Message from @Kingfish

Discord ID: 502323453458907160

2018-10-18 03:17:19 UTC  

@NateDahl76 The Scandos were pretty hard guys to reason with. No pity. No mercy. "Let's float down the Russian rivers and destroy the Khazar Kingdom." It amazes me that our ancestors used to think nothing at all of signing onto an army or a fleet of ships and heading out to an extremely dangerous world that would almost certainly kill them. They would be gone for years and years. There are stories of soldiers in Europe who fought for 20 years in Spanish, German, English, Scottish, etc. armies and when they mustered out with their massive back pay, they had no idea how to find their way home. Think about these guys taking off into the wild blue yonder with a crowd of hardened killers to "seek their fortune." It boggles the mind. I am attempting to read the English translations of Simplicius Simplicissimus: a first-hand account of the Thirty Years War. These were tough, tough people. And yet they had a fine appreciation of spiritual and artistic achievement of the highest order. We're living in the ruins of their world in spite of technological and material progress.

2018-10-18 03:18:06 UTC  

@John Riggs The Defenestration of Prague in 1618?

2018-10-18 03:18:37 UTC  

Correct @OMGDwayne I'm 25% Czech

2018-10-18 03:19:41 UTC  

@John Riggs So you're a natural nose guard in any football team?

2018-10-18 03:20:33 UTC  

That was flippant. I apologize. I am actually very interested in how your ancestors came to the good old USA.

2018-10-18 03:20:50 UTC  

I've never played football

2018-10-18 03:21:39 UTC  

Of course you know it was the Czechs who threw the Hapsburg legates out of the window onto a strategically-placed pile of horse shit.

2018-10-18 03:21:42 UTC  

They came to USA to farm, not sure why they left

2018-10-18 03:22:19 UTC  

@John Riggs Where did they first settle and when?

2018-10-18 03:27:19 UTC  

@Kingfish I largely agree, but it depends what the alternative is. If you're going to replace political culture with media that glorifies drugs, crime, hook up culture, etc, like many young people do now, it's not worth it. But we should absolutely have hobbies.

2018-10-18 03:28:17 UTC  

Also, the problem with the term "normie" is it implies we're not normal, and connects us to /r9k/ culture. It would be nice to have a term to differentiate people who are into this stuff vs people who aren't into this stuff, but that probably isn't the best one.

2018-10-18 03:28:30 UTC  

@John Riggs A lot of people left the Hapsburg Empire back then. They were not totally thrilled with fighting the Hapburgs' wars, plus the dramatic population increase made acquiring a farm very difficult. My own family left England for that very reason. There were also from French Protestants in that mix. They were farmers in Virginia until the Revolution, and many of the younger members who had actually been soldiers were awarded land in Northeast Georgia. Huge numbers of their descendants are still right there. They had HUGE families. My own grandfather, who was born in 1875, was on of 13. Their family photos look like a high school graduation picture. Except that the ancient parents are front and center.

2018-10-18 03:31:06 UTC  

@Jacob yeah I'm not saying go to raves and do drugs, I'm saying the people who sperg out when football is on and such

2018-10-18 03:31:12 UTC  

oh I know

2018-10-18 03:31:20 UTC  

I don't want it to seem like I'm accusing you of that

2018-10-18 03:31:34 UTC  

No I didn't take it that way at all

2018-10-18 03:31:50 UTC  

@Jacob Maybe something like "the innocently deluded" might suffice. That kind of describes my wife. She agrees with me on every single individual issue, but she still votes Democrat. A lot of my friends complain about the same division in their marriages. Keep in mind that I am 63 years old. I have very little idea how younger couples are trending. I do have some very young cousins and both male and female are crazy Right Wingers. I love to hear it from these young people.

2018-10-18 03:32:02 UTC  

I'm just saying... we need to be careful. It can be tempting to want to "fit in" and do whatever it takes to get there.

2018-10-18 03:32:19 UTC  

I had a phase it middle school where I was obsessed with being "cool" and it was pretty cringe

2018-10-18 03:33:56 UTC  

Yeah there’s a balance between standing out and blending in

2018-10-18 03:34:04 UTC  

Just gotta find it

2018-10-18 03:35:16 UTC  

@OMGDwayne Interesting. I've talked to some people about our ideas who don't dispute any of the premises, but still won't agree with me.

2018-10-18 03:35:52 UTC  

@John Riggs It's a stereotype admittedly, but the fact is that many Polish and Czech kids were very large and strong. You see a LOT of those names in football rosters as nose guards, center linebackers, pulling guards, etc. The Atlanta Braves have a big kid of Czech ancestry whose last name is Duda. He is huge. They use him mainly as a pinch hitter and utility man on defense. He is a VERY powerful hitter.

2018-10-18 03:37:10 UTC  

@Nemets ya a group of all white guys that big is pretty "weird" in this society

2018-10-18 03:37:34 UTC  

Most second generation Polish kids are a bit spergy from my experience

2018-10-18 03:39:18 UTC  

@Jacob A lot of people are simply afraid. They don't want to admit that we are in serious trouble and that the nonWhite alien presence is the primary reason or maybe symptom. Symptom because we have allowed and welcomed that very problem. It's like dreading the giant black cloud on the horizon with multiple funnel clouds twisting out of it. It won't blow over and everything won't be alright. But many, many people just simply will not see what is totally obvious. OO. I just thought of a great song.

2018-10-18 03:39:48 UTC  

A lot of it is probably just social pressure, honestly

2018-10-18 03:39:59 UTC  

I'm not sure how many of these people really think it through

2018-10-18 03:40:07 UTC  

There is some truth to the NPC meme

2018-10-18 03:41:23 UTC  

Here is a song by the great Mose Allison that could be an anthem for us. Relaxed and with eyes wide open. I saw this guy live in 1972, which was just about when this song was current on the radio:

2018-10-18 03:42:24 UTC  

Hahaha this is great:

2018-10-18 03:42:41 UTC  

You know I don't worry bout a thing because nothin's going to be all right.

2018-10-18 03:47:41 UTC  

Playing Sinatra earlier made me think of this article about a movie Frank was in in 1945. Shows the beginnings of our current problem with diversity messages in mass media. This stuff was even happening back then

2018-10-18 03:50:39 UTC  

@VinceChaos Excellent point. In the war movies back then every unit was composed of all the ethnics that had immigrated in the previous century. "We're all Americans here." Which we weren't even then.

2018-10-18 03:51:48 UTC  

I just remembered something. The lady interviewer Patrick was talking about, I talked to her. at the end of our chat, I mentioned that "Its so good we have people in the media who are on our side, like you"

2018-10-18 03:51:51 UTC  

and today, that came true

2018-10-18 03:52:29 UTC  

And then in the 50s there was a spate of movies about noble, morally-superior Blacks. I remember as a kid seeing these things on TV in the 60s and knowing as a matter of fact that they had got it all wrong.

2018-10-18 03:53:20 UTC  

Wrong on purpose of course.

2018-10-18 03:54:27 UTC  

@Nemets The movie or the book?

2018-10-18 03:58:12 UTC  

@Nemets Hollywood has been the greatest carrier of the Leftist pathology. No doubt. As soon as the New Left began going mainstream, Hollywood decided it was totally safe to demonize Whites. Hollywood is the rectum of the world.

2018-10-18 04:00:03 UTC  

Now here's an interesting song. When I was a kid, my parents owned this album. It came out in 1958. As a kid I liked it. Now I see that the song is absolutely disgusting. It glorifies the "beautiful loser" and the "Rebel without a Cause." But the performance is totally old school. I have very powerful mixed feelings about it: