
Discord ID: 400094768320741387

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Last time i've been on this discord was 3 months ago, now i don't recgonize anyone

@Godโ€™s Plan you can do that yourself, click on the microphone

@Punished Scaredd bitch please, i'm german, by being in here i tread on thin ice. Also i've been here since "Thรผringen" was still a moderator


I joined because im watching Nicks show right now and figured "hey, havnt been in here since January, let's check

but now all the names i knew arent even here

Alright mate

No idea. Oh wait

@Deleted User alles klar und bei dir?

I know why it says i'm new though

*geht gut. geht gut



this discord with this account

I'm german and i have more than onediscord account and dont spent all day in discord, no 1st amandment here mate

looks more like indian poo in loo

@Punished Scaredd did my grandfather put you in a ghetto or what's your problem? calm down

your grandfather*

you sound like ben shapiro during one of his anti german rants

you mad that you're just 1/8 german el goblino? Beruhige dich mein Freund

you obviously do, seeing your whiny bitching the past 10 minutes

but is okay


It's 2:47 am here, so give me a break la creatura

@Marcus Antonius Nothing to be proud about the past 10 years, unless you're bavarian, but touchรฉ

@Punished Scaredd Haha, nรถ, aber zeig deine Eifersucht gegenรผber Deutschen wie mir weiterhin, macht mir genug SpaรŸ ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Marcus Antonius Haha, okay youre a breitbart reader, makes sense

you guys done yet?

@Marcus Antonius Glad the Hasbara shilling is working on you, anyway this is getting tiresome. But feel free to continue

@Marcus Antonius when did i ever say Germany is in a good shape? I'm glad i'm Bavarian because we are the texas of Germany and sent all muslim migrants up north to the lefty german states. Just saying Germany isnt remotely as cucked as the UK or France etc.

at least we can own guns here

@Deleted User We voted for the CSU, that's the nationalist wing of the CDU. And the CSU wants to split from the CDU since Merkel turned into a refugee-cocksucking whore. Nobody in Bavaria voted for Merkel.

@! Blanc Spooky Lowee Yeah, BBQ and Marcus Antonius read Breitbart so they believe Germany is a completely free country who choose everything that happens. Fun fact: Before Merkel turned into a migrant lover she was to the right of Ted Cruz. The change suddenly came in 2014. But hey, Breitbart says we Germans VOTED for 2 million migrants. (((Breitbart))) says so

@Marcus Antonius Are you american? Because America decided for us to have no free speech in the 1980s when Helmut Kohl wanted to get rid of post-WW2 anti-nazi laws (implemented by the US occupation). But hey, we Germans have total control ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Marcus Antonius "Is German sovereign?" I grew up close to a US Military base here in Bavaria and american military police did the traffic spots close to the base and in general had more power than the german police. That was in the 1990s


@Marcus Antonius Nah, im not blaming America, i'm blaming your massively jewish Washington

and it's influence on american foreign relations

@Marcus Antonius Dรผnkirchen*

"You shouldnt have lost". No shit haha. The difference is, i don't blame the american WW2 veterans for fighting against my grandparents and my friends. Not their fault they thought they fight for a better Europe

In fact, american WW2 veterans here in Germany still went to Waffen SS Veteran meetings until 2004. I always went there with ,y grandpa and every Waffen SS Soldier respected every american WW2 veteran and vice versa. Too bad many young americans don't have that view

nor germans for that matter

@Marcus Antonius I know that for a fact. One of my grandfathers was a Waffen-SS Soldier and fought in Alsace-Lorraine with the 6th Waffen SS-Division against the american 70th Division. And after the war both former enemies met up and had beers every other year. I think most american WW2 veterans knew they should have fought further east with us.

Kinda like Patton thought


@Marcus Antonius In todays Germany? Depends on the state. In Bavaria most people are traditional catholics, so here not every well. In Berlin however..

Guy on the far left with the ammo belt is my maternal grandfather just before Autumn 1944 preparing for a Raid on suspected french commie Maquis partisans in the Alsace region. After the war he still met up with american WW2 vets until 2010. And in my experience most american WW2 vets i met were respectful of german veterans, however american film industry did a hell of a job brainwashing non-ww2 veteran americans to demonize the germans

@Metaphysical Monarchist No, how? thats a private picture and german laws here in bavaria regarding WW2 are lax. We can even create a website for our family members if they were WW2 vets and praise them (yeah that must sound pathetic to americans with free speech, but here thats a big deal)

We are also the only state where we have public yearly Events for our WW2 veterans where Bundeswehr soldiers join in to pay their respects. The other states except Thรผringen outlawed it because "you cannot praising nazis"


wait lemme scan in some pictures of one of such events recently, brb

Back. Here an austrian SS-Fallschirmjรคger Veteran during the Waffen-SS Veteran meeting and "christening" of the new Fallschirmjรคger monument at the austrian and german border. Soldiers in the background are austrian. That was a few years ago and such events are only allowed in Bavaria, Thuringia and Austria

Yes. Especially Switzerland, Austria and Bavaria because same culture. Consider that Germany was more like a a bunch of smaller countries with germans until 1849. Except Bavaria and Austria where there have been reunifications before.

Where did everyone go? Call in show lobby empty

@Boffin Frog To where? America? Yeah quiet a few did

Yes, just checking where everyone i prev talked to went

@Boffin Frog Yes, i think they started to restrict german language stuff because of WWI, and even more so because of WWII i assume. I've only been to Pennsylvania, Michigan and Texas so far, visited some very german towns in those 3 states, still nice to know they exist

Guess i gotta check out Ohio next time, what area exactly?

Young soldier giving the Traditional Waffen-SS Fallschirmjรถger Standarte (minus swastika) to the veteran before the ceremony

And here a SS-Fallschirmjรคger Veteran wearing his Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross during the ceremony. In Bavaria this is all allowed, in Berlin etc. it's not. He died last year at the age of 101

@Boffin Frog Wisconsin is pretty german too i heard yeah. Just checked where Portage county is, so close to Minnesota, Germans and Norwegians checks out . And yeah if it's a rare german name, better not, same here. But in general i stumbled across lots of Americans with german lastname, most didn't pronounce them correctly but that makes sense after a few generations have passed

Whereis Nick online? Stream says it's offline

Didn't Alex Jones recently basically talked about the JQ? They talked about him talking about it on TDS. Not going all the way, but a bit

@ChillS I'm German, of course i don't know any jews, they are all gone for some mysterious reason


@Boffin Frog Yes that makes sense, i work as historian and did my Masters on german family names (including jewish german family names) And Beimesche is the original, this later changed to "Beideresche" (Bei Der Esche) because of grammar changes 200 years ago. So if your name is Beimesche you got a cool and unchanged german name and prob left before the grammar reforms

@ChillS Depends on your definition. I'm not a "Muh jew are the evil in the world" type of guy. But the majority of jews are heavily leftwing. So generalizations come natural. Kinda like we Germans are always called "nazis" by american jews whenever one of our politicians complains about holocaust reperations. It's a mutual thing ๐Ÿ˜‰

The NSDAP pretty much financially supported jewish nationalists in Germany in the early 1930s to move to Israel. Something Ben Shapiro doesn't like to talk about

Little seems a bit odd, he has some good points but he seems a bit too Nehlen, you know, the "forced" kind

@ChillS Good point, Women are a sex though, Jews are a people. Black people are a race, not "a people". But if we talk America, then yes, Women and Black people are waaaaay more leftwing than american jews

@Boffin Frog Nick is still young and yeah maybe that's me talking because i'm 10 years older. But Nick didn't read too much on certain topics yet. I remember when he embraced the Catalonian Independence movement (which is very leftwing, pro communist, anti franco spaon etc.) and when i asked him live during his stream and told him to read up on the Spanish Civil War, he said that he has yet to read up on it. So yeah

That said, when i was his age i wasn't nearly as logical as he is today

Sweat RN?

@Punished Scaredd Depends on the blacks. I find american blacks to be mostly bad and cultureless. Yet when i spent a year in Namibia (former german colony) i found every black person there to be the exact opposite of any black person in America

@Punished Scaredd Are you american? Because i think blacks in America are so unique and have a bad stereotype because of america's culture. Or well, what happened to black american culture in the 1960s

entitlement, artifical black culture etc

But why is parenting so bad among blacks in america?

@Metaphysical Monarchist Fun Fact: The company that bought the patent for Oxycodone from us Germans was lead by jews and this company KNEW it was super addictive and bad, why? Because we Germans used it during World War 2 and during the Weimar Republic and the addiction potential has horrible effets. We Germans passed this on but the company decided to tell the american people it's not that addictive. - Reaaaally helping the bad jewish stereotypes there

In fact, there are bad reports on Oxycodone by us Germans from 1924-1945 that say its more addictive than Morphine, yet the american company decided to ignore it

It was also used instead of Morphone for german soldiers in WW2, and it produced quiet a few german junkies during the war, Hermann Gรถring being one of them

yeah, they wanted profits

i hope their company gets sued into oblivion soon

because they were provided the studies and bad experiences by the german company who created oxycodone

and willfully ignored it


Am i missing a debate between Nick and Little or whats up?

i wanna watch


Got it. Good. (Sometimes Youtube Streams are banned in Germany)


Little talks like a retard

obvious fed in my opinion

kinda like Cantwell

no temper control

or on purpose

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