Message from @CarletonJ

Discord ID: 412790345999319050

2018-02-13 01:49:47 UTC  

F for the south

2018-02-13 01:49:56 UTC  


2018-02-13 01:50:00 UTC  


2018-02-13 01:50:03 UTC  


2018-02-13 01:53:14 UTC  

Are my messages sending?

2018-02-13 01:53:16 UTC  

How much miscegenation is even possible in WV?

2018-02-13 01:53:28 UTC  

lol you guys are misreading the map

2018-02-13 01:53:51 UTC  

Sorry dude, I only skimmed it

2018-02-13 01:54:09 UTC  

Lol ooooooooh

2018-02-13 01:54:27 UTC  

*DJ, rewind that F*

2018-02-13 01:54:28 UTC  

holy shit it's not letting me send

2018-02-13 01:54:43 UTC  

At NewSong Community Church in Irvine, California, half-Korean Senior
Pastor David Gibbons also worked very hard to integrate his congregation. He
preached what he called a “theology of discomfort,” meaning that people should
mix with people unlike themselves. He hired black and Hispanic assistants but
his 1,500-member congregation remained 80 percent Asian.

2018-02-13 01:54:58 UTC  

Stacy Heisey-Terrell, a white woman, says racial reconciliation is a big part of
her Christianity. She and her mixed-race husband drove half an hour every
Sunday to attend Evergreen Baptist Church in Rosemead, California, another
Korean congregation that was trying hard to integrate. It didn’t work. “I can’t
take this anymore,” she said, of being the only white woman. “There’s no one
like me.” She was mortified when she organized a church picnic, and the
Koreans would not touch her bean salad.

2018-02-13 01:55:10 UTC  

Victory World Church in Norcross, Georgia, is one of the three to five percent
of churches that are integrated. In 2004, its congregation of 4,500 was 60 percent
black, 30 percent white and 10 percent Hispanic and Asian—but that was a
difficult achievement. “To get to those 4,500, we have gone through thousands
and thousands of people over the last 141⁄2 years,” said co-pastor Dennis Rouse.
He said that many whites don’t like a black majority, and many blacks “prefer to
be over there with ‘the brothers’ in an all-black church.”

2018-02-13 01:57:07 UTC  

@Jacob its sending now

2018-02-13 01:57:20 UTC  

I had to make it shorter

2018-02-13 01:57:24 UTC  


2018-02-13 02:00:59 UTC

2018-02-13 02:01:08 UTC  

@CarletonJ looks like home, right?

2018-02-13 02:01:27 UTC  


2018-02-13 02:01:42 UTC  

Took me like 10 mins to find that

2018-02-13 02:01:48 UTC  


2018-02-13 02:04:17 UTC  


2018-02-13 02:05:18 UTC  

I'll be right back, everyone keep talking

2018-02-13 02:29:53 UTC  


2018-02-13 02:29:59 UTC  


2018-02-13 02:30:12 UTC  

Irish are absolutely known for their high verbal IQ

2018-02-13 02:30:23 UTC  

A lot like our greatest allies

2018-02-13 02:31:37 UTC  

At one time, “magnet schools” were supposed to solve the problem of white flight by making some urban public schools so attractive they would lure back whites who had fled to the suburbs. This approach has failed. Kansas City, Missouri, is the most prominent case of a heroic magnet effort. A federal judge took over the school district in 1985, and made the city pay nearly $2 billion for the most grandiose schools in America. Over the next 12 years, Kansas City got 15 new schools with such things as television and animation studios, a model United Nations with simultaneous interpreting equipment, a robotics lab, a planetarium, a mock court room with jury deliberation rooms, an Olympic-sized swimming pool with an underwater viewing room, and field trips to Mexico and Senegal. A former Soviet Olympic fencing coach was hired for a high school team. There was a $900,000 television campaign to tell whites about

2018-02-13 02:31:45 UTC  

the new improvements, and if white students were not on a bus route, the city sent taxis for them. It didn’t work. By 1997, when Kansas City finally gave up, it had the most extravagant schools in the country, but the percentage of whites was lower than ever and blacks’ test scores had not budged.36 Since then, despite the gold-plated schools, the district has lost so many students—down from 35,000 in 2000 to under 18,000 in 2010—that it was near bankruptcy and considering closing nearly half its schools just to stay afloat.37

2018-02-13 02:32:22 UTC  

i've got a comment on this one

2018-02-13 02:32:33 UTC  

Jump in, bro

2018-02-13 02:32:41 UTC  

Let's let him talk

2018-02-13 02:34:07 UTC  

Los Angeles had 162 magnet schools in 2006, but of that number 87 were virtually all black or Hispanic. Almost all of the ones that were considered integrated—where whites were at least 30 percent—were well outside of central Los Angeles, in areas where whites lived anyway. John Garham, who was the district specialist for the magnet effort, conceded that “we are not ever going to be able to get the white population to come into certain areas.”

2018-02-13 02:37:52 UTC  

Los Angeles is often called the most diverse city in the United States— perhaps in the world. Whites have been a minority in Los Angeles County since 1990, and its inhabitants represent more than 140 nationalities and speak 130 different languages.24 The city should be a showcase for diversity’s strengths. The schools, in particular, should be ideal opportunities to practice “contact theory.” Southern California also has an important advantage in that the most salient racial mixes are not the historically freighted one of black and white.
Blacks and Hispanics, for example, came into contact with no past grievances— no real past at all. There is nothing like the specters of slavery, Jim Crow, lynching, or segregation to poison their relations. If anything, two groups that share common experiences as minorities should find contact especially rewarding.

2018-02-13 02:38:33 UTC  

They do not. For decades, students in Los Angeles have stubbornly defied the expectations of those who praise diversity. For decades, calming racial tension— usually between blacks and Hispanics—has been one of the top goals of the school district. In 1999, the district was putting more effort into conflict resolution than any other organization in the city.25 It did not appear to be succeeding.

2018-02-13 02:43:32 UTC  

mohave desert

2018-02-13 02:44:49 UTC  

Discussions about how blacks and whites were to be brought together came to be known as “contact theory,” and its most prominent spokesman was Gordon Allport. In his 1953 book, The Nature of Prejudice, he wrote that prejudice “may be reduced by equal status contact between majority and minority groups in the
pursuit of common goals. The effect is greatly enhanced if this contact is sanctioned by institutional supports . . . .”11 Schools were the best setting for contact. White children, whose prejudices had not yet hardened, would mix with black children under conditions of equality and strict institutional supervision.

2018-02-13 02:46:13 UTC  

Since the 19th century, the Cherokee have considered the descendants of their
black slaves to be full members of the tribe, and in 2006, the Cherokee supreme
court reaffirmed black membership. In 2007, however, the tribe as a whole
overruled its court and voted to expel all 2,800 black members.

2018-02-13 02:49:31 UTC  

If California is the future of the United States, Los Angeles may offer a lesson. In 1960, it was 72 percent white, but in just ten years that figure dropped to 59 percent, and by 2000 the city was only 33 percent white. During the 1980s, while every other racial group was gaining in numbers, Los Angeles County lost 330,000 whites, and a startling 570,000 during the 1990s.100 Where did they go? Beginning in the 1980s, California saw a major shift of whites from southern, immigrant-heavy regions to the white north.101 Many moved to Nevada County, which Mel Mouser, the police chief of the town of Grass Valley, called “the largest concentration of Caucasians in the state of California.” In the 15 years ending in 1995, the county’s population grew by no less than 65 percent and
remained 93 percent white. The newcomers were looking for the kind of homogeneity they grew up with but had lost to immigrants. As Chief Mouser explained, the newcomers “bring with them the common strain of thought: Don’t let it be like where I came from.”102