Message from @Tedium

Discord ID: 323621832001585152

2017-06-12 00:22:34 UTC  

Fascism is the prototype. NS is the final model, the ideal.

2017-06-12 00:22:59 UTC  

I think you did @Kombat-Unit when you said fascists were NS who hadn't read Mein Kampf.

2017-06-12 00:23:51 UTC  

Fascism literally just arrived first, Hitler liked it. Then he totally expanded on it to a greater vision than Mussolini ever had, or rather, he had the needed aspects and will to enact it.

2017-06-12 00:24:57 UTC  

My point was, what's the point of going out of your way to make the distinction when you refer to the exact same thing.

2017-06-12 00:25:11 UTC  

The pupil rather, shit.

2017-06-12 00:25:15 UTC  

Mussolini even realized this, and altered HIS views. The mentor became the master.

2017-06-12 00:25:18 UTC  

Too many nuggies.

2017-06-12 00:27:03 UTC  

Fascism is just the italian expression of universal truth with its italian racial flavor, national socialism is the same thing. But national socialism is the closest application of universal truth and natural law ever codified. That's why I'm a nazi.

2017-06-12 00:27:17 UTC  

Yee, basically.

2017-06-12 00:28:02 UTC  

Lol Christopher Cantwell just made this video in defense of (((capitalism))).

2017-06-12 00:28:13 UTC  

I had to lay down the law.

2017-06-12 00:28:36 UTC  

Italian fascism looked back to Ancient Rome, as did the original USA (fascist iconography everywhere in DC!). That may matter to some.

2017-06-12 00:28:58 UTC  

We went so astray from any idea of the Founders.

2017-06-12 00:29:16 UTC  

Once usury and finance power won, without a leader like Jackson, shiieett.

2017-06-12 00:29:52 UTC  

To be sure. It's still something to bring up, makes things hella awkward for the "muh Constitution" conservatives

2017-06-12 00:29:53 UTC  

Iconography doesn't really change the ideology, naturally we have different iconography as well.

2017-06-12 00:32:28 UTC  

I guess you could broadly define fascism as non-nazi application of the universal truth, but unless there's a national component to it, makes it kinda weird why the difference would really matter. Like, if a Slovak for example identified as a fascist because he really identified with Tiso instead of Hitler, fair enough, I guess, but otherwise, y tho dude

2017-06-12 00:34:49 UTC  

but yeah tl;dr same thing

2017-06-12 00:37:16 UTC  


2017-06-12 00:37:20 UTC  

Kind of

2017-06-12 00:37:37 UTC  

Fascism often lacks on the racial questions

2017-06-12 00:37:39 UTC  

Interestingly though, in Slovakia's case, the guy who just made into parlament used to larp wartime fascist, then went full 1488 and got elected

2017-06-12 00:37:43 UTC  

so " fascists were NS who hadn't read Mein Kampf." is true here I guess

2017-06-12 00:37:52 UTC  

Where has fascism lacked racial question?

2017-06-12 00:38:02 UTC  


2017-06-12 00:38:14 UTC  

Already in 1919 Mussolini said that Italy is unified by one racial spirit and struggle to maintain it.

2017-06-12 00:38:16 UTC  


2017-06-12 00:38:39 UTC  

I've heard that from an Italian Fascist as well, though I question the extent to which that is accurate

2017-06-12 00:38:42 UTC  

He didn't act on the JQ until Hitler pressured him

2017-06-12 00:38:50 UTC  

-Speech in Trieste, September 20, 1920

“I have an unbounded faith in the future greatness of the Italian people. Ours is, among the European peoples, the largest and most homogeneous. … Unlike the pessimists who believe that everything is great in other people’s houses, while everything is too small in their own, we have pride in our race and our history.”

2017-06-12 00:38:52 UTC  

From my understanding

2017-06-12 00:38:55 UTC  

Bullshit tho.

2017-06-12 00:38:57 UTC  


2017-06-12 00:39:04 UTC  

-Speech in Trieste, February 6, 1921

“How then was this Fascismo born… it was born of the profound and perennial need of this our Mediterranean and Aryan race…”

2017-06-12 00:39:41 UTC  

But when did he expel the Jews?

2017-06-12 00:40:10 UTC  

“Well we, Fascisti, want to bring into every city, into every part of the country, even the most remote, the pride and passion of belonging to the most noble Italian race; the race which has produced Dante, which has given Galileo, the greatest masterpieces of art, Verdi, Mazzini, Garibaldi and d’Annunzio to the world, and which has produced the people who won Vittorio Veneto.”
-Speech in Ferrara, April 4, 1920

2017-06-12 00:40:25 UTC  

“In the first place she (the Italian nation) has a sure foundation, and that is the vitality of our race.”
-Speech in Trieste, September 20, 1920
“I have an unbounded faith in the future greatness of the Italian people. Ours is, among the European peoples, the largest and most homogeneous. … Unlike the pessimists who believe that everything is great in other people’s houses, while everything is too small in their own, we have pride in our race and our history.”
-Speech in Trieste, February 6, 1921
“How then was this Fascismo born… it was born of the profound and perennial need of this our Mediterranean and Aryan race…”
-Speech in Bologna, April 3, 1921
“…we feel those bonds of race to be alive and vital which bind us, not only to the Italians of Zara, Ragusa and Cattaro, but also to those of the Canton Ticino and Corsica, to those beyond the oceans, to all that great family of fifty million men whom we wish to unite in the same pride of race.”
-Speech in Bologna, April 3, 1921

2017-06-12 00:40:46 UTC  

“Italy is not a State, she is a nation, because from the Alps to Sicily there is the fundamental unity of our race, our customs, our language and our religion.”
-Speech in Milan, October 4, 1922
“It must not be forgotten that, besides the minority that represent actual militant politics, there are forty millions of excellent Italians who work, by their splendid birth-rate perpetuate our race…”
-Speech Delivered in the Chamber, November 16, 1922
“We, here and everywhere, are ready for any battle so that we may uphold the foundations of our race and of our history.”
-Speech in London, December 12, 1922
“Let me first of all say how happy I am that we should have met in these magnificent rooms which furnish evidence of the strength and beauty of our race.”
-Speech in Rome, January 2, 1923

2017-06-12 00:40:47 UTC  


2017-06-12 00:41:00 UTC  

Even if he didn't ourright want to rope kikes he wasn't colorblind, I mean cmon lol

2017-06-12 00:41:12 UTC  

I could go on but yeah.