in Gothenburg demo when facing the shield wall, sounded like he was dying.

2017-10-30 12:31:27 UTC  

Yeah and last demo ended in +300 guys throwing a roman salute and chanting "hail victory". Such optics.

2017-10-30 12:39:43 UTC  


2017-10-30 12:51:52 UTC  

this division is making me begin to think race alone isnt enough to bind a people together

2017-10-30 12:52:17 UTC  

our Godlessness and lack of a dogma is why the west is dying

2017-10-30 12:53:05 UTC  

The only acceptable reaction to being called a nazi

2017-10-30 12:53:07 UTC

2017-10-30 12:55:07 UTC  

National Socialism > White Nationalism. Always and forever. Just being white isn't good enough.

2017-10-30 12:57:41 UTC  

Yeah, my list of whites that gotta go is long 😂😂😂

2017-10-30 13:24:18 UTC  

@Kombat-Unit I think there is an effort to chain us to the normie nationalist umbrella in the US

2017-10-30 13:24:32 UTC  

There is

2017-10-30 13:24:37 UTC  

And it won't work

2017-10-30 13:24:55 UTC  

I think alot of these personalities are getting paid like the alt lite was

2017-10-30 13:25:01 UTC  

I would be fine with it if it I knew we would get what we are promised, most of what we want and a some direct influence