Message from @HueTheHand

Discord ID: 341743413969944578

2017-08-01 00:39:39 UTC  

at least mentally

2017-08-01 00:39:54 UTC  

To make your way to the top

2017-08-01 00:39:57 UTC  

after that any number of things can happen

2017-08-01 00:40:04 UTC  

parties could form

2017-08-01 00:40:12 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:40:14 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:40:18 UTC  

Gotta wipe... legs going numb

Cya homeys

2017-08-01 00:40:29 UTC  

but none of those things can happen without white identity for hundreds of millions

2017-08-01 00:40:33 UTC  

Like I said, I think the natsocs are tired of being attacked within the movement for what THEY believe to be the right way

2017-08-01 00:40:44 UTC  

@Stormer DC That's all good and fair. We want you to go hard. We want everyone to go at this from multiple angles. Just on this day in CVille, let's make it a white identitarian rally of unity, with political agendas set aside. We all know Lee was a great man and a symbol of white greatness. That's the issue right now. One brick at a time.

2017-08-01 00:40:45 UTC  

I would say that the alt-lite has done more to accomplish that goal than the Alt-Right by far and away if for no reason other than they have greater numbers

2017-08-01 00:40:51 UTC  

And natsocs certainly support white identity and will be there regardless

2017-08-01 00:41:20 UTC  

And I'll support NatSoc

Ok ttyl for real now

2017-08-01 00:41:47 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:41:51 UTC  

I support the 14 wprds and any org that has thwt as their end goal

2017-08-01 00:41:51 UTC  

Take it easy brother

2017-08-01 00:43:38 UTC  

I am a National Socialist when it comes down to it. It's just a disagreement in tactics is all. That's all I see these debates as; discussion of strategy.

2017-08-01 00:43:40 UTC  

Many of us are National Socialists, @Americana - MD#3916 on both sides of this disagreement. We want the same thing, it's just a differing on the best course of action to get there. Like Wyatt said, it's good that we can have these discussions. In the past, our movement has let itself be torn apart by these relatively petty disagreements. I think it's a fantastic sign that we can have these disagreements now, and still stand together when it counts.

2017-08-01 00:44:07 UTC  
2017-08-01 00:44:11 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:46:19 UTC  

I'm a NatSoc and I believe it isn't the time for the swastika and that time may never come we need our own symbology as Amazon National Socialists we went the NADSP

2017-08-01 00:46:25 UTC  

I didn;t even have any plans to fly any swastikas myself tbh. I just find it hypocritical to tell the normies they're being cucks for not wanting to stand with a bunch of WNs then turn around and say "but you Nazis are too edgy. please keep that shit at home."

2017-08-01 00:47:44 UTC  

we need normies to see themselves as white before anything else

2017-08-01 00:48:04 UTC  

alot of white people (hundreds of millions) are stuck in "human race" mode

2017-08-01 00:48:10 UTC  

Also consider that securing an existence for our people and a future for white children is going to require naming the jew. If you never had any intention of doing that you may as well quit now. If you do in fact name the jew, you'll be compared to the Nazis no matter what.

2017-08-01 00:48:12 UTC  

we need to turn on "white race" mode

2017-08-01 00:48:45 UTC  

I feel like when we put out the call, reached out to bases like the Daily Stormer, and called the event Unite The Right, we knew we were opening an invitation to the people who will fly the Swastika. Unless I missed an announcement, are the organizers asking for Swastikas not to be displayed?

2017-08-01 00:49:21 UTC  

I've just been seeing a lot of countersignaling is all.

2017-08-01 00:49:28 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:49:56 UTC  

Look we may disagree on tactics. And ultimately that's a GOOD thing. We need to be ready to attack on ALL fronts

2017-08-01 00:50:21 UTC  

But we don't need to be providing road blocks for our own people just because we have a disagreement on proper course of action

2017-08-01 00:51:09 UTC  

If someone wants to fly a Swazi or something, who cares. If someone wants to fly their identitarian flag who cares. If someone wants to fly a confederate flag who cares

2017-08-01 00:51:48 UTC  

This is "unite the right" after all isn't it? Not moderate the right.

2017-08-01 00:54:46 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:55:46 UTC  


2017-08-01 00:56:00 UTC  

I never understood the Swastika hype personally, and I've been a national socialist for years. It has no real ideological meaning to me, I'd rather fly a SN flag or the battle flag. Those have meaning to me in light of what I want to accomplish.

2017-08-01 00:58:18 UTC  

I tend to not get worked up over it either way.

2017-08-01 00:58:42 UTC  

Doesn't bother me if people have them, just doesn't make a lot of sense to me.

2017-08-01 00:59:12 UTC  

Well I believe everyone should brand their own image, like IE or us. Its the simple fact we shouldnt treat the symbol as a HATE symbol just to win some favors over civic nationalists who will just retreat when they know what everyone here is REALLY about

2017-08-01 00:59:19 UTC  

Its not about being "edgy"

2017-08-01 00:59:34 UTC  

Its just idiotic to disable the image everywhere