Message from @Anthony Sealy - MO

Discord ID: 410838911242207232

2018-02-01 02:31:42 UTC  

If anyone is behind, that is totally fine. You can just start White Identity with us in February. But please finish Why We Fight in your spare time! It's so good!

2018-02-01 04:05:09 UTC  

That's brilliant

2018-02-01 04:05:19 UTC  

I wonder if there's a place you can buy book sleeves

2018-02-01 19:41:38 UTC  

@CarletonJ that’s brilliant and funny but also a sad state of affairs.

2018-02-02 02:23:27 UTC  

>reading the section on Regional Segregation
>gets to the part on California
>”now the group will know of our struggle”

2018-02-02 05:41:04 UTC  

Lol,sadly yes...

2018-02-03 17:33:19 UTC  

Has anyone read any Julius Evola? I just ordered two of his books and wanted to know what people thought of him.

2018-02-03 17:50:19 UTC  

I like his work a lot @Hessian. Faye has a decent critique of traditionalism to keep in mind when you read, though. Don't get bogged down in the intellectualization of antiquity and tradition; tradition is something living and breathing, not something to be analyzed like a museum piece that's dead and gone.
Evola has very fascinating writing, but just make sure to read it as a supplement to (meta)political work.

2018-02-03 17:51:55 UTC  

Arktos, I think, published an English translation of his Handbook for Right-wing Youth, which is really easy to get into compared to stuff like Revolt Against the Modern World. Regardless of where you start, I'd definitely recommend the Handbook as well @Hessian

2018-02-03 18:09:56 UTC  

I ordered, “Revolt against the modern world” and “metaphysics of war.”

2018-02-03 18:12:26 UTC  

I'm part of the way through revolt, it's very good. When I first started it I hadn't read any nationalist literature at all so I had a bit of a hard time with it, but it's a pretty damn good read

2018-02-03 18:12:27 UTC  

And I will keep your advice on wind while reading.

2018-02-03 21:58:03 UTC  

Evola's Platonic metaphysics are problematic for me and should be as such for anyone else who calls themselves a "race realist." Evola rejects biological race for a more metaphysical idea. And yet, my problem with Neo-Platonism expands further. Nietzsche's critique (in *Beyond Good and Evil*) of Platonism is spot on. Everything for them is about rejecting the material world; this becomes masturbatory and delusional if taken to its extreme conclusion, in which the person is alienated from his/her body and all realpolitik.

2018-02-03 21:58:15 UTC  

Also, Faye is absolutely right that Evola constructs a false dilemma between tradition and modernity. Tradition is a principle and out of time, but modernity is a historical period. It behooves us, then, to synthesize these concepts as Faye does in Archeofuturism.

2018-02-03 21:58:28 UTC  

All that said, Evola is still useful. His emphasis on tradition, order, and transcendence is the start of an important discourse for modern minds. And yet, like Plato, you should read him with a healthy degree of criticism.

2018-02-04 00:22:28 UTC  

@William_1994 - WA on the metaphysical front, I have recently begun to wonder if different races and species attract souls from different sources. Some say that DNA is shaped like a receptor, and if it is in fact a receptor, who knows what variety of signals it is capable of receiving. Just a random thought.

2018-02-04 13:48:11 UTC  

2018-02-04 14:24:42 UTC  

@Benjamin Matthew-MI Welcome to the ILC server! Feel free to join us tomorrow night for our last discussion on Why We Fight. I believe we are getting together at 8 EST

2018-02-04 15:19:10 UTC  

Sounds good. Thank you.

2018-02-06 00:02:47 UTC  

I find Evola frustrating af, precisely because of what @William_1994 - WA said above.

2018-02-07 16:47:09 UTC  

Just sharing a video I hadn't seen before. It's D. Duke addressing Faye at Amren 2006. Faye responds. Gives some insight to Faye's take on the JQ, which we discussed. ... also linked are Amren's and Duke's responses to the discussion.

2018-02-07 16:47:44 UTC  

Didn't intend for screenshot preview. If I should have linked that differently, please let me know.

2018-02-07 17:05:30 UTC  

Ya good, bruv

2018-02-13 01:05:53 UTC  

IE tech support hours

2018-02-13 01:10:52 UTC  

Meredith Brace of San Diego, California, believed in integration. She lived in
a white area, but the neighborhood school, Harding Elementary, was 90 percent
Hispanic. She thought whites should go to Harding rather than escape to a white
school. Even before her son was old enough to enroll, she joined the Harding
PTA, raised money for Harding, and went door-to-door to promote it to white
neighbors. After her son began to attend, she became president of the PTA, and
set up after-school art and theater classes to bring whites and Hispanics together.
They were disbanded because so few people took part.
She kept her son at Harding for three years before finally giving up. “[W]e
have nothing in common [with Hispanics],” she said. “Every time my husband
and I would go over for an event, my husband would feel like it was his first
time. We haven’t made any friends.” Her son made no friends either. “He hasn’t
been invited to a birthday party,” she explained. “There is absolutely no after-
school interaction. For his birthday, he invited four of his classmates. Only one

2018-02-13 01:11:06 UTC  


2018-02-13 01:11:10 UTC  


2018-02-13 01:16:35 UTC  

@Deleted User That's really cool, man. Do you often attend meetings like that?

2018-02-13 01:16:50 UTC  

Polish do that too, my ex who was polish told me to never say to her parents that I had some Ukrainian.

2018-02-13 01:17:38 UTC  

@DeusVolk Interesting. Was she second or third generation?

2018-02-13 01:18:01 UTC  

Second. Both parents were full blooded polish.

2018-02-13 01:18:27 UTC  

Hung out with other Polish, went to Polish church, etc

2018-02-13 01:18:42 UTC  

I hear him

2018-02-13 01:19:27 UTC  

@DeusVolk Nothing wrong with that.

2018-02-13 01:19:31 UTC  

white culture is difficult for people to grasp in America because it is the dominant culture (still) and so it's just "normal".

2018-02-13 01:19:50 UTC  

Mrs. Brace joined her neighbors and transferred her son to Hope Elementary
School, which was still 73 percent white. As one white parent explained, “[I]f
half of [the neighborhood] is going in that direction, maybe we can carpool.”1
It is lunch time at the Westerly Hills Elementary School in Charlotte, North
Carolina. Black and white children sit next to each other in what seems to be
complete disregard for race. The school appears to have passed what educators
call the “lunchroom litmus test,” of whether children make friends across racial
lines. But the test is rigged. The children have assigned seats; that is the only
way to get blacks and whites to eat together.

2018-02-13 01:20:03 UTC  

@SamanthaM I agree. It was just strange to see it coming from poz Southern California.

2018-02-13 01:20:13 UTC  

>ethnic identity

2018-02-13 01:22:43 UTC  

@Deleted User I can hear you now, so keep doing whatever you just did

2018-02-13 01:23:45 UTC  

I went to a high school that was 95% white 👌🏼

2018-02-13 01:24:09 UTC  

@Daniel Turch Lucky you!