Message from @NeoRealist

Discord ID: 409043654716555285

2018-02-02 14:18:45 UTC  

Aye. I know this topic to be one of older debate, but I don't think it's difficult, in response to "you're a white supremacist" to say "If you mean I want to maintain the European cultural character of the United States, I suppose I am."

2018-02-02 14:20:19 UTC  

Under this definition, the United States has always been white supremacist. Even the Kennedys and Linden Johnson were white supremacists, touting the Hart-Cellar Act as something that would "not change the demographics of the United States." (slight paraphrase there).

2018-02-02 14:22:10 UTC  

It also puts into context the black and Jewish criticisms of the United States. In the case of blacks, I'd say "Well, you're 13% of the country's population yet you want the entire country to bend to your culture and language."

2018-02-02 14:30:52 UTC  

Hm. Also if we get them to admit that white supremacy is super evil and that all of the founding fathers were white supremacists, then WHY ARE YOU HERE?

2018-02-02 14:31:22 UTC  

Like yeah I hate all of the founders of this country, but its nice there sooo.

2018-02-02 14:32:54 UTC  

( @sigruna14 hopefully this convo has utility for cyberstriking). @Sam Anderson it's also handy for talking to boomers. "Well you grew up in a white supremacist time. You just didn't know it because it's all there was and you took it for granted."

2018-02-02 14:39:40 UTC  

Oosh, my old BUGS Swarm training wants me to push back on accepting enemy terminology, but you may have a point.

2018-02-02 14:40:36 UTC  

But Bob Whitaker is the reason everyone says "anti white" now.

2018-02-02 15:58:56 UTC  

Stick to the mantra!

2018-02-02 16:14:38 UTC  

refuse to use enemy terms

2018-02-02 16:14:48 UTC  

it's like fighting on terrain they've entrenched and prepared

2018-02-02 16:14:53 UTC  

make them fight on your terrain

2018-02-02 16:30:50 UTC  

Leftists think about these words all the time. They obsess over them. There's a reason they choose them so there's a reason we should avoid them.

2018-02-02 16:48:21 UTC  

Don't let them frame the narrative. Don't allow them to define the terms. Their use of the term is an attempt to present you in a negative light.

2018-02-02 16:49:34 UTC  

"Well, if being a Nazi just means X, then I guess I am a Nazi, by your definition. That seems reasonable." - This does not serve you well.

2018-02-02 16:50:44 UTC  

The term they are using has a negative and aggressive connotation, and is a "poison term", it's a negative denotation if supremacy is considered negatively.

2018-02-02 16:51:14 UTC  

Since you can't control how the external listener or reader approaches the term, you can't manage and frame the discussion properly.

2018-02-02 16:53:51 UTC  

Use a dialectic to dissect their ad hominem: "What do you mean by supremacist?" (they say you're ebil here) "Well, I've never said I wanted to do that, and our organization's charter doesn't say anything about doing that, and there's no reason I would want to do that, it doesn't make sense, you are smearing us without evidence."

2018-02-02 17:52:07 UTC  

Using the "If you say I'm X, then I proudly am X" is only used by provocetuers who want to sound witty.

2018-02-02 17:52:22 UTC  

In all honesty.

2018-02-02 17:53:26 UTC  

The narrative of a normie alligns with the narrative of the establishment we're against. It does us no good to affirm the narrative of the former because normies won't pick up on the irony we're implying.

2018-02-02 17:55:37 UTC  

Normies and the establishment are essentially a unified entity for the sake of analyzing optics strategies. You have to destroy the narrative before you can fend it off in witty ways. Divide the two portions of the establishment so there's an audience for the irony to begin with.

2018-02-02 17:56:20 UTC  

Audience is the most tantamount part in optics and appeal. People often forget that for the sake of riding ideological euphoria.

2018-02-02 17:59:12 UTC  

Have you established an audience? Then by all means, affirm you're a nazi, evil, white supremacist, etc. Then, people realize that the narrative is nonsence and are inclined to support you in humiliating whoever calls you that. Surefire way to garner support for even those watching online. Spectators see an audience and subconsciously assume who has the best argument and who holds the most moral ground by their group support.

2018-02-02 18:00:05 UTC  

That's how normies function. Via popular opinion. The gravity of what you say is thereby aleviated to a certain extent at that point.

2018-02-02 18:51:10 UTC  

For the same reason we don’t accept the DREAMER paradigm as legitimate because why the hell should we, I don’t believe accepting their definition of white supremacy is a good idea. Overton ain’t even close to far enough for us to consider that yet imo

2018-02-02 18:53:57 UTC  

Okay lads, I'm not saying we accept their definition of white supremacy or start calling ourselves white supremacists. I'm saying that a fair response to "You're a white supremacist" is "To the extent that you mean I wish to maintain the European cultural and political character of the United States, you're correct." I bring it up because that is, in fact, what they mean when they call us supremacists.

2018-02-02 18:54:43 UTC  

It's an easy follow up with "Because, if that's what you mean, every nation on earth is supremacist, and should be."

2018-02-02 18:55:49 UTC  

But this has probably gone long enough for discussion here and we should discuss anything further in <#358403210618339338>.

2018-02-02 21:10:11 UTC  

Smash that comments section 🅱ois

2018-02-02 22:10:48 UTC  

"Eugene Antifa"

2018-02-02 22:11:07 UTC  

Is that supposed to be a name?

2018-02-02 22:11:17 UTC  

Oh wait, it's the city

2018-02-02 22:19:03 UTC  

"The truth, with a lowercase t, is that there isn’t much difference between the desires of humanity on the alt-right and the far-left, among Nazis, Jews or my knitting circle. The desire to be a participant in something greater than oneself is a formidable urge embedded within every human being, regardless of his or her religion, race or creed."

2018-02-02 22:19:32 UTC  

I mean, this is far more than any ((())) I've seen give us credit for.

2018-02-02 23:50:53 UTC fellas lets make accounts on this site and follow Patrick. Boost his internet 🇨 lout

2018-02-02 23:51:15 UTC  

It takes 2 minutes and can be done anonymously

2018-02-03 01:00:45 UTC  

Tweet this to Tucker!
Check out @thetolerantman’s Tweet:

2018-02-03 01:12:03 UTC  

>"You can't stop it"

2018-02-03 01:30:30 UTC  

I think we need to give more credit to the "turn it into a meme" technique. This is something that gets talked about a lot on TRS. Basically it's the idea that you can take a talking point that leftists use repeatedly and essentially turn it into a joke by refuting it and making fun of it over and over again consistently.

This is why they stopped calling us "NAZI NAZI NAZI" in debates.

This is why "But what is white?" is quickly being abandoned by leftists.

This is why cuckservatives can now be effectively brushed aside EFFECTIVELY with a "muh constitution" or "at least I still have the Constitution" macro.

In my opinion, all leftist name calling and argumentation should be turned into gay memes. The same way leftists won the public over by painting religious people and conservatives as embarassingly out of touch.