Message from @Austen

Discord ID: 427439613225861120

2018-03-23 01:27:00 UTC  

Tucker going after...them...

2018-03-23 14:01:25 UTC  

(Was asked by mod to describe why this is a whitepill: basically he's trolling the Dems by pushing for a wall while shifting the blame of any shutdown on to them by baiting with DACA)

2018-03-23 15:58:37 UTC  

This is amazing. John Wayne tells "minorities" to " quit their belly aching". Says we once lived in a matriarchy, calls liberals out for making blacks think they had it so bad. Small black pill, it was the same shit in 1974, damn.

2018-03-23 21:29:53 UTC  

Personal whitepill that I hope will inspire some, posting a screen shot instead of an autistic wall of text.

2018-03-23 21:51:25 UTC  

For all the blackpilers out there, I'm 100% positive that Trump is simply trying to get the democrats to invest on some kind of a deal. This is not 4D or 8D chess or anything complicated at all. Its a basic basic chess move. The psychological term is called consistency and commitment. In a sense he's trying to use leverage to make a better deal by getting them invested on something they want, propose something he wants, then work off the situation. This is the art of the deal. That's all.

2018-03-24 10:35:05 UTC

There are still men truly worthy of the name European.

2018-03-24 12:45:31 UTC  

The bill is same old black pill, but watching Tucker get pissed (and knowing that a lot of people are mad, too) is a white pill (imo).

2018-03-24 14:58:30 UTC  

Good stuff coming out of the Identitarian groups in Europe.

2018-03-24 17:54:45 UTC

2018-03-24 17:57:10 UTC  

Hopefully mentioning South Africa becomes a normal thing

2018-03-24 18:54:39 UTC  

Generation Identity England is on the front page (and rising) of

2018-03-25 00:21:55 UTC  

I attended a Celtic heritage festival today with another IE guy and I scored a QT's number! I highly recommend European festivals to y'all, I should have gone to one sooner. It was loaded with beautiful women who are pure white and care about preserving it, lots of families, but plenty of single women too. I can't think of a better place to meet women.

2018-03-25 00:22:00 UTC

2018-03-25 12:06:16 UTC

2018-03-25 12:07:29 UTC  


TLDR: With the money awared to the military in the omnibus bill, he will use that to have the military build the wall

Ex: US corps of Army Engineers

2018-03-25 12:12:25 UTC  

He may be able to do this as declaring it an issue of national defense,

2018-03-25 18:14:51 UTC  

Let's hope he is for real folks

2018-03-26 02:20:46 UTC  

Our members site is back up and all of our previous logins work!

2018-03-26 17:48:45 UTC

2018-03-26 17:49:20 UTC

2018-03-26 17:49:58 UTC

2018-03-26 23:15:54 UTC  

Great to see an Australian Senator discussing this.

2018-03-27 01:37:20 UTC  
2018-03-27 17:02:00 UTC

2018-03-27 18:30:27 UTC

2018-03-28 00:23:06 UTC  

First time California did something right in a long time

2018-03-28 01:23:53 UTC  
2018-03-28 02:35:13 UTC  

White pill: I am now officially a father 😁

2018-03-28 02:37:03 UTC  

Congratulations brother!