Message from @Goymen Sachs

Discord ID: 373916933927600128

2017-10-28 17:44:00 UTC  

Looking forward to it

2017-10-28 17:50:56 UTC

I think this article draws a lot of wrong conclusions. Stating that we are closer to Weimar now than the colonial, pre-industrial, agrarian, mercantilistic society that existed in America several hundred years ago is no big surprise. Modern industrial societies have more in common with each other, even if in different states and nations, than they do with even their own previous pre-industrial, pre-enlightenment counterparts.

Also the argument that the British king did not seek to ethnically replace Americans, therefore the same principle of a State which has become exeedingly foreign, and does not account for or protect the nation of peoples is gone entirely is not really a good way to view things. The colonists of America shared ethnic lineage with Brits, but they had quickly grown a new culture and identity, people can be ethnically the same and still have disagreements worth fighting over.

Also America cannot, as a whole, as an implementation of a new nationa spirit, look to the National Socialist uprising in Germany because *it is not our history, it was not our uprising*.

Sure, you can look at tactics as to the political maneuvering and the initiatives employed to sieze power, but those are tactics and/or strategy, not justifications.

2017-10-28 18:55:11 UTC  

So essentially, take the National Socialist structure, remove its German content, and fill it with American history, and nationalistic content instead?

2017-10-28 18:56:18 UTC  

And then, we have American Fascism?

2017-10-28 19:07:02 UTC  

Fascism existed as a philosophy outside of Germany and National Socialism, we didn't just gut NatSoc and slap a new coat of paint over it. Fascism was not invented in the same way Communism was. Fascism is the human interpretation of natural law, and a society that lives in harmony with it. Mussolini or Hitler did not invent Fascism just as Benjamin Franklin did not invent electricity. Fascism has existed in some form or another as long as humanity has.

The basis of Fascism is not bound to any time period, or any nation or culture or people, it applies to everything that falls under the laws of nature. Now, what we do is interpret those laws, and put them through the lens of philisophy to reach policy. We know that nature dictates that certain structures of family are better than others, and then we (eventually) implement policy to reaffirm that, as far as laws from the State.

The core of Fascism has nothing to do with Germany or any other nation, our vision of American Fascism comes from nature, through the lens of our history and culture, and then into shaping policy.

2017-10-28 19:07:54 UTC

In other news, promote that post friendos ^

2017-10-28 19:11:46 UTC  

2017-10-28 19:12:05 UTC  

Speaking of postering
@everyone Welcome our newest UT member, @The Hooknose- UT

2017-10-28 19:12:19 UTC  

He just threw up some posters in Salt Lake City

2017-10-28 19:13:27 UTC  

Welcome Hooknose!

2017-10-28 19:13:29 UTC  


2017-10-28 19:13:50 UTC  

Thanks great to be here

2017-10-28 19:15:36 UTC  


2017-10-28 19:18:24 UTC  

@Thomas Ryan The main point of the article is to point out that events in the US are on par with Weimar, Germany -- which you agree with. We're facing the same ethnic enemy and their politics as did Hitler. Basically, the author is pointing out the same conclusion I've reached, but I've worded it as, “The history of WWII is repeating itself,” but I then go on to suppose that this is occurring because history has been suppressed via subversion, so the moral theories that we should’ve learned have been lost.
More so, this story has played out multiple times that it has become an archetypical story in human mythos; the main theme being: The traditions held by the fathers are lost/forgotten; the hero of the story goes on an adventure into the unknown and rediscovers them thereby saving the father from death and thus restoring order to the world they know.
In the modern case, vindicating Hitler is an iteration of that theme for many people because he embodied many of the virtues of a benevolent father. However the historic narrative in today’s media has depicted Hitler as the satan of our times.
A large part of what we face on the alt-right is correcting this untruth. Was Hitler an enemy of America? Was Hitler an enemy of the Brits? Was Hitler an enemy of Europe?
To correct this historic record is to save a father figure in the collective history of white people -- which is shorthand for European descendants. America is part of that history rather than isolated from it -- i.e. America is part of that pan-European identity. And, unless I’m mistaken, this is a vision Hitler shared. He wanted us all united against a common, foreign enemy. I don’t think Hitler wanted these nations to surrender their sovereignty, otherwise he would’ve taken Britain instead of trying to negotiate with them.

2017-10-28 19:18:49 UTC  

@Thomas Ryan , got it. I just read about a quarter of The Doctrine of Fascism. I couldnt open that doc you sent me on my phone, but im going to download it onto my computer when i get the chance.
Ill probably chip away at it over the weekend. Im about to hit the weights right now though.

2017-10-28 19:24:55 UTC  

Hitler was far from a pan-Europeanist and I would actually discourage Europeans (which we are not) to support pan-Europeanism in Europe. I don't think a main goal of our movement, the Alt-Right being a part of the overall movement, but not a part of it that we are in, is restoring the image of Hitler. It's not so integral in the history of America that it's our raison d'etre. The true history that we need to alter the view of, is our history. Remember, we aren't Europeans, we're Americans, so our history is being used more importantly as a weapon against us, or a distorted version of it is.

Also, going into the muddled ocean of facts and subjects of WWII, Hitler actively had plans to invade and occupy Britain. So it's not all as benevolent as it seems at first glance.

2017-10-28 19:28:12 UTC  

Having plans could be a contingency. Like I'm sure we have plans to invade every country on this planet, but we're not acting on 'em.

2017-10-28 19:29:58 UTC  

As far as pan-Europeanism goes, I see alliances forming between the various alt-right groups in Europe and North America.

2017-10-28 19:30:50 UTC  

Y'see, getting into facts about battle strategies and the *true intentions* of various WWII figureheads is a bottomless pit of speculation.

Also, the fact that many Americans think of themselves as Europeans rather than Americans, as members of their race first and nation second, somehow being just as similar to people they share no language, culture, or geographic standing to as opposed to the ones they do, is a result of our history being demonized. Europeans do not call themselves White, or even European so much as they call themselves German, British, Spanish, and so on. The wishy-washy identitaran/alt-right nationalism without the concept of a nation is a result of us in America not being able to connect with our history.

2017-10-28 19:32:23 UTC  

And another thing, the Alt Right only really exists in the U.S., Identitarianism seems to be something the Alt Right is branching into to closer connect to groups like GenID, but the Alt Right is an American movement, and we aren't part of it. We do not identify as part of that movement.

2017-10-28 19:32:24 UTC  

I'm a 1st generation American, so I'm sure that influences my perspective here.

2017-10-28 19:33:00 UTC  

One of Hitler's main points at the beginning of mein kampf though is the idea that Germanic blood transcends nations.

2017-10-28 19:33:37 UTC  

Do all Europeans have Germanic blood?

2017-10-28 19:35:26 UTC  

Thomas, do Jews put their nation before race?

2017-10-28 19:36:48 UTC  

I'm not sure I have a tally of all Jews handy, but I would say Israeli ones often do, as far as Jews outside of Israel, they don't have a nation to put first, because they do not belong to one in many cases. The whole "international" part.

2017-10-28 19:42:04 UTC  

I've wondered if Israel is just a front. A place for Jews to escape to should their subversion fail.

2017-10-28 19:43:48 UTC  

I dunno, let's make their subversion fail and then find out.

2017-10-28 19:44:51 UTC  

That sounds like a great experiment to me. 😄

2017-10-28 19:57:30 UTC  

@The Hooknose- UT Take a look at that ^

2017-10-28 19:57:46 UTC  

@The Hooknose- UT Another west coast member, nice!

2017-10-28 20:01:30 UTC

These folks treat one fat lady standing in traffic and getting hurt because of it as though... I can't even draw a parallel. They're drawn into a frenzy by it, and NEED to find SOME WHITEY TO BLAME.

2017-10-28 20:09:38 UTC  

Watch out guys:
***"The dept WILL be paid."***

2017-10-28 20:16:19 UTC  

@Norman sdo im a little far from the coast, but im from oregon originally so I feel you

2017-10-28 20:22:57 UTC  

@The Hooknose- UT Hopefully you can link up with @Blumenkrieg and @John Wick - UT and get some good stuff going up there.

2017-10-28 20:26:24 UTC  

@Thomas Ryan I want to respond and trigger the shit out of them

2017-10-28 20:26:53 UTC  

Don't bother, no good ever comes of twitter feces-flinging

2017-10-28 20:50:37 UTC  

They seriously have no legitimate arguments against us. It is 100% falsity. Yet, our arguments are quite truthful in regards to their nature.

2017-10-28 20:56:29 UTC  

In order to understand your enemy, or for that matter anyone you argue against, you need to have a sound understanding of the opposing view point. Without having read their literature, or studied their ideals, you would have to resort to false, and lowly attacks to validate yourself. Such behavior is for lower men, which they are. They do not even understand their own view point. I doubt hardly any of them even know the causes of their ideological movements.
Thus, they become the forces of a great deceiver, and their ideology worthy of annihilation.

2017-10-28 21:19:35 UTC  

I agree @Thomas Ryan it is much more impactful for our movement to focus on restoring American history. Learning it again without the white guilt lens. There are many leaders that are just as inspiring as Hitler but were leaders of Americans which at the time were White.

2017-10-28 21:21:57 UTC  

I'm reading a biography on Andrew Jackson right now, its very inspiring. The Indians were savages. Our forefathers struggled so much. My family has been in America for at least six Generations that I know on record. And all of those have been in Ohio so being an American means a lot more to me than some sort of pan-european movement.