Message from @Sporkinator

Discord ID: 781246902468345877

2020-11-25 19:33:49 UTC  

Some are clueless, who've been duped..

2020-11-25 19:34:57 UTC  

Once someone draws correlation to the Bible and flat earth, emotions take over

2020-11-25 19:34:59 UTC  

I wonder what "flat Earth" trolls think of compasses and the Earth's magnetic field. 🤔

2020-11-25 19:35:04 UTC  

Just because it's written somewhere doesn't mean it's true I mean I could write down on a piece of paper that States it's normal to go out in public naked as long as you're wearing long socks and people would probably believe it

2020-11-25 19:37:04 UTC  

@RSM G4M1NG Sure, but sources give you a path of inquiry. Something for those to run down, if interested. If you're credible, you'll leave them all over the place.

2020-11-25 19:37:37 UTC  

Yeah anything could become a religion because there's always someone that would believe it to be true, may it be insane or not

2020-11-25 19:39:27 UTC  

Religion invokes emotion. Logical thought goes out the window. That's why all these mega churches continue to rake in $$$$

2020-11-25 19:40:25 UTC  

Not saying religion kills logical thought. . The emotional aspects are what i'm talking about.

2020-11-25 19:40:58 UTC  

But in many people, it sure does kill logic too

2020-11-25 19:42:56 UTC  

I think that religion invokes reassurance to people more than anything, saying that there is life after death etc
I'm not saying it's not true or anything, I myself am an agnostic so I do not want to make you believe that it is wrong or right

2020-11-25 19:43:31 UTC  

Anyone can believe what they want as long as its not harmful
Just yeah, don't be extremist is all xD

2020-11-25 19:47:49 UTC  

@Yours Truly, LichaSan ♡ Sure.. but when others attack that, it triggers an emotional feeling within many faithful. . That's what I mean

2020-11-25 19:49:28 UTC  

Some are so attached, that they believe the earth to be flat, as Bible passages were read to them by someone they resonated with..

2020-11-25 19:52:15 UTC  

It's interesting to see why some believe what they do.. if we can see it, don't think well funded 'think tanks' haven't studied this relentlessly.. all i'm saying. .

2020-11-25 19:52:21 UTC  

I think I have a nice conspiracy for this:

2020-11-25 19:53:13 UTC  

Alaska was a Russian asset.

2020-11-25 19:53:36 UTC  

True. Alaska was purchased from Russia for about 2 cents per acre.

2020-11-25 19:54:06 UTC  

So our oil has been compromised?

2020-11-25 19:54:11 UTC  

This cannot be!

2020-11-25 19:54:33 UTC  

Seward's folly

2020-11-25 19:56:16 UTC  

```Some are so attached, that they believe the earth to be flat, as Bible passages were read to them by someone they resonated with..```...what? No, the Bible does not support the flat Earth "theory".

2020-11-25 19:56:33 UTC  

Not saying it does..

2020-11-25 19:58:16 UTC  

Saying to the credulous, passages can be read and interpreted for them to be so.. and some will protect that view, as they've now tied it to their faith

2020-11-25 21:12:22 UTC  

Most Bible passages are very vague and very easily misinterpreted.

2020-11-25 21:13:27 UTC  

Some people for some reason think the Bible mentions the earth being flat or something.

2020-11-25 21:15:09 UTC  

In one way or another, there is a certain flawed genius behind the bible’s nature of leaving some things open to interpretation.

It allows people to take the wisdom into a context of their own lives where it matters, yet still get some of the common themes - Christian values.

But, another problem is when people don’t even try to interpret, take something literally or intentionally interpret in a way designed to devalue the teaching.

Genius (especially for literature at the time of many of the letters being written), but one that is flawed in our modern day. A real shame, really.

2020-11-25 21:24:02 UTC  

Well, It is designed to be interpreted multiple ways as well. What means one thing to one person could mean something different to another person. Sorta like what you said.

2020-11-25 21:24:54 UTC  

If you want to talk about religion, move to <#770707776070090794>

2020-11-25 21:27:19 UTC  

conspiracy: government is making deaths to be covid deaths even if they aren't so that when people who oppose them start going missing, it was due to" covid"

2020-11-25 21:28:05 UTC  

If someone goes missing their family would not buy that.

2020-11-25 21:28:17 UTC  

my mother would

2020-11-25 21:29:00 UTC  

we weren't allowed to see my great grandfather when he was dying, so for all we know, something else could have happened to him

2020-11-25 21:31:05 UTC  

This theory could actually be true

2020-11-25 21:31:29 UTC  

also, I think that the left is pulling a doofenshmirtz where they tell you their evil plan, but because they have said so many outrageous stuff beforehand that you don't believe them, but then they fufill that evil plan and we are all like <:Surprised_pikachu:726878373762301995> . They are also pulling their schemes right now in 2020, so that when everything goes to shit they can say hindsight is 2020. It was actually all for a punchline

2020-11-25 21:32:39 UTC  

also, they already tried saying that epstein killed himself, for all we know, they could do that to more people, but just using covid

2020-11-25 21:34:27 UTC  

dying of covid is more valid than framing someone's death as suicide nowadays

2020-11-25 21:35:54 UTC  


2020-11-25 21:36:27 UTC  


2020-11-25 23:27:23 UTC  

Conspiracy MTV predicted what we're about to see happen in America remember those commercials from over 10 years ago uploaded on YouTube 8 years ago check them out for yourself very scary crap

2020-11-25 23:28:35 UTC  
2020-11-25 23:38:44 UTC  

Obama has a fetish for women