Message from @Max White

Discord ID: 403205987919462400

2018-01-11 21:08:01 UTC  

[6:27 PM] Aldo: hasn't stopped me from speculating though, why do you say "if it doesnt constantly overwrite bits on free space then it could be really good." if you don't mind briefly explaining?

if it constantly overwrites bits on free space then it will drastically reduce the life of the drive and lead to bit errors.

2018-01-11 21:10:48 UTC  

when you save something to your hard drive it saves it in new space, when you delete something it is still there and the UI shows it as new free space however the computer will continue to write on "true free space" until it no longer can and will start writing on the deleted file free space.

2018-01-11 21:11:18 UTC  

the reason it does it this way is because writing bits on top of bits will reduce the life of the hard drive.

2018-01-11 21:12:34 UTC  

there is a few other things going on as well but this is a very simple explanation. its also the reason you dont want to defrag an SSD

2018-01-13 00:49:49 UTC  

Best XRP wallet? Thoughts?

2018-01-13 02:04:05 UTC  

Potential major strike against the jewish banking system:

2018-01-13 04:32:23 UTC  

Crypto speculation is a great way to maybe make money but the idea that it will replace government issued currency is insane. How is anybody even thinking that? I mean, a US law requiring backbone providers to filter out port 8333 and bitcoin protocol is all it would take to shut it down forever. Again, it is fun, make we can make some money. I have been mining since 2013 and i love the algos behind it. Anybody that thinks bitcoin can become money and government 'cant do shit about it' should explain how bitcoin is different from Schrute bucks being currency.

2018-01-13 04:32:27 UTC

2018-01-13 04:33:24 UTC  

I guess maybe some bros could run wifi p2p network... in the woods... but less than 150 feet apart

2018-01-13 13:15:37 UTC  

Yeah tbh, itโ€™s too easy to lose your life savings with crypto. Maybe somebody will sell crypto insurance though

2018-01-14 01:22:02 UTC  

>some bros could run wifi p2p network
thats literally the idea behind blockchain ISP. there are ways to make it work.

2018-01-14 01:22:12 UTC  

decentralization is the future of the internet

2018-01-14 01:22:33 UTC  

bitcoin just happens to be the first real good thing to come from it

2018-01-15 00:30:57 UTC  

Any of you goys with significant crypto holdings will probably appreciate a little something I whipped up in mspaint after seeing my blockfolio this morning

2018-01-15 00:31:32 UTC

2018-01-16 18:49:00 UTC

2018-01-16 19:28:39 UTC  


2018-01-16 19:54:11 UTC  

yeah what happened, everything halved or quartered this week

2018-01-17 15:15:12 UTC  


2018-01-17 15:16:38 UTC  

Im a little nauseous with the sudden and spectacular loss of wealth. lol

2018-01-17 15:53:49 UTC  

debating buying in to Aragon...

2018-01-17 18:31:34 UTC  

I would wait a couple days until all the newbees have sold and stop screaming into their pillows.

2018-01-17 18:33:05 UTC  

There are some good values now but I look at the chart over the last 3 months and, well, we are now in correction mode. You can even see where the whales are interveining to stop the freefall of prices.

2018-01-17 19:57:15 UTC  

Would whales intervene, I wonder? @Max White

2018-01-17 21:45:40 UTC  

@ThisIsChris Right now.. yes.. big players want crypto to stay, and old money wants it dead.

2018-01-17 21:48:09 UTC  

@Max White I've been thinking about this a lot, I think it's bitcoin's biggest problem right now. Bitcoin could use a lot of investment in updating the core software. But who will pay for it? The reason I think it is hard is that there is a freerider problem. Whoever doesn't pay get's to rest on the laurels of whoever does pay. No one wants to be the sucker. I don't know if it's obvious which whales would feel obligated to pay up for needed work. Needed work like solving memchache issues or impementing lightning networks or whatever else

2018-01-17 22:03:20 UTC  

I look at it like this..if Bitcoin really open source.. its now expensive to transact.. new platforms will rise. The only thing keeping Bitcoin alive is that so many poeiple have invested in it, mined it, have many coins, and so on. For me, I would never invest in bitcoin now, The new platforms are around the corner. This is like 1995. I remember it well as an old fag

2018-01-17 22:05:35 UTC  

@Max White ah ok that's where you were going with it. I agree! I think there's a lot of potential in the space but I don't know if there's anything for investors to do at the moment.

2018-01-17 22:06:23 UTC  

BTW, did u hear, George Soros invested into blockchain tech this month.

2018-01-17 22:06:45 UTC  


2018-01-17 22:07:06 UTC  

Blockchain is legit. Now its about who contols it

2018-01-17 22:07:15 UTC  

is he preparing for the far left to be kicked off of major payment platforms? That's what got me into bitcoin

2018-01-17 22:07:37 UTC  

Its the wild west right now

2018-01-17 22:07:57 UTC  

Anything goes

2018-01-17 22:08:43 UTC  

I'm not sure how any of this works. Someone said on here thar BTC was down so maybe buy. I put $100 in and made $13. Wish me dumb beginner's luck. ๐Ÿ˜…

2018-01-17 22:12:43 UTC  

I am looking at backbone techs. Ethereum, NEO ext. That is the year long bet

2018-01-17 22:13:19 UTC  

Tech that people have to build upon

2018-01-17 22:13:33 UTC  

smart contracts ect

2018-01-18 00:18:45 UTC  

Blockchain is very interesting tech and great speculative tool. However, no one really has any idea whatsoever what the point of it is. I mean, if you run the blockchain network entirely inside a trust boundary (let's say Cardinal Health for medical records) well then you don't need to waste money on blockchain. Just use public/private key infrastrcture. If you run it as it is meant to run, anonymous nodes in the network what possible guarantees you have that the networks will stay up. You can't build a contract on a platform that you can't contract with, sue, insure, etc.

2018-01-18 00:26:52 UTC  

Zero trading fees on Kraken for the rest of January