Message from @Sonic

Discord ID: 437449980459089934

2018-04-07 16:48:08 UTC  

Mines the middle one

2018-04-07 16:48:47 UTC  

From that pic it looks like someone just cleaned it haha

2018-04-07 16:50:14 UTC  

Oh and while I'm at it, if you see paint like this, don't eat it... it's 100% lead based

2018-04-07 16:51:55 UTC  

And this is beautiful.

2018-04-07 18:04:40 UTC  

This @here is an example of true Identarian craftsmanship guys; the sort of expertise that made our ancestors famous from the Renaissance of the 1500s to the Golden Age of the 1900s. Well done @RevStench. You’re an example to all of us.

2018-04-07 18:04:40 UTC  

That looks fantastic!

2018-04-07 18:28:38 UTC  

I only fixed the broken glass in the windows and made them functional again. We hung that crown molding. But that staircase is in incredible shape, quality craftsmanship. I figured you would appreciate it, the only work I did was replace the old worn out treads and that's it. The home was built in the late 1890s and a family with 14 kids lived there until the youngest died about 10 years ago.

2018-04-07 18:39:13 UTC  

@RevStench I'm a dumbass, dude, I never even thought to scrape the wood off of sandpaper

2018-04-08 19:12:49 UTC  

@John O - haha bro, we all are. I used to go through so much sand paper until I started working for this old guy.

2018-04-09 05:10:58 UTC  


2018-04-19 23:14:58 UTC  

Pro tip, I know I already showed this when there was a teaching channel, but if you chip a small sliver of wood off of pretty anything, don't have any glue or a small twist drill for a pilot hole. No problem.
Blunt the tip of nail, basically turning it into a cut nail(the old style that look like rail road spikes). It's better to cut the wood fiber than it is to separate it.

2018-04-19 23:15:04 UTC

2018-04-19 23:15:10 UTC

2018-04-19 23:15:18 UTC

2018-04-19 23:15:27 UTC

2018-04-19 23:17:16 UTC  

Put a little epox on it and paint. Strip it first, but good as new. 2 nails is over kill but it's a top sash so it takes a beating.

2018-04-20 20:06:59 UTC  

Check out how clever these old guys were.

2018-04-20 20:07:12 UTC  

Arched windows from the outside

2018-04-20 20:07:20 UTC

2018-04-20 20:07:25 UTC

2018-04-22 03:10:02 UTC  

<@&403278581272150016> Any links to plans for a wooden door awning/canopy? Not a Gable one, just a standard flat one with a slight downward angle. I've searched online extensively to no avail. If nothing's available I'll just figure it out, but I prefer to work off of plans. Thanks!

2018-04-22 03:19:54 UTC  

Something similar to this..

2018-04-22 07:24:37 UTC

2018-04-22 07:24:41 UTC

2018-04-22 17:14:49 UTC  

Nice I can make that work. Thanks!

2018-05-03 14:18:22 UTC  

Gf has been spending a lot of time on pintrest, so I decided to make this blanket ladder for her that she saw on there. Just need to sand it when the wood glue dries and then paint it

2018-05-03 15:49:08 UTC  

Good ole Pinterest.

2018-05-03 16:22:38 UTC  

@Envian sink those screws deep then take your wood glue and mix your sawdust with the glue and you can use that as a putty to cover your screws. Sand out and paint. It'll look like you didn't use any fasteners.
You should post more too.

2018-05-03 16:30:54 UTC  

I didn’t use any screws

2018-05-03 16:31:07 UTC  

I just drilled holes and glued in dowels

2018-05-03 16:31:50 UTC  

Yeah, I didn’t have much wood to work with for a while but now I’ve got quite a bit as you can see in the pic haha

2018-05-03 18:44:10 UTC  

That's cool man, that's what I like to see young guy's NOT gluing and screwing, you should post more haha. You ever use biscuits?

2018-05-03 21:42:33 UTC  

I haven’t needed to yet for any of the stuff I’ve made, but I would if the opportunity arises

2018-05-05 02:04:45 UTC

2018-05-05 02:05:52 UTC  

Done sanding the glue and then I used bondo to fill in the cracks, so once that is dried I can sand one last time and paint

2018-05-05 02:10:55 UTC  

I use a wood epoxy, this stuff.

2018-05-05 02:12:33 UTC  

That's going to look good though

2018-05-05 02:16:13 UTC  

Yeah I hope so. My dad had bondo already and let me use it, so I didn’t have to buy any. It was a fun little project. I got a bunch of culled lumber recently for 90% off, but none of it is hard wood, so I’m just gonna make some signs and random things with it and try to sell them and make some money

2018-05-19 22:23:59 UTC  

Gonna be making some signs and some tables this weekend for my sisters graduation so hopefully I’ll have something worth posting

2018-05-25 04:22:50 UTC