Message from @Riefen

Discord ID: 335250542966210561

2017-07-14 01:56:29 UTC  

@FairUse WA So, I'm looking at this from an evolutionary standpoint. The phenomenon called "tribalism" emerges from some of the oldest systems that make up our entire nervous system. So, if you're a white guy that walks into an auditorium packed with blacks, your eyes trigger your amygdala which fires of, "DEATH IMMINENT" message, i.e. Flight, fight, or freeze response. There is no amount of will power that can change this nervous system reaction because it fires off before you're even conscience to the situation. So, when Jon is talking about what we've created as being unnatural, I think he's referring to this sort of biological aspect of tribalism. In other words, Jon is claiming that in America we are conditioning (like Pavlov's bell) against this sort of tribalism. My point is that such a feat is impossible. At least not without genetic tampering -- breeding us with the other groups would be an example of such tampering.

2017-07-14 01:57:26 UTC  

By the way, very interesting point on the principled vs unprincipled dichotomy.

2017-07-14 01:59:12 UTC  

I agree with Billy about that being what Jon means. It seemed to me that he was pointing out that thousands of years ago, you see a guy that doesn't look like you, that means he's from another tribe. Which means he's a competitor, which means he might cause you to starve. So you kill him, instinctively.

Now we don't do that, and we accept other tribes as our friends. Even when they look so different, thousands of year old defense mechanisms kick in the second we see them.

2017-07-14 01:59:26 UTC  

You can feel the mechanisms go off if you ever walk into an auditorium of blacks.

2017-07-14 02:07:05 UTC  

It's not biologically impossible. It just tends not to be selected for. It's called Williams Syndrome. The anti-racism gene occurs in these diseased few people who can't form prejudices. Given that very few of them are alive, it's proven to be a disadvantage in the current environment. But I can forsee worlds without "diversity" in which we're the dwindling few racists, and Williams Syndrome becomes dominant. Not with all these savages around. And the reason I can forsee it being in advantage in the peaceful world we'll create is because we've artificially imposed anti-racism on a thriving huge population, relative to vicious, hateful Jews. Through religion, we're behaving like the mentally defective diseased kids, and it's given us advantages you only get in high trust societies.

History, evolution, mathematics, business, finance, and scripture is all one subject to me. Jews wants you to undestand these to be separate subjects.

2017-07-14 02:22:21 UTC  

Don't worry. There seem to be contradictions and conflicts in some of the things I've said and advocated for, but I think most of you guys will understand this stuff a little better in another ten thousand years. Some things you can't explain to people. You have to trust that your parents love you. Their parents loved them and so on. They're not trying to screw you over. Jesus isn't trying to mess you up. Our Father isn't trying to hurt us. But most of us are going to choose to ignore some very sensible, very old, very clear advice and if we do, our entire progeny will be tossed out like yesterday's trash.

2017-07-14 02:23:43 UTC  

What "very sensible very old very clear advice" are you referring to?

2017-07-14 02:26:40 UTC  

The ultimate evil, the loyal, theiving tribe of Jews are a perfectly natural and inevitable, toxic, parasitic consequence of disobeying the sensible law of stoning sodomites to death if you catch them in the act. If you let it go, this is where we end up. And it will keep getting worse until we drop rocks on every last one of them forever.

2017-07-14 02:28:20 UTC  

Fairuse, I'm certainly trying to understand your perspective a lot more. No man is omniscient, so I don't expect that from anyone. But we can work together to figure a lot out.

2017-07-14 02:32:36 UTC  

Because humans are a political animal, capable of math, but only diseased sodomites are motivated to embrace hedonistic, materialistic philosophies because, other than the bisexuals, they don't have a progeny. And the most intelligent of the purely homosexual humans have much more time and resources on their hands to maneuver, to hide in the shadows, to murder for the sake of preserving all their perverted pleasures. Because for them, that's all there is. There's no biological eternity.

What persuades fags? Eternal torment in the afterlife, if they believe in it. But the problem is they can seize the teaching of religious laws themselves, then threaten the weak-minded worker bees with blazing hellish eternal torture. What you need if this happens is God to personally come down from heaven and die for their sins so the gays can't threaten the Nordic (high trust) heterosexuals with a scary sky fairy. (False God.)

So now the fags have to persuade everyone that God's not for realsies and neither is Satan and Jews are the chosen people. Once they've done that, and people forget Jesus died for their sins, it's back to threatening the breeders with hellfire and enslaving them to fulfill all their sexual lusts. It's a permanent vacation for the gay ruling class and the devil wins forever.

Or else we crush the sodomites into pulp like God said. Forever.

2017-07-14 02:35:09 UTC  

Fags (Neanderthal Jews) have been spreading plagues, famine and death (with their buddies the Mongol hordes) for probably 100,000 years or more

2017-07-14 02:35:58 UTC  

Most recent I'm aware of is when the Mongols marched in and raped millions of German women. But you also had Genghis and Attila.

2017-07-14 02:40:35 UTC  

I'm not the sharpest of all students, but I figure a very similar conversation happened over 2,000 years ago. Instead of Germans getting massacred, it was 100,000 people who wouldn't bow down to Zeus. We appear to be going through a similar set of circumstances. You can't type this stuff in a chat. It would have to be a book. There are areas of uncertainty where you just have to give it an educated guess. But the Jews don't like how good our guesses are, so they teach us not to do that.

2017-07-14 02:43:21 UTC  

Yeah, I would definitely listen to an audio book on this. The chronology of events and connections you're expressing here are new to me.

2017-07-14 02:44:36 UTC  

Assuming the Jews are gays, then how are there still Jews today?

2017-07-14 02:44:47 UTC  

Gays don't reproduce.

2017-07-14 02:45:17 UTC  

I mean, with things like IVF and frozen eggs nowadays technically they can, but gays 2000 years ago didn't have that technology.

2017-07-14 02:45:23 UTC  

some of them are bisexual. and the emerging gays take priest hood class?

2017-07-14 02:45:26 UTC  

That's like saying bald men don't reproduce. Bisexuals screw gays and heterosexuals, casuing them to get 4 generations of congenital syphillis.

2017-07-14 02:45:46 UTC  

Gays and degenerates always water down the religion of their doom.

2017-07-14 02:45:58 UTC  

How is that even remotely like saying bald men don't reproduce?

A man cannot carry a child.

2017-07-14 02:46:17 UTC  

Hes saying they spread their perversion via bisexuality

2017-07-14 02:46:42 UTC  

I understand that, but if Jews are gays and they corrupt Europeans into bisexuality then how are there Jews?

2017-07-14 02:46:53 UTC  

They would have died out in the first generation if they're gay

2017-07-14 02:47:56 UTC  

A soldier who dies in battle, a bald man, and a man with no leg can still reproduce. Yes, gays do reproduce. Given that the rate of syphillis is 10 times higher in Israel than the US, I figure Jews are descended from homosexuals, bisexuals, bi-curious, raped men, male sex slaves, prostitutes, and all the female equivalents of those. Along with all the thieves seeking protection from laws, murderers, and so on.

2017-07-14 02:48:33 UTC  

Like I said, you can't explain it. You can fight against the truth, but the truth wins in the end.

2017-07-14 02:48:35 UTC  

A dead man cannot reproduce either.

2017-07-14 02:48:58 UTC  

Then how did you get here. All your ancestors are dead.

2017-07-14 02:49:52 UTC  

"They would have died out in the first generation if they're gay."

You underestimate women.

2017-07-14 02:50:09 UTC  

maybe its in their genetics lol

2017-07-14 02:50:17 UTC  

but i doubt the existence of a gay gene entirely

2017-07-14 02:50:20 UTC  

How is that the truth? Saying "you're fighting against the truth you won't win" doesn't make what you're saying true. That's a Jewish tactic.

Syphilis is not only spread via gay sex. It's spread most easily when the penetrating partner is infected, and most easily via anal sex. So, obviously it is spread most easily via anal sex, however you can still contract syphilis from a female partner during vaginal sex.

2017-07-14 02:50:31 UTC  

My ancestors reproduced after they died?

2017-07-14 02:51:09 UTC  

Alcoholism genes don't make you an alcoholic. They make you susceptible. The sins of the father show up in the son. How does that happen? Because the son is usually about as psycho as his dad was.

2017-07-14 02:52:05 UTC  

Wait, so what you're saying is that Jews are more prevalent to be gays than non-Jews? Not that there's a caste of Jews that is both gay and reproducing?

2017-07-14 02:52:25 UTC  

Ten times more syphillis in Israel tells me more than it tells you. Why? I can't say.

2017-07-14 02:53:46 UTC  

Breathing is a Jewish tactic.

2017-07-14 02:53:55 UTC  

The reason why is because you're making illogical deductions. Logically, we can determine that if there is more syphilis in Israel than elsewhere, then we can know that degenerate behavior occurs there.

To say "syphilis is on the rise in Israel therefore every Jew in all of history was a gay" is absurd

2017-07-14 02:54:49 UTC  

If you are a male and you reproduce, you have had sex with a female. If you have had sex with a female, you are not homosexual. You can at that point be bisexual or heterosexual.

2017-07-14 02:55:00 UTC  

Try thinking more than you talk.

2017-07-14 02:55:10 UTC  

Thinking about what?