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Alcohol is no excuse for losing your temper

This is why in Germany we had the "Nacht der langen Messer" to get rid of bad-temper politicians in the 3rd Reich.

Little being a prime candidate

holy shit

Little "have you heard about the frankfurt school" "get back to me when you did"

I wanna debate him

"Have you read the authoritarian personality"


Little is even worse than Cantwell

@Metaphysical Monarchist Maybe but he has huge temper problems. Cantwell is exactly like Ernst Rรถhm

@Boffin Frog Yes, he was gay and he had huge temper problems

Little nominated for "Nacht der langen Messer" confirmed

I love Jews

@RampantKaisa I never saw a tranny in real life, in America this seems normal. But yet i always get told Germany is cucked

@shinjitsu If it's german. Very old

@shinjitsu The only old american car i have good experiences with are early 1970s Ford Mustangs. And Ford wrote a great book that was a bestseller in Germany

Here is the bookd by Henry Ford from my collection that was a bestseller in Germany. Can recommend 5/5

@Boffin Frog The old S6 is amazing and super reliable indeed. The newer versions from 2009 on not so much

@TransEgoistCatGirl๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป It sucks that there are no english translations of all the "culture of critique" type books written by Germans between 1920-1945. Obviously some (((people))) in america didn't want these translated. But believe it or not, there is a "Culture of Critique" that is much better written by Alfred Rosenberg called "Der Sumpf" (english: The Swamp)

written in 1928 and oddly prophetic

Another good book that was never translated from 1941 which is about Hollywood degeneracy, sexual assault and investigations on jewish Washington politicians

Harvey Weinstein etc. were basically prophecised in the 1930s Germany

thats from a book from 1937

>having fat chicks in your country #JustAmericanThings

Anyone here got rare Boomer memes? Here is my rarest

@Boffin Frog Languages are always worth learning, my wife is french and learned german pretty quickly by watching her fav american tv-series (which she watched already but wanted to watch again) with german voice over and german subtitles. So if you wanna learn, i suggest this method before any costly computer program or app

whats "omw" i'm too old and too foreign for your fancy teenager slang

@Boffin Frog Yeah Duolingo is pretty good, she used that and pirated rosetta stone on the side

@dirt flakes I'm 30, not sure if that makes me a boomer yet



I've been making fun of boomers and collecting their boomerposts on twitter since a year, but ive always been one myself

Here is one of my favourites of my boomerposting collection

@IAmHiding Ja! Ich bin unglaublich wรผtend!

>boomerposting intensifies

@Metaphysical Monarchist How come? Reagan was the only post-WW2 US president who ignored jewish whining and accepted the invitation of german chancellor Helmut Kohl to pay respects and visit a german WW2 cemetary (including Waffen SS soldiers). So among german WW2 vets and heir children and grandchildren, Reagan is considered pro-german-ww2-vets

If any American didn't know about Reagan triggering the jews and paying respects to german WW2 Waffen SS veterans despite american jews whining about him: - worth watching, i timestamped the start

I like my new Boomer color

Share your boomerposts

No but if you think both are "leftwing" youre a boomer

still can't believe the absolute state of american christians being zionist

Why Ben Shapiro isn't our friend

@Metaphysical Monarchist Dinesh is the worst, i read the whole book, it has made up lies and fake sources on every 2nd to 3rd page, not kidding

My favourite from my collection of the american right who are historically dishonest like that jewish american guy who claimed to be a survivor and ended up being called out and saying: "It was real in my mind!"

I wonder if DInesh knows Antifa was formed before the SA, and the SA, Wehrwolf and other rightwing militias were formed in response to combat Antifa

or if he's just retarded and earns a million dollars from uneducated americans

Antifa has it's roots in 1916 by german mlitary servuce dodgers, name was adopted by 1926. before that it was the "Rote Front", then "Spartakus Bund", then after german patriots killed the Spartakus leaders (who were all jewish coincidentally) they were "Rote Frontkรคmpfer" then in 1926 the propaganda wing of the german communist "Rote Front" was called "Antifaschistische Aktion" and later when the Rote Front was outlawed they adopted "Antifaschistische Aktion" as both Propaganda arm and Militia. That was all before Hitler

Just as a quick rundown for the people in here who didn't know about that

more americans should know that history

Here a picture of a makeshift car of the "Schwarzer Haufen" of the Freikorps who fought the communists after Bavaria turned communist in 1919 for a short time.

>tfw you'll never be as cool

Retirment? Fucking Americans. You work until you're dead

Work is Love Work is Life

Arbeit macht frei


That makes me boomer too? Damn

its just a german trait

@cutchie I kinda agree. In Germany, especially the nationalist and right wing parts here, we grow up with the "Weltanschauung" of our grandfathers pounded into us. So you got a point with Double Boomer

@Metaphysical Monarchist Long lunchbreaks? It's 1 hour

thats barely enough for a Bratwurst and a Bier



Here 1 hour is mandatory since 1892

School breaks are 15 minutes here

at 10:30 am and at 13:00

And we Germans make fun of SPaniards for their "Siesta" and how they make too long breaks

guess americans are the real ARBEITER then

Probably explains why so many american POWs had high positions in german POW camps work-wise

American POWs were usually the Managers of workgroups, workgroups were usually canadians, australians and brits


Also drinking 1 Beer Bottle (0,5 liters = 16.9 fl oz) is allowed in Germany because culturally Beer is considered "a good lunch" and "fluid bread"

i bet in the US thats not allowed at work

@Deleted User ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Deleted User I'm married but thanks

well my wife is french, so thre's that

well, she's from Alsace-Lorraine (which is rightful german land: ElsaรŸ-Lothringen) so i guess she's a bastard german/french woman

@Deleted User Already started planning on it a few months ago because my parents are in retirement, so if we wanna travel, my parents can take the baby/kids. (German old people absolutely love taking care of babies and kids) Gotta make use of that

We've been together since 2006, so it's about time. I got to know her because she's an anti-semite and asked about my grandfathers

true love

@Deleted User Leaving your kids with your parents is good. My parents did that all the time, and my grandparents (maternal and paternal) were borth soldiers in the Waffen-SS and redpilled me on the JQ and WW2 from Age 6 on. Nothing bad about that

My paternal grandfather i had to spent a hell of a lot of time with because my parents vacationed a lot. Best childhood ever

@Deleted User and here my maternal grandpa i had to spent almost all summer with beause my parents wanted to travel. Had to help him on his farm, hunting etc. So yeah, i prefer a kid spending time with grandparents


@IAmHiding Every German does, which is why it's sad that so many germans up north hate their grandparents

@Deleted User harsh when it comes to work, harsh when it comes to manners, nice when it comes to candy and swiss chocolate. Or what do you mean, be more direct haha

@Deleted User Well my paternal grandfather you just saw on that picture who was a soldier in the SS-VT during 1939-1940 and 1st SS Divison "Adolf Hitler" until Hungary 1945 is still alive at the age of almost 98. I don't keep him too informed on the alt-right but he's already happy and surprised that so many young americans don't fall for the Hollywood Propaganda and in general has a positive attitude for the future

Btw. since so many americans think Germany is sooooooo cucked especially regarding WW2. Here is a typical grave with swastika and all you find almost on any german cemetary. Yet in the USA they tear down confederate statues.

@Deleted User No, only if you use them for propaganda

I can own swastika flags, hang my living room with it, etc

Ja ich bin deutsch aus Bayern

Here another grave on a graveyard close to where i live

despite the "SS" runes being illegal

all depends on context

Here a grave from a pagan family here in Bavaria (despite what Nick tells you, over here Pagan Traditonalists and Catholic Traidtionalists have joined forces in order to keep german tradition alive). Nick is young and hasnt left the USA, but this is an example where he is wrong

Here a pagan grave in Bavaria with pagan symbolism (Keep in mind, thats pre-christian pagan tradition over here in Germany and Europe, not that neo-pagan faggot shit that is popular in the USA)

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