Message from @Logan

Discord ID: 537767781114839040

2019-01-23 22:04:59 UTC  

"For progressivism's tragic devotees at HBO, sadly, the idea that they're still speaking truth to power survives in the form of fan fiction like Real Time With Bill Maher," a spokesman for The Faction told The Hollywood Reporter.

2019-01-23 22:05:11 UTC  

Brilliantly put

2019-01-23 22:06:20 UTC  

She is such an evil woman !! 😡

2019-01-23 22:09:49 UTC  

I’m really curious to get more info on the shooting in Florida

2019-01-23 22:10:29 UTC  

Here we go. Even more of a reason to build the wall lol.

2019-01-23 22:24:52 UTC  

@DaddyPaddy - FL Look at that nice blue gray name

2019-01-23 22:28:25 UTC  

What IS that?!

2019-01-23 22:32:35 UTC  

*tongue-biting intensifies*

2019-01-23 22:34:20 UTC  

My ulcer is flaring up with all this stuff

2019-01-23 22:35:39 UTC  

ofc the daughter is also a transplant <:really:453005408064241674>

2019-01-23 22:36:04 UTC  

why can't these rootless people stay in their miserable urban centers

2019-01-23 22:40:08 UTC  

one of the reasons i loved that dialogue tucker had with kirk and shapiro was explaining peoples' familial ties to their areas.
most people don't move around from city to city looking for work

2019-01-23 22:49:58 UTC  

"RBG is totally fine. She's strong. People are crazy about her." This is American Pravda.

I think the acceleration this week (twitter bans, attacking 15 year-olds) is all connected to her imminent retirement from the bench. The theory that the Catholic students were targeted because the next appointee will probably be Catholic sounds pretty plausible right now. Kavanaugh being targeted because of his faith by Feinstein and Hirono was just a test run for the next justice.

2019-01-23 22:52:17 UTC  

@Logan we will probably never know the level of corruption and collaboration by the media. However, for most, it is no longer a question if they conspire but to what extent.

2019-01-23 22:54:28 UTC  

yes the Covington kids got it out into the open for good. The longer this stays in the media the better for us because people will get complacent and forget otherwise. With the shutdown and likely RBG retirement Trump has every reason to keep people engaged until every tv-watcher and fence-sitter is a permanent partisan.

2019-01-23 22:55:26 UTC  

they're already trying to bury it.
we need to keep the story alive

2019-01-23 22:56:27 UTC  

@Logan I've spoken privately to a media friend of mine and even they, too, believe the big media execs know something that's not being widely disseminated about RBG. It explains why all of lefty media didn't dogpile Fox News over accidentally announcing RBG's death a couple days ago. Had it been a complete and utter mistake with no hint of being close to true, lefty media would have dogpiled the crap out of Fox.

2019-01-23 22:56:56 UTC  

Instead....lefty media said absolutely nothing.

2019-01-23 22:57:02 UTC  

It's very telling.

2019-01-23 22:57:10 UTC  

From NPR in an article about the history of Supreme Court Justice's health published yesterday:

"Some justices undoubtedly stayed on past their prime but still penned some of their most famous opinions late in their careers. Justice Hugo Black, whose law clerks saw occasional memory lapses in his last years, nonetheless at age 85 wrote one of his greatest opinions heralding the role of a free press in the Pentagon Papers case."<:really:453005408064241674> <:really:453005408064241674> <:really:453005408064241674> <:really:453005408064241674> <:really:453005408064241674> <:really:453005408064241674>

2019-01-23 22:59:05 UTC  

Setting the groundwork for her to be absent indefinitely. Trump may force the issue about whether or not Justices can rule from their home through their clerks soon.

2019-01-23 23:01:22 UTC  

Well, the theory is they're waiting for this shutdown thing to fully, and truthfully, start harming government function, as well as Cohen's testimony before Congress. Then, the House will draft formal impeachment bill and vote on it - charges they actually think will stick. THEN RBG "dies" (or simply retires/steps down), and the story will be that they don't want Trump to be able to nominate a SCOTUS justice while under House impeachment. Then let that ride 'til 2020.

2019-01-23 23:01:41 UTC  

A bunch of people have told me they are Twitter purging anyone that spoke up for these Catholic kids. IE Twitter got shut down. Anyone else get hit?

2019-01-23 23:03:20 UTC  

BAP was one @micbwilli

2019-01-23 23:03:46 UTC  

Oh wow. He had that one up for a long time too.

2019-01-23 23:04:07 UTC  

If they can let that ride through all of 2019, then of course they can pull the Merrick Garland argument and claim Trump shouldn't be able to nominate someone in an election year, and of course all of the Senate GOP will concede the point. So ya, friend suspects RBG is on end-of-life hospice care, and they're (Dems) keeping it that way as long as they possibly can.

2019-01-23 23:04:07 UTC  

I hope I don't lose my Groyper... 😟

2019-01-23 23:04:17 UTC  

Patriot Front got hit.

2019-01-23 23:04:52 UTC  

UUUHHH I dont think anyone noticed that one gone lol

2019-01-23 23:05:30 UTC  

Im in the VC

2019-01-23 23:05:31 UTC  

@Phillip Wiglesworth - FL it seems like the left thinks they will win in a situation with the breakdown of law and order and federal government authority. I'm not sure what makes them think this but if I was a knee-jerk reactionary larper (MAGA or right of MAGA) I would think twice about welcoming more civil strife just because the left seems to be counting on it.

2019-01-23 23:07:57 UTC  

Why are you in the southwest vc @V.Balboa - PA

2019-01-23 23:08:43 UTC  

Im on Vacation in the southwest region

2019-01-23 23:09:00 UTC  

In discord of course

2019-01-23 23:19:49 UTC  


2019-01-23 23:24:02 UTC  

So I have a bit of insider info. Probably best this isn't widely shared. My buddy's company just received boards for a new set of Gillette ads and they're apolitical. I'm not sure if this is blowback or planned but usually when a campaign is successful they do more.

2019-01-23 23:25:01 UTC  

My buddy is happy because even though he isn't an identitarian per se he hates making political spots and has been a victim of some metoo crap

2019-01-23 23:25:06 UTC  

@Ian I would believe it. I used to work in advertising and when an ad failed like the Gilette ad, the company would often even switch ad companies. it's a thing that happens from time to time - a company bets big on an "edgy" "topical" ad hoping to catch the spirit of the times, and sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

2019-01-23 23:26:12 UTC  

@apronandlace Exactly. Though what they did is a widely accepted advertising "style" now. people don't care if a product is god, they care if the product supports their globalism.

2019-01-23 23:26:21 UTC  
