
Discord ID: 376757449148989440

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Outside MSM leftists still have really strong corporate "new" factions that are hugely impactful

most people out in aus havent heard of antifa unless its through some shit like vice or the guardian, in which case "good on em"

saw an article spouting tim pool as the leader of antifa, and Big Man Tyrone as the leader of kekistan an "alt right haven"

the power of the narrative to completely disintegrate any form of real journalism is insane

is it in motion? sorry outsider to the US, havent heard about this before

pomo needs to be dismantled so acts of journalism can be performed

right now shit is thrown against the wall and what sticks is the postmodern narrative

so does a shift in audience interest need to happen, to help the market of real journalism?

well I'd say you've all done good work in making that happen

I like this idea, maybe tactics should be shifted then

perhaps they just need to be amplified

To be honest I think it would only take one of two cultural hubs to be toppled for enough people to become disenfranchised, accelerationism is the best tactic for this I think

So to have these people have something honest fair and liberating to fall onto should be that goal

(this is already happening ๐Ÿ‘ )

well Im just speaking from experiance, it could be better defined I think for sure

In what ways do you think it could improve?

on what scale do you think we should be looking at? Is this a grassroots solution or should an attempt be made to connect preexisting people and ideas to create the movement?

Im fully on board with this, the market is there so what you're putting forward is spot on

have any attempts been made at this "rebrand" (or movement or what ever the fuck its called)

mmmm yes, I often wonder if there is talk between sargon and co about this

capitalise away I'd say, youd come out with a far more positive resualt that the reset of the media

who would you like to see involved?

wondering if some kind og coalition would be enough

Ok, excuse my ignorance, Im going to be wrong here, but its an idea

is it possible you use something like the amazon cloud to build a streaming platform explicitly for this purpose?

an independant jouralist platform that have a code of ethics for people to access

I would be interested in being involved if at all necessary

is this the best place to find you to discuss?

sounds great

I have a few ideas but im sure people on here have more/greater expertise in making it happen

lowering the age of marriage

yeah right, I'm in australia and just checked out the Fabian Society. I have no idea of the foothold they have here

the power theyve had in past PM's is pretty intense but yeah, I guess we should be glad our climate isnt as full as say the US

so is r/politics full of neo-progressives. Was just having a look through and its hard not to go crazy not buying into the doctrine of it all


Im somewhat glad in not in the states but I live in an ultra-progressive bubble, sometimes its feels like fucking stasiland or something

whats the deal with Q & /pol/?

was going to make a meme but cant be fucked, the question should be read in jerrys voice however

haha I didn't know it was vee until he paused and started talking, I think he's hilarious in his delivery of points

but jesus christ this yee guy hs to be trolling right? please?

ok โœฟ Mittens โœฟ, I'm new to this thread so you can call me stupid, If you want to have a proper argument Im here because you're wrong on SO many levels, and sorry but what you've lent at college isn't reality so please stop calling people uninformed

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