Message from @Trashboat

Discord ID: 498987337879912478

2018-08-20 14:28:29 UTC  

Sometimes it's tempting not to make a reminder, because hey, I can easily remember to do X in a few hours, right? But oftentimes Y, Z, and other tasks-to-do also arise, putting a strain on your memory and possibly leading to some anxiety as you try to keep them all in your mind by not focusing on other activities on which you should be wholly focused. But if you make a reminder, then the worst-case scenario is you wasted 30 seconds up front by creating a reminder for something you already remembered to do.

Lastly, sometimes I'll make a reminder for a task that I recall sans reminder -- but the only reason I even remember the task is because I went through the effort of making the reminder in the first place. So the actual act of creating the reminders aids our memory in this limited respect as well.

2018-08-20 14:44:02 UTC  

I do this too. I keep a general calendar which not only includes work tasks and family tasks, but also hobbies and academic pursuits. @Brandon Ironside- ND and I have talked quite a bit about this. We call it having goaltism.

2018-08-20 21:32:13 UTC  

@Evan Thomas I really liked the part in the video where he says to think about or write down everything you are thankful for. I need to do that

2018-08-23 12:46:16 UTC  

There's a youtuber I follow named Grahm Stephan, I may be spelling that wrong. Anyhow, he does finance videos about buying houses and if that's somthing anyone is interested in I'll post a link below

2018-08-23 23:38:58 UTC  

@Zyzz Writing down anything that's important to you is vital. Especially goals. What gets measured gets done. If a goal isn't written down with a deadline attached, it's not a goal; it's just a wish or an idea that you will likely never achieve.

2018-10-03 01:37:41 UTC  

Out of all of the factors necessary for success, continued focus and action on clear goals is the most critical of all.

2018-10-03 01:37:48 UTC  

More on goals...

2018-10-08 22:34:18 UTC  

Let me get uhhh, one order of direction in life, and a side of uhhh, possible outlets and resources to achieve a sense of what I want to do.

2018-10-08 22:37:25 UTC  


2018-10-08 22:37:25 UTC  

I graduated high school in June and then I went to Germany to see my girlfriend for a couple months (No, I met her IRL and have been with her IRL, not E-dating) and I've come back to my parents telling me I need a plan by November or else I am getting kicked out of the house.

2018-10-08 22:37:32 UTC  

So yea

2018-10-08 22:37:50 UTC  

Ever consider the military?

2018-10-08 22:38:10 UTC  

Don’t say anything about muh zog either lol

2018-10-08 22:38:23 UTC  

I haven't

2018-10-08 22:38:32 UTC  

I just don't think that would be for me

2018-10-08 22:38:50 UTC  

My dad went into the Air Force before I was born so he could get his college paid for.

2018-10-08 22:38:55 UTC  

I mean

2018-10-08 22:38:59 UTC  

I've thought about it

2018-10-08 22:39:19 UTC  

And given the time frame I have of being able to like start a family and live with my gf, it would make sense.

2018-10-08 22:39:53 UTC  

A military - like option, that teaches you skills, keeps you in shape, makes you a badass AND helps your community is Wildland firefighting.

2018-10-08 22:40:20 UTC  

And there's never been a large scale Forest Service deployment to Israel, as far as I know. lol

2018-10-08 22:41:00 UTC  

I am submitting an application to a welding school right now, but I am not entirely sure that is what I want tbh. I'm good at it, but it costs money that I don't have and I am not sure I'd be alright with doing that for the rest of my life.

2018-10-08 22:41:09 UTC  

That sounds pretty rad actually

2018-10-08 22:41:53 UTC  

It is the most brutal work, but you'll make an extraordinary amount of money and come out the other end jacked and grizzled.

2018-10-08 22:42:36 UTC  

I've never done it myself (too tall to cut line), but I took fire classes and supported on perscribed burns. I've done trail crew, which is the diet version.

2018-10-08 22:43:01 UTC  

If I was under 25 and under 6'6" I'd do at least one season of wildland fire.

2018-10-08 22:43:50 UTC  

That sounds awesome actually.

2018-10-08 22:44:15 UTC  

I hate having to work making food for ham planet NPCs

2018-10-08 22:45:13 UTC  

It sounds like it would actually be having a positive benefit on society, like something important was actually being done. And, I'd be out in the woods doing something cool.

2018-10-08 22:45:40 UTC  

I feel like I'd have to relocate for that though, Michigan doesn't really have very many wildfires.

2018-10-08 22:45:48 UTC  

Here's some propaganda: