Message from @Andreas Cincinnatus

Discord ID: 519760141361348609

2018-12-05 06:11:16 UTC  

They do talk about more than Netflix

2018-12-05 06:11:25 UTC  

Ya, that's what I'm saying

2018-12-05 06:11:55 UTC  

They do talk about more than that, so I'm not sure how necessary it is for me to keep up on the latest shows or whatever

2018-12-05 06:12:19 UTC  

I’m not saying watch Netflix lol

2018-12-05 06:13:05 UTC  

I’m saying othering the general population might not be the wisest strategy. Not that anyone in particular does that, but our lexicon can certainly imply it and produce that kind of mentality

2018-12-05 06:13:24 UTC  

no I think we do do that to an extent and it is a problem

2018-12-05 06:14:05 UTC  

I understand you're trying to use non-accusatory language so it comes off more softly, but I actually wouldn't have an issue with you outright saying that

2018-12-05 06:14:32 UTC  

Alright then I’m outright saying it lmao

2018-12-05 06:14:56 UTC  

okay I agree with that

2018-12-05 06:15:57 UTC  

I'm just trying to figure out what the solution is, so less of us do that. Me personally, I go to the gym regularly and I make an effort to have apolitical friends. But maybe that isn't enough.

2018-12-05 06:17:33 UTC  

I just leave my politics at the door unless it comes up in a reasonable manner

2018-12-05 06:17:57 UTC  

Lord, make me an instrument of your will. Where there is injustice against my people may I bring right. Where there is error may I bring truth. Where my people despair may I bring hope. Grant that I may comfort my people rather than to be comforted - to serve them rather than to be served. For it is by putting the needs of my people before my own that I may best serve to secure the existence of my race and a future for White children. Good night, and peace be with you.

2018-12-05 06:18:42 UTC  

Praise Odin goodnight my folk

2018-12-05 06:19:28 UTC  

I'm trying to figure out what the right balance for that is. If we want to be successful, I don't think we can entirely just leave our politics at the door. We need to talk about this stuff with people in real life. But, at the same time, we definitely don't want to be the annoying guys that constantly bring up politics. @Kingfish

2018-12-05 06:19:57 UTC  

Anytime politics comes up that is relevant im more than happy to jump in

2018-12-05 06:20:15 UTC  

So do you just wait for people to bring it up on their own? That might not be a bad strategy

2018-12-05 06:20:30 UTC  

I have a lot of conversations where I'll talk to Chad, Brads and rednecks and say "I like playing sports and watching high school and college sports is cool because the players represent their community but the NFL and MLB and NBA are a little commercialized these days don't you wish players stuck around on the same team and grew up near the city they play for?" I don't denounce, I keep relatable and I don't sound much different than normies complaining about how new penalty rules are stupid or how crazy it is that players make billions, etc.

2018-12-05 06:20:37 UTC  

I think if we do bring it up ourselves, we should somehow tie it into the topic at hand

2018-12-05 06:20:59 UTC  

If something comes up that I have an opinion on I share it

2018-12-05 06:21:05 UTC  

Yeah my "redpills" are always relevant

2018-12-05 06:21:14 UTC  

I never bring stuff up on my own

2018-12-05 06:21:28 UTC  

Also referring to people as “chads brads and rednecks” and using normal conversation to inject “red pills” is exactly what I’m talking about

2018-12-05 06:22:45 UTC  

If something comes up about football I talk about the football team I like. If something comes up about immigration I share my disinterest for the current immigration issues we’re having

2018-12-05 06:22:57 UTC  

I just talk to people I don’t have some grand strategic game going on

2018-12-05 06:23:23 UTC  


2018-12-05 06:23:23 UTC  

This is called normal behavior

2018-12-05 06:24:07 UTC  

Oh lol your last post makes it sound like the opposite

2018-12-05 06:24:14 UTC  

@Nemets Is there something like that for all states?

2018-12-05 06:25:08 UTC  

The problem is, for some people "just talking to people naturally" without thinking about it could result in talking way too much about something you care about but the person you're talking to doesn't give a shit about. I don't think there's anything wrong with thinking about the way we talk. @Kingfish

2018-12-05 06:25:34 UTC  

A lot of people make social mistakes without thinking about it

2018-12-05 06:25:59 UTC  

Ya I know it sounds autistic, but it's a fact we have to deal with

2018-12-05 06:26:07 UTC  

France needs an IE banner from NorCal

2018-12-05 06:27:27 UTC  

Even down to the precincts damn

2018-12-05 06:27:52 UTC  

I guess so. I don’t usually end up rambling or going off about subjects because I wasn’t thinking about it though. Choosing your statements carefully is fine especially in certain more tense conversations, but I think there’s just a natural social dynamic that doesn’t require too much effort to engage in

2018-12-05 06:28:52 UTC  

@Nemets Look at how cities are generally more blue.

2018-12-05 06:29:17 UTC  

@Nemets Wealth does indeed breed decadence.

2018-12-05 06:29:49 UTC  

Looking at PA is sad how the whole state is basically determined by philly and pittsburgh

2018-12-05 06:30:11 UTC  

Of course in 2016 we got lucky

2018-12-05 06:33:27 UTC  

Conversation is easy. I even tell minorities what I believe because there's nothing hateful that I believe. But only when the conversation leads toward certain subjects.

2018-12-05 06:33:31 UTC  

@Kingfish I'm not a sperg or anything considering that I just got a girl to drive 10 hours to hang out with me on New Years, but I'm definitely more introverted and admittedly have some shitty social habits, like getting really into a certain subject. There's definitely a natural social dynamic, but it comes more easily to some people. I probably had to put a bit more effort into social skills growing up since I'm an only child and other factors.