Message from @VinceChaos

Discord ID: 524445153063206949

2018-12-18 03:35:42 UTC  

Wow definitely growing then! @Brunswick

2018-12-18 03:48:16 UTC  

Let's talk about typical non dissident conservatives and what they find persuasive. In my experience, talking pretty openly about identarian views with friends and family I've found that the FACTS and LOGIC path has frequent hard limits on effectiveness. Many, if not most, people are not persuaded by pattern recognition and data alone, but rather rely on one or more sources of authority to dictate their views. I actually come from a sub culture in which debate is normalized and so was able to get down to the essential foundation of what established truth for many individuals. I summarize these alternative truth-sources as follows.
1. Instinctive social hierarchy . Many people feel what is right, wrong, truth and false. They do so instinctively. If you question this instinct enough it boils down to reliance on their social hierarchy. Friends, family, community leaders, personal connections. All ideas are passed through a filter which simulates their reactions. To convince these people: tune your message to their social network. Use language and arguments that their friends and family would find compelling.

2018-12-18 03:48:20 UTC  

2. Trust and Emulate. Many people recognize accurately that they have a limited ability to process and make sense of the world. A logical solution to this problem is find people you trust and want to emulate. These then become your self selected "gatekeepers." All new ideas are matched against things said by these people. To convince these people: use the truism espoused by their selected gatekeepers. Phrase things in ways which don't directly contradict their gatekeepers. Suggest new gatekeepers or if necessary point out (gently) disagreements between their gatekeepers and favor one side over another using a third new source.
3. Religion. This is an alternative version of (2) but the gatekeeper is a religious system and doctrine. All ideas are matched against the symbols and essential teachings of the religion. If they pass muster, they can be considered, if not they are discarded. Ideas which resonate with core teachings are given extra weight. To convince these people: appeal to their symbolic system using their language and truism.
4. Practicality. These people have one simple and pretty sensible question: how will what you're saying change my life? If you don't have an answer, they don't care. If you do have an answer, then it better be immediately practical and make immediate sense. The benefits should be clear cut and self evident.

2018-12-18 03:48:55 UTC  

Hey Tennessee folks --

My friend is moving to TN and needs a room to rent temporarily. He got a job which starts in January, but his family can't join him until June and he wants to get to the know the area before buying a house. This is what he wrote up for me to ask in here about :

I’m a family man who will be working full time during the week and out exploring the local area on the weekends. I just need a safe room to sleep in that I can rent on a monthly basis until I purchase a house and move my family to TN at the end of the school year. I would like to find a small room with a lock on the door and enough space for an air mattress and box of books. I'd like a bit of room in the fridge. I require nothing more. I don't smoke or do drugs. I like good German beer every now and again. I'm very quiet.

2018-12-18 03:51:55 UTC  

5. Moral frameworks. This is probably the most difficult to engage if the ideological territory is unfriendly. Some people have an absolute loyalty to certain moral principles which they find inherently, perhaps religiously, true. They will not negotiate on these unless you can discover a deeper religious principle with greater moral (read emotional) power. These people operate by filtering ideas through their system of moral rubrics. What agrees is kept and what does not is discarded. Fact are to be overcome by loyalty to moral vision. To convince these people: construct a moral argument using their own precepts. Carve out territory on which your ideas can stand using their principles. Find exceptions to rules and most of all appeal to their emotions.

2018-12-18 03:52:00 UTC  


2018-12-18 04:07:23 UTC  

Clarion, maybe @ the TN coordinator and see if he can repost your msg in his local server so they can talk it out

2018-12-18 04:09:09 UTC  

Arizona Border Trash: About

2018-12-18 04:10:09 UTC  

Now this is some intersectionalism that I can get on board with 😎:

2018-12-18 04:10:27 UTC  

@DrewMT Somebody watched Tucker tonight..

2018-12-18 04:11:21 UTC  

Yeah I saw a clip or two😁

2018-12-18 04:28:03 UTC  

Aw wish I caught Tucker tonight

2018-12-18 04:28:20 UTC  

Haven’t been around lately ladies and gentlemen how’s it going

2018-12-18 04:28:53 UTC  

This girl gets questioned by police for wearing braids....

2018-12-18 04:29:40 UTC  

Thank you Casey, very cool!

2018-12-18 04:32:46 UTC
oh Michigan lads, a university has a problem with speech and white people...

2018-12-18 04:33:28 UTC  

@VinceChaos nice to see normie centrists are getting pulled in.
maybe now they'll start giving a damn

2018-12-18 04:34:33 UTC  

@VinceChaos thanks for posting that. Good normie outreach. Likewise @Bjorn - MD post

2018-12-18 04:36:04 UTC  

I wish for normie outreach reasons that the woman who got fired for not agreeing to not boycott Israel made it 100% about her American freedoms and not about Big Bad Israel. I'm working hard to get my normies to reframe their minds to caring only about Americans and not being World Heroes and Protectors.

2018-12-18 04:37:48 UTC  

As Vincent James said in regards to that video, “we disavow that nose ring”

2018-12-18 04:38:35 UTC  

@Goose that’s a good find too bro!

2018-12-18 04:39:21 UTC  
2018-12-18 04:41:03 UTC  

@Clarion -FL i often use the "when a plane is crashing, you put on your own mask first before helping anyone else" analogy

2018-12-18 04:42:32 UTC  
2018-12-18 04:42:54 UTC  

And now you can use the meme also

2018-12-18 04:44:40 UTC  

@VinceChaos lol that's great, it'll come in handy

2018-12-18 04:44:50 UTC  

@Goose @VinceChaos good analogy

2018-12-18 04:46:10 UTC  

also @Clarion -FL, what obligation does the US have to the rest of the world?
shouldn't we let other nations live freely without interference?

2018-12-18 04:46:37 UTC  

Made it to Miami today fellas

2018-12-18 04:46:52 UTC  

Gonna go to the turning point conference in a couple days

2018-12-18 04:47:21 UTC  

Miami is a shit hole and I hate it

2018-12-18 04:47:30 UTC  


2018-12-18 04:47:36 UTC  


2018-12-18 04:48:04 UTC  

Minimal whites and traffic is third world, I've never seen traffic this bad

2018-12-18 04:49:59 UTC  

Redbox those cucks

2018-12-18 04:50:12 UTC  

@Goose Although I think that's an excellent argument and we can hit it from every angle (and should), I stick to the "America Only" point. I never make an argument that what we should/not do is good for another country (even if it's also good for us) because what I want to do is completely break the chains of the mental framing that what we do or do not do should ever have any framing for another country. Ever.

2018-12-18 04:50:25 UTC  

America Only > America First

2018-12-18 04:50:30 UTC  

valid point

2018-12-18 04:51:08 UTC  

It’s a great point that I would push to people who already accept America first principles

2018-12-18 04:51:19 UTC  

@StevePines -WA , Miami is a definite shithole. But there are some IE members in Miami if you had any time to hang out.