Message from @horticult

Discord ID: 471309998417379328

2018-07-17 02:19:51 UTC

2018-07-17 02:20:06 UTC

2018-07-17 02:20:10 UTC

2018-07-17 02:20:13 UTC

2018-07-17 02:20:40 UTC  

Our overgrown in weeded family garden. It may not look the best but they produce for sure.

2018-07-17 02:21:17 UTC  

I'm jealous of the land tbh

2018-07-17 02:29:15 UTC  

That’s my moms. Not to much now a days just what we need. More of a hobby/family farm. Although she sells at the farmers market as a hobby. And actually we’ve found it easier to sell what we don’t need then to try and give it away.

2018-07-17 02:29:46 UTC  

Oh and she has 50 acres.

2018-07-18 05:32:53 UTC

2018-07-18 05:32:59 UTC

2018-07-18 05:33:09 UTC

2018-07-18 05:33:11 UTC

2018-07-18 05:33:15 UTC

2018-07-18 21:03:11 UTC  

Nice Cleome

2018-07-19 21:33:14 UTC  


2018-07-22 01:19:49 UTC  

Not sure if you're familiar with these folks but very interesting stuff.

2018-07-23 03:54:29 UTC  

I love that page! Very inspiring. Very similar to what we have going on here too. I love that they are a part of a volkish/ agrarian movement in Germany! I want to see more of this in the US as well!

2018-07-24 13:35:41 UTC  

Invasive plants are a serious problem for native plant species in the United States. They outcompete native plants due to a lack of predators. They disrupt soil microbiology and ph, and affect the sensitive balance of the overall ecosystem.

2018-07-24 13:37:40 UTC  

It’s also worth mentioning the fact that the fight to stop the spread of invasive plants directly parallels our own fight to preserve our culture as identitarians.

2018-07-24 13:39:51 UTC  

I’m going to try and post at least one invasive plant a week, highlighting its environmental disruptions, how to spot it, and how to get rid of it efficiently.

2018-07-24 13:41:52 UTC

2018-07-24 13:42:06 UTC  

This week it’s Giant hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum) is a tall (up to 15-20 ft), herbaceous, biennial plant.

2018-07-24 13:43:03 UTC  

Giant hogweed is native to central and southwest Asia. It was intentionally introduced via the nursery industry where it eventually escaped and spread.

2018-07-24 13:43:18 UTC  

Giant hogweed suppresses the growth of native plants, which has a negative impact on native wildlife. In addition, giant hogweed poses a threat to human health as direct skin contact with the plant’s toxic sap induces extreme photosensitivity causing slow to heal burns and scarring. this sap can also cause blindness upon contact with the eyes. Costs are incurred for both medical treatment and efforts to keep the plant under control. Over 100,000 seeds per plant are dispersed annually by water, wind, or humans.

2018-07-24 13:43:44 UTC  

Giant hogweed burns

2018-07-24 13:43:46 UTC

2018-07-24 13:44:33 UTC  

Habitat: Giant hogweed invades disturbed areas across both the Northeast and Pacific Northwestern United States. Although often found in open fields and along roadsides, it has been observed along streams in natural areas.

2018-07-24 13:45:17 UTC  

Leaves: palmately compound, with three deeply incised leaflets, with spotted leaf stalk, enormous, lower leaves can be 5’ wide. Only basal leaves are produced the first year.

2018-07-24 13:45:22 UTC

2018-07-24 13:45:59 UTC  

Flowers: 50-150 white, small, many borne in large, loose umbels at tops of stems. Blooms late June through August.

2018-07-24 13:46:04 UTC

2018-07-24 13:46:54 UTC  

Stems: often purple-mottled, up to 4-in in diameter, hollow and ridged.

2018-07-24 13:47:01 UTC

2018-07-24 13:47:24 UTC

2018-07-24 13:50:09 UTC  

Physical/Mechanical Control: Hogweed is difficult to control due to its toxic effects on the skin. A small number of plants can be hand dug, but care should be taken to remove most of the root and to protect skin and eyes.

Repeated mowing does not kill the plant and causes resprouting, but it may weaken the plant if done consistently and persistently enough to starve the roots. Chemical Control: Foliar treatments with glyphosate (trade name “roundup”) or triclopyr ( trade name “garlon”) have been effective. Glyphosate is considered the most effective herbicide and should be used in spring and early summer when plants are less than three feet tall. A follow-up application in midsummer may be necessary. Use caution around desirable species since glyphosate is non-selective.

2018-07-24 13:52:30 UTC  

If anyone has questions concerning invasive plants, native plants, identification of plants feel free to ask any time, I do this for a living and I want to help make everyone more aware of this beautiful green earth, and our responsibility as it’s stewards.

2018-07-24 17:44:29 UTC  

@horticult Is there any place on-line to track Hogweed's spread?

2018-07-24 17:47:59 UTC  

Unfortunately there is no one specific place to track the spread of invasive plants, this website puts out alerts on all invasive species and they update when it’s spotted in new areas.

2018-07-24 17:49:37 UTC  

City or state parks services are the best resource to find out if a new invasive species has been spotted in your area.