Message from @Ayla

Discord ID: 495334742426648606

2018-09-27 23:20:54 UTC  

So i will have to agree that men arent as hard as they used to be, but thenlife was much harder back then, so people could handle it

2018-09-27 23:22:18 UTC  

ive been shot at 3 times in my life, and dont have any "PTSD" from it

2018-09-27 23:22:45 UTC  

but my friend heard gunshots at work and still gets freaked out about it, 2 years later

2018-09-27 23:22:52 UTC  

i guess its something in the water

2018-09-28 03:38:57 UTC  

@everyone ^^required veiwing^^

2018-09-28 03:39:36 UTC  

Yeah, that was epic

2018-09-28 03:39:47 UTC  

Lindsay Graham is a G

2018-09-28 04:00:21 UTC  

yeah that was thoroughly entertaining today. loved it. if i ate popcorn i would have had some for sure

2018-09-28 09:44:32 UTC  

@kernalkrackerz Watched/listened to both hearings yesterday. Dr. Ford must have experienced something with someone else or she is straight lying. I feel sorry for both Dr. Ford and Judge Kavanaugh.

2018-09-28 10:20:53 UTC  

@kernalkrackerz Amen to that!

2018-09-28 12:02:26 UTC  

Did anybody else notice that she is virtue signaling to Google?

2018-09-28 12:03:01 UTC  

Also I would bet my life that she was wearing an earpiece under her hair.

2018-09-28 12:03:43 UTC  

The fact that Kavanaugh was willing to testify in immediately and it took the Democrats 10 days is enough to prove that they have to get their story straight first.

2018-09-28 12:04:42 UTC  

I guarantee you that doctor Ford went through several dress rehearsals first

2018-09-28 12:06:56 UTC  

What happened to "Nellie" Ohr with the Adam's apple?

2018-09-28 18:24:43 UTC  

@J_G_ I noticed it yesterday too.... but Sen. Flake flaked out. The motioned to move Kavanaugh to the floor but under the condition of a 1 week investigation from the FBI.

2018-09-28 19:22:20 UTC  
2018-09-28 20:43:25 UTC  

New video! Exclusive!

Senate Doxing Most Likely Tied to Liberal Mormon Women's GroupĀ

2018-09-28 21:08:37 UTC  

@Ayla @lavellzart @Mitch Connor Apparently, Sen. Flake was ambushed in an elevator by two women protestors. How these people get into the building is beyond me. He flaked out. I'll bet they were paid by George Soros.

2018-09-28 21:53:48 UTC  

If you guys want to beat Pocahontas

2018-09-28 23:07:22 UTC  

@Deleted User those lesbians probably wore a Hillary Clinton outfit

2018-09-29 17:34:21 UTC  

@kernalkrackerz I've been keeping up and watching whats going on with him as much as I can. Me and my cousin had fun watching the committee vote the other night. The dems are absolutely despicable & evil. And honestly, I can really go on with what I've got to say about Ford....

2018-09-29 17:40:08 UTC  

I'll keep it simple and point blank : whether the shit happened to her or not, I have no sympathy for women who take the risk to go to hs & college parties and expect no type of sexual activity to be going on; consensual or not. You know the risks when alcohol gets in the hands of young folks. Personal responsibility. That's what this is all about. Furthermore, it's completely unimaginable to me to be hung up over a sexual assault that happened 36 years ago. It took me 5 years to fully heal over my own sexual trauma. I know everybody's pace is different, but frankly, 36 years is quite ridiculous. Even if my man kavanaugh did do this, it doesn't affect my opinion of him. Why? Because it was 36 years ago, and that has nothing to do with the man he is today. That'd be like somebody holding over my head a crime I committed when I was 17 while I'm in my 40s. (Literally did go to jail when I was 17 over a serious crime) But I'll leave it as Jesse says: "It's wrong what happened to you, but it's also wrong to hate what happened to you."

2018-09-29 19:06:07 UTC  

Literally the only reason she has to come forward other than the million dollars in GoFundMe that she's gained with pro bono legal representation, the only reason she came forward is to give Democrats a BS excuse to say no. Otherwise they would look like they were just obstructing.

2018-09-29 19:07:06 UTC  

I do not believe that Kav did this at all. And in an alternate universe, if he did, it's ridiculous because he was an athlete who worked out there would be no attempted rape there would just be rape.

2018-09-29 19:12:52 UTC  

Yup. I don't believe he did it at all either; I'm just making it clear that even if he did, I don't care

2018-09-29 19:14:22 UTC  

30 years from now if my attacker, which I do have, wanted to make a great shift in his life, I'm not going to rise up and try to ruin him. Let the past be the past, good or bad. At least I have enough decency as a woman to be the first to say that. But I realize that many women are whores of Satan so they can't come to the same conclusion that I have

2018-09-29 20:45:50 UTC  

I think sexual assault Survivor is a meaningless term because whether someone has been sexually assaulted or not if they're still alive then they are a survivor of it. It's a meaningless term in my view. Everybody is a victim of something if they want to look at it that way. I like when Jordan Peterson spells that out and says that the ultimate minority is the individual. But this Ball Z Ford butt munch is rotten because it is obviously a partisan obstructionist felonious attack on a judge.

2018-09-29 20:46:51 UTC  

Alex Jones says her dad was CIA and she's a CIA recruiter with Google. So her innocent little girl act is just that, an act. And it's such an over Act

2018-09-29 21:11:59 UTC  

Yup exactly. I'm a victim of a lot of things but I broke out of that mentality. It's fruitless, it's stupid. People can take the power back in their hands. Why would I wanna keep going around the rest of my life using my victim cards to give me careers and opportunities? Why don't I use my own skill? Obv people that wannna fall back on that crutch have no skills. They don't even know who or what they are. Jordan Peterson is awesome too. Love him.

2018-09-29 21:13:41 UTC  

And then booger and them other simpletons are going to say how this case has encouraged so many females who were sexual assault survivors to feel empowered and pursue legal action is their cases. Okay so then you're telling me that these women were so WEAK that they needed to see a publicized case in order to put their big girl panties on??? P.A.T.H.E.T.I.C.

2018-09-29 21:15:39 UTC  

Let me tell you something, 4 years after my own assault I had other women encouraging me to take legal action and I was thinking about it. But I came to the conclusion back then that I wouldn't, bc 1) it was 4 years ago so it was long over 2) I HAD NO EVIDENCE TO PROVE MY CASE. There you go. If this was POOP'S world, I would say if you waited too long, and if you don't have no evidence, then there is NO case.

2018-09-29 21:20:54 UTC  

The worst part about it is that it's all disposition. It's all mood. It's all emotion. Like from one second to another somebody can decide that it was exciting and enjoyable and then they could decide that it was horrible and terrible and then maybe somebody might enjoy something at the time but then some other piece of information enters the picture and changes they're feeling about an event. There are just way too many variables involved.

2018-09-29 21:21:28 UTC  

Oh yes

2018-09-29 21:21:30 UTC  

very true

2018-09-29 21:21:31 UTC  

And there's way too many varieties of things going on to generalize for that matter.