
Discord ID: 492760139284348939

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2019-04-15 22:03:05 UTC [The Ice Wall #members-log]  

2019-10-21 23:34:48 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

the earth is not exactly round but circular

2019-10-24 18:45:51 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

shut up mate

2019-12-28 04:45:49 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

no but i like to hear others opinions

2019-12-28 04:52:14 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Actually i believe reality in itself is a construct which each and every one of us has conceived in our own ways, Ever wondered why you can't remember being really young and such but now your whatever old you are that's because your mind is actually in a subconscious state in which all of us are basically dreaming, So when we die we could wake up whoever knows anywhere, So the world as "I know it to be" is indeed round because my mind and such tells me so however if we die and when we die and if we wake up we will know the answers, So i leave you this question If we all die one day and we wake up from a bad dream per say and we thought we where all actually living but it was just one dream then anything that happened in the dream was it true or false?.

2019-12-28 05:00:29 UTC [The Ice Wall #flat-earth]  

Yes but if we are all in a dream state and everything we have ever known is actually all been a dream then we actually know nothing, Lets say the most we actually know about our universe is the room you wake up in and that's it everything else is a knew concept, Then what?

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