Message from @Johnboy

Discord ID: 482737698663038988

2018-08-25 02:00:59 UTC  

@Nemets You know what would happen in most African countries if you lectured the locals on racism? Probably beat to death...

2018-08-25 02:01:49 UTC  

Wonder if there’d be much conception of it honestly

2018-08-25 02:02:41 UTC  

lol, they're all about racism as long as it's in the context of what whites owe them becaise of colonization

2018-08-25 02:05:02 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD this may shock you, but I agree 😜 I like this group already

2018-08-25 02:06:09 UTC  

we gotta purity spiral every once in a while...

2018-08-25 02:06:56 UTC  


2018-08-25 02:07:06 UTC  

wtf is wrong with white people?

2018-08-25 02:08:05 UTC  

So I assume he's basically a novelty to them

2018-08-25 02:08:14 UTC  

Admin, @Nemets is assaulting my eyes

2018-08-25 02:08:23 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD A White-Specific trait it seems to be

2018-08-25 02:12:13 UTC  

Mr. Blackpill tonight....

2018-08-25 02:12:35 UTC  

If you google the Estonian politician, Abdul Turay, you click on his family photo it takes you straight to /pol/

2018-08-25 02:18:29 UTC  

i have a lot of family in Europe (Western Europe) and i talk to some of them about what's going on in Europe. they are horrified. My grandmother who is 83 and lives in Northern Italy - way north - grew up at the foot of the Alps. Her childhood was spent guarding over the livestock and bringing the animals back to the barn at night. She protected sheep from wolves and other predators. My grandmother has 8 siblings - all still living - and they all have red hair and freckles. their dad fought in both World Wars. Great-grandpa was a fascist and fought on the side of Mussolini. but anyways I am diverging... my Grandmother calls me in tears often telling me how dangerous it has become to go outside at night for old ladies like her because of these entire Muslim neighbourhoods. She says crime has increased tremendously. These Arab refugees demand and demand and demand. They demand and then they bitch! they bitch if they are asked to remove their head scarf for their driver license shot. they complain that Christian symbols and statues are a way to force the Christian faith down their throat. They get unemployment checks, low income housing, free socialized health care, etc... they are indeed slowly, little by little, traying to take over and trying to change thousands of years of history and culture and traditions.

2018-08-25 02:22:13 UTC  

I travel to London fairly often for work. AMA

2018-08-25 02:23:08 UTC  

what would happen if we went to their countries and complained about the call to the prayer from the mosque!? we'd be hang in the squares. I believe every culture is worth preserving including theirs. But keep it in your country. Don't move to a European Country that is predominantly 99% Christian and then bitch about the Christmas Trees! My grandmother says she does not recognize her country anymore. Last time i went back to visit ( about 5 years ago ) i was sitting on a bus and i looked around and realized i was the only white person on that bus. There were people speaking Arab, Chinese, Philippino, Indian. My heart grew heavy... i felt this overwhelming sadness come over me and i told my grandmother that day that i would never go back.

2018-08-25 02:24:30 UTC  

Preaching to the choir man

2018-08-25 02:24:31 UTC  

@Grayson dude that's a heavy redpill when your homeland becomes unrecognizable

2018-08-25 02:26:09 UTC  

i live on a small kansas farm. the only people i interact with are white boomers. 👴

2018-08-25 02:27:10 UTC  

I used to travel to Detroit a lot, stopped in deerborn once... never again. Literally looks like Pakistan. In deer born, I had a man just grab my hand and speak odd gibberish to me. All eyes were constantly on anyone who wasn’t recognizably Islamic. Yet we’re told constantly “it’s just their culture!”, it’s just “their culture” to make mainly white women feel targeted and objectified, but had a white man commit these exact actions, it would be in every liberal news outlet immediately

2018-08-25 02:27:16 UTC  

they're the maga hat isreal first type. while bad. it could be worse. @Bjorn - MD

2018-08-25 02:29:29 UTC  

@NITRODUBS detroit is like a warzone at this point.

2018-08-25 02:30:03 UTC  

@Grayson I connect so much with your grandmother, with all of us here. My church, my community, my work place, nothing is like what I was blessed with growing up and none of this is what I want for the future of my children.

2018-08-25 02:30:04 UTC  

I have a heavy heart when i talk about these things. I don't hate everyone (in case this stuff leaks LOL ) but come on! I have been blessed to live in Utah which is a very White State. but even here, it is changing. When i attended BYU, there was one black kid on the football team LOL now if you are a white kid from Utah or Idaho, forget going to BYU; Brigham Young University has bought into this diversity shit and their admitting predominantly minorities to show that the Mormon owned University is not discriminating. They have scholarships for minorities, they take them into the dorms before they take white students... it's insane.

2018-08-25 02:31:41 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD my theory is that when you reach a certain age. you cant really change your mind anymore. i mean if you do, youve been wrong your entire life and thats a hard pill to swallow.

2018-08-25 02:31:48 UTC  

we need to stop pandering to minorities and force them to make it on their own.

2018-08-25 02:32:04 UTC  

either make it on their own, or's THEIR choice.

2018-08-25 02:32:08 UTC  

@Nemets Fascinating, are there any hypothesis on why these ruling classes seem to prefer outsiders, over their native kin?

2018-08-25 02:33:01 UTC  

We can only hide and retreat in these white majority areas for so long. It always spreads. They’re currently trying to change the perimeters of the districts for my area so that it’s not as right leaning/right represented. I know if they succeed my home isn’t going to be safe anymore. I’m so tired of having to google the demographics for every area I look at moving to lol

2018-08-25 02:33:29 UTC  

My wife and I were reading over the board members if the school our children are at, not one name was pronounceable for a full blooded American. There is a Pilipino, an several Indians (India), a Mexican and several Brazilians. I didn't see one white male.

2018-08-25 02:33:56 UTC  

It is no wonder our schools teach a hatred of our history

2018-08-25 02:36:29 UTC  

Did Alex Jones realy get caught watching trap porn on his phone love?!? Lmao

2018-08-25 02:36:49 UTC  

Or, until they push “mixing” so much to the point of where there won’t even be a need to have demographic stats.

2018-08-25 02:37:04 UTC  

people who criticize our movement and our message should realize that this is not a message of hate and intolerance. This is not hate speech. This is a message of love! love for our people, our identity, our heritage, our history. Blacks can march holding their clinch fists, setting cars on fire and looting liquor stores (they did not give shit about the black who got shot by the cop), the gays can march, the feminist lesbianic pink pussy cat hats can march, the Mexicans can march holding signs that read: WE HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE HERE" (who freaking gave you that right!) but God forbid we white people march!! it'll be breaking news on CNN: "white supremacists marching …"

2018-08-25 02:37:20 UTC  

@Whitelash naw dude. the chinese communists put it there.😎

2018-08-25 02:38:01 UTC  

Anyone got sources or something lnoa

2018-08-25 02:40:06 UTC  

I am so disappointed in out people. it breaks my heart. but... the fascinating part, then when i talk to them privately one on one; they often agree with me on most things. Every time i share my views with them, all I hear is: "yeah i agree with that, yeah that is a good point, yeah i never thought about it that way..."

2018-08-25 02:40:56 UTC  

I've had strangers whisper to me things about minorities specifically, how they act... people WANT to vent, but feel like they can't

2018-08-25 02:41:18 UTC  

Our people have a deep, untapped sense of who they are. We just have to drill into them to find that soul within them.

2018-08-25 02:42:18 UTC  

IE youtube is back

2018-08-25 02:42:25 UTC  
