Message from @dudelsäcke

Discord ID: 501259585416331285

2018-10-15 05:00:09 UTC  

The ethnostate is the ideal, no doubt, its plausibility right now is out there but nothing great is easily or quickly gained. And it is great. A dream. A hope. Unlike trying to make it work amongst a teeming brown empire

2018-10-15 05:00:30 UTC  

Just as an aside. FTN had a really good white pill in today's show. A recent large poll of voters with 65% white respondents had 35% saying they were going to vote in the specific interests of white people. 😀

2018-10-15 05:02:11 UTC  

I like how you call blacks Bantus

2018-10-15 05:02:32 UTC  

Listening to the first post hiatus "Fatherland" Episode, and Jim is praising IE highly. IE needs to keep doing what we're doing.

2018-10-15 05:03:05 UTC  

TRS podcasts praise us a lot.

2018-10-15 05:03:21 UTC  

Fatherland split from TRS but yup

2018-10-15 05:03:25 UTC  

Oh, is he? Interesting.

2018-10-15 05:03:43 UTC  

Could you link it with a timestamp?

2018-10-15 05:03:46 UTC  

2hr 20 minute mark ish

2018-10-15 05:04:12 UTC  

@Ald It'd be a nice bonus but it may not be an ideal. You can construct on paper an ideal version of an ideal ethnostate, but there's a lot of practical things now to be focused on.

2018-10-15 05:04:17 UTC  

Do the Proud Boys really beat each other up while yelling out cereal brands?

2018-10-15 05:04:49 UTC  

I think it was the Friday TDS that talked about the pre-IE operations of calling out anti-white professors on campuses.

2018-10-15 05:05:18 UTC  

And the Bantus displaced the Khoisan. So much for pan-Africanism.

2018-10-15 05:05:24 UTC  
2018-10-15 05:05:24 UTC  

I liked that strategy but IIRC it was shut down due to legal concerns (targeting).

2018-10-15 05:05:30 UTC  
2018-10-15 05:05:44 UTC  

@dudelsäcke " birthdate and demographics are all intertwined though. Whites have low birth rates because they are shouldering the burden of POCs and because of guilt and because of nihilism. These forces will only strengthen with time in a multiethnic country." Agreed but all we can do is find out how to flourish and fight nihilism given our current circumstances, which are less than ideal but not impossible to work within

2018-10-15 05:06:08 UTC  

@Reinhard Wolff It takes a minute or two

2018-10-15 05:06:36 UTC  

@Jacob do you not?

2018-10-15 05:06:38 UTC  

People should bring that up more. Not so innocent.

2018-10-15 05:06:46 UTC  
2018-10-15 05:06:54 UTC  

@Nemets you said non human. Do you hold to the theory that Subsaharans are Homo Idaltu admixed?

2018-10-15 05:07:36 UTC  

Okay I wasn't meaning on spending a long time on Discord today, but I feel I need to respond to this "ethnostate" thing.

The idea behind it is good, but the term is bad. "Ethnostate" sounds too science fiction, and it sounds like we're demanding a 100.00% white homeland tomorrow. It makes an easy target to talk about how unrealistic we are.

There's more mild ways of expressing the same idea. I usually tell people that I believe every group should have a homeland where they're the clear majority. Just talk about homelands, majorities, supermajorities, etc. These sound really reasonable and not science fiction y.

2018-10-15 05:07:47 UTC  

@Nemets Mestizos aren't Bantu though. Aztecs!

2018-10-15 05:08:19 UTC

Talk of Bantu reminded me of this. Next time someone calls SA genocide a white supremacy conspiracy let them know the Zulu think it's a real issue.

2018-10-15 05:08:37 UTC  

I think you underestimate the power and actually necessity of having an absolutist ideal. At the bottom of a hole it serves as a point of reference as to what "better" would be. Better would be more whites, less non whites, more promotion of tradition and less of degeneracy, more of health and less of sickness, etc. Don't get blinders on about immediate smaller issues or else the effort is all for nothing in the end @ThisIsChris

2018-10-15 05:09:25 UTC  

Yes but most whites don't even see themselves as white, or worse are anti white. Have to fix that first

2018-10-15 05:09:37 UTC  


2018-10-15 05:10:17 UTC  

Whites are getting less colorblind and starting to "notice".

2018-10-15 05:10:27 UTC  

@Ald those are all more manageable goals though and can be discussed perfectly without discussing ethnostates

2018-10-15 05:10:31 UTC  

Also, I think the "ethnostate" term pushes us into a false dichotomy. Opponents will often respond that it's unrealistic and therefore we shouldn't try. Of course, to us, we understand that this argument is wrong, but, it intuitively sounds reasonable without thinking about it too deeply.

Saying that what we want is "an ethnostate" makes it sound like it's 100.00% or bust, which, at best, sounds like an unrealistic goal, and, at worst, sounds like we want to throw babies into train cars.

Now, I understand that this is a stupid argument, but, we should still avoid it.

2018-10-15 05:10:32 UTC  

@Nemets what is the deal with Somalis? to me they seem less intelligent and physiologically stranger than west Africans.

2018-10-15 05:11:01 UTC  

@ThisIsChris But they all are only desirable within a framework wherein the implicit ideal is the ethnostate

2018-10-15 05:11:12 UTC  

@Nemets Are Zulu Bantu?

2018-10-15 05:11:33 UTC  

@Ald or just white flourishing generally

2018-10-15 05:11:57 UTC  

What do you put forward as peak white flourishing instead?

2018-10-15 05:12:12 UTC  

Just making it work somehow?

2018-10-15 05:12:14 UTC  


2018-10-15 05:12:30 UTC  

When we know what the best thing for our people really is

2018-10-15 05:12:35 UTC  

Peak white flourishing is white flourishing that exists, is real, and is stable