Message from @TheWhiteRationalist

Discord ID: 500140104220934155

2018-10-12 02:44:01 UTC  

like swimwear

2018-10-12 02:44:11 UTC  


2018-10-12 02:44:24 UTC  

@Bjorn - MD Many such cases. Sad! It is nearly every time the hotter partner (usually the woman, but sometimes the man) being so hedonist and unscrupulous that they want to rework ethics [the most popular polyamorous text is actually titled "the Ethical Slut"] to excuse them to pork around while keeping the beta around for security/validation. The beta partner goes along with it due to some combination of desperation, low confidence and third-wave-feminist brainwashing away all of their natural pride and instincts.

2018-10-12 02:45:43 UTC  

Much like the dissolution of our society in current year (+3) has made stable, lifelong vocation difficult to find and obtain, so too have the same forces made LOVE into transient, part-time "gigs."

2018-10-12 02:46:11 UTC  

In other words, Polyamory-pursuing partners are the Sexual 1%. And we all know who is disproportionate in the 1%

2018-10-12 02:47:31 UTC

2018-10-12 02:53:52 UTC  

can someone explain a few of these custom emojis to me?

2018-10-12 02:54:01 UTC  

I dont get them

2018-10-12 02:54:46 UTC  


2018-10-12 02:54:48 UTC  

@TheWhiteRationalist <:varg:359010745192808449> This is Varg Vikernes, Emperor of Europe.

2018-10-12 02:55:03 UTC  

ok. what does he mean lol?

2018-10-12 02:55:05 UTC  

Help ! @everyone I am a member of a Maga-pede Pro-Trump conservative group in my norime life and I'm trying to convince them that Ben Shapiro is not "Right wing" nor does he have the best intentions for our country. Can some of our members help me make a list of examples and talking pionts that I can use on these Mage-pedes without exposing my power level. This will be a huge help to me if I can get some help on breaking the Shapiro spell he has on conservative minded people ........just dm me you ideas

2018-10-12 02:55:51 UTC  

He indirectly supports globalism while supporting a jewish state

2018-10-12 02:56:03 UTC  
2018-10-12 02:56:13 UTC

2018-10-12 02:56:23 UTC  

Exactly that.

2018-10-12 02:56:25 UTC  


2018-10-12 02:57:13 UTC  

Disavows identity politics, except when it come to Jews and Israel.

2018-10-12 02:57:31 UTC  

@sigruna14 Varg would have to leave his van to lead anything.

2018-10-12 02:57:49 UTC  

hasnt he said hatespeech can be a crime?

2018-10-12 02:58:13 UTC  

might wanna verify that but I think I read some quotes

2018-10-12 02:58:26 UTC  

Please just Dm me the examples @everyone

2018-10-12 02:59:50 UTC  

@Wood-Ape - OK/MN It's an UAZ, not a van.

2018-10-12 03:11:04 UTC  

I think Ben Shapiro does more good than harm

2018-10-12 03:12:23 UTC  

Ehhh... Nah.

2018-10-12 03:12:48 UTC  

We have enough sassy smart people "owning SJWs"

2018-10-12 03:17:59 UTC  

@TheWhiteRationalist <:koba:359010745112985611> This is Koba, the real leader of IE

2018-10-12 03:20:17 UTC  

@V.Balboa - PA That video Allsup just made is a good list of talking points, more focused on the nationalism part of Shapiro but it expands on it a good bit if you want to roll with it

2018-10-12 03:38:56 UTC  

Good evening Identirarians, I've made it out alive from the CATEGROY 5 hurricane Michael that hit Panama City. My home is devastated, it may take weeks to repair but I found my family a place to stay for several weeks while everything is being repaired. The city is destroyed but I'm glad most people evacuated

2018-10-12 03:40:42 UTC  

I should note that if we had not stayed in our church, over 30 people would have died. I was evacuating people into our church during the hurricane, which had over 150 mph winds. I can safely say we saved a lot of people's lives, since I was checking the front door just in case, and it so happens, people starting coming up with their babies and pets and grandmas... They are all safe and fed, with water, sadly they no longer have homes since their houses were entirely destroyed or caved in afterwards.

2018-10-12 03:43:24 UTC  

That's crazy! I'm very sorry for the damage to your home, but I am glad you are alive.

2018-10-12 03:44:43 UTC  

@The Eternal Anglo that's terrible to hear, I'm glad you guys are safe

2018-10-12 03:45:37 UTC  

@The Eternal Anglo Very sorry to hear your home was destroyed, but good for you bring out there saving lives. Good man.

2018-10-12 03:49:05 UTC  

Is there any way we could get an IE effort to help out hurricane victims? We could at the very least donate clothing, food, supplies, and various other things

2018-10-12 03:52:08 UTC  

@The Eternal Anglo I'm sorry to hear about your home, but I'm glad that you and your family are safe, and good on you for taking a leadership role in looking out for the others. I have family down in Carolina, and sadly, they pretty much went through the same thing about a month ago (house and vehicles submerged and destroyed). This has definitely been a strange and uncharacteristically rough autumn for our people...

2018-10-12 04:02:01 UTC  

I wonder, what ever consideration could explain such fickleness...? 🤔

2018-10-12 04:03:13 UTC  

@The Eternal Anglo terribly sorry to hear about your home and your community- thank you immensely for what you did though- you saved a lot of lives dude.

2018-10-12 04:05:14 UTC  

Lord, make me an instrument of your will. Where there is injustice against my people may I bring right. Where there is error may I bring truth. Where my people despair may I bring hope. Grant that I may comfort my people rather than to be comforted - to serve them rather than to be served. For it is by putting the needs of my people before my own that I may best serve to secure the existence of my race and a future for White children. Good night, and peace be with you.

2018-10-12 04:10:02 UTC  

@fgtveassassin thank you I'll check it out

2018-10-12 04:18:55 UTC  

So this *Was* Lowe's

Also our living situation is okay, we have a place to live and when our home is rebuilt everything is good. The government is taking care of us

2018-10-12 04:19:55 UTC  

God damn