Message from @Thomas Ryan

Discord ID: 374225446600179722

2017-10-29 05:09:36 UTC  

@Halfdan "...and then everyone clapped"

2017-10-29 05:14:04 UTC  

Thank you Mike Enoch for the talking points you've given me, amen

2017-10-29 05:52:14 UTC  

I would just bring up that she would be opposed to ethnostates out of self interest

2017-10-29 05:52:43 UTC  

He main argument is not wanting to be inconvienced tbh

2017-10-29 05:53:13 UTC  

And shes using her "status" as a Native to say that the US is actually hers, basically confirming that she also believes in ethno-nationalism some how

2017-10-29 05:54:10 UTC  

its only half hers she get to keep it if she gives up an arm and a leg

2017-10-29 06:03:02 UTC

What do the late night folks think about this article?

2017-10-29 06:07:27 UTC  

I mean essentially the debate should stop at "It's a PR thing" because it's simply true, it is 100% about image. Why else are we doing these gatherings and actions but to appear in a good light to our people, to let them know what we are doing is wholesome and good for us, not just some rednecks out in the woods burning crosses talking about their wives losing their job at walmart.

2017-10-29 06:09:09 UTC  

If we can’t stop some doofus parading around with a swastika, then it’s clearly not a vote of confidence in our ability to run a future state, ethno of otherwise.

2017-10-29 06:09:12 UTC  

I have no personal issue with those images, but it's just giving fuel to the fire that the enemy is stoking for us. The best recruitment tool is and will always be the rabid hate and appitite of destruction that comes from the Commies / Marxists, let them flip out at posters and gatherings that simply say we have a right to exist, because it shows their nature.

2017-10-29 06:09:13 UTC  


2017-10-29 06:11:08 UTC  

Enoch talked about this when some TRS fans/enemies postered a neighborhood with swastikas linking to their site, it's not the way to get people thinking

2017-10-29 06:11:11 UTC  

I also think the phalanx analogy is correct

2017-10-29 06:12:47 UTC  

most peolpe dont think the current system is working we need to convince them to take the risk by going with us

2017-10-29 06:13:18 UTC  

and that is undermined if we can't even do proper PR

2017-10-29 06:19:08 UTC  

its really not that hard to get people to save the larping for privet events

2017-10-29 10:04:14 UTC  

@Walking Holocaust-FL Goddamn look at all these new faces. Welcome aboard, bro.

2017-10-29 15:28:51 UTC  

@Halfdan @Goodest_Boy I agree with those points and the ones in the article. No matter what your "optics" are, it should be cohesive no matter what. If y'all were wondering why I sometimes get nitpicky when people go and print out their own designs for stuff without running it by me, it's kind of like a hoplite bringing a homemade shield instead of one from the armory, and assuming that because he did the extra work without being asked it must be good.

When we get a good deal more resources, we'll really flesh out and standardize dress and public appearence, and when we flesh out local networks, we'll start to enforce physical fitness standards as well. When it comes to being in public, in uniform, you cease to be an individual, and cease to be you, you become a represenative of a vision. You are a flesh and blood vessel for an idea. A corporeal window into a future that Americans need to see and be willing to risk all for.

2017-10-29 15:43:52 UTC  
2017-10-29 15:51:43 UTC

😡 😡 😡 😡
If we had guys in VA there'd be a 8 foot tall portrait of Washington hanging on their front door by tomorrow

2017-10-29 16:00:53 UTC  

So I had an idea that I wanted to run buy you.

2017-10-29 16:01:05 UTC  


2017-10-29 16:01:34 UTC  


2017-10-29 16:02:17 UTC  

What if we put posters on democrat politicians homes.

2017-10-29 16:02:42 UTC  

Like my state has that faggot that blocked the travel ban.

2017-10-29 16:03:17 UTC  

We could slip a couple posters in his mail box

2017-10-29 16:03:47 UTC  

As far as homes, that's iffy legally, especially considering you're pissing off a corrupt politician. Maybe telephone poles/transformer boxes in the neighborhood is better.

Also think it's illegal to put mail in mailboxes. Might be wrong.

2017-10-29 16:04:32 UTC  

Idk we could mail it to them with no return adress

2017-10-29 16:05:04 UTC  

I've had guys put them up around the neighborhood on public property and it works just fine, also informs their neighbors.

2017-10-29 16:05:40 UTC  

Do a walk-through of the place this supposed person lives and see what looks good. Take some pics. We can take it from there.

2017-10-29 16:06:45 UTC  

Fair enough. I'll look into it after the banner.

2017-10-29 16:12:33 UTC  

Yeah, I have gotten in trouble for distributing fliers for a State Rep I used to work for by the postal people saying it was illegal for me to stick fliers on the flag of people's mailboxes.

2017-10-29 16:15:28 UTC  

I'll do whatevers not illegal I just know that too many politicians are too dumb to resist virtue signaling

2017-10-29 16:17:45 UTC  

At least they are here

2017-10-29 16:18:41 UTC  

That's the right idea. Let's get that banner out of the way, and then see what politicians are close. Ideally we'd want one of them to do something specific and be in the news already.

2017-10-29 18:04:53 UTC

2017-10-29 18:04:53 UTC

2017-10-29 18:04:53 UTC

2017-10-29 18:04:53 UTC

2017-10-29 18:04:54 UTC